This is weird Sup Forums. Is there someone trying to scare me by writing my name and "WatchingYou" on the name.
I never made a post using those names.
>inb4 phone poster
This is weird Sup Forums. Is there someone trying to scare me by writing my name and "WatchingYou" on the name
Yes. I'm watching you Christian.
You appear to be fucked m8
The options suggests my email. But I'm more worried about the name
You or someone using your phone filled a "name" form with those. It could have been in any site, not exclusively on Sup Forums.
This still doesn't explain the name and the WatchingYou. This is the only site I visit from time to time and YouTube so there is no way for me to type WatchingYou or my name. I checked my other phone and that one listed my name too but without the WatchingYou
Someone MUST have touched your phone and typed that on any site with a "name" form.
This is a fact, your device cannot be hacked to have that and there isn't a magical way to appear.
So, stop being a dumbfuck and check to whom you lend your phone.
>options suggests email
>not sage
you have to go back, Christian
Autofill is gay.
NSA's new black book project, enjoy OP
Interesting. I've been getting this ad for the past few threads.
Forgot to mention I'm living alone and I keep my phone with me at all times. The fuck is this, I don't know. Installed 2 antivirus on this shit phone and it detected nothing so yeah, it's not a virus.
The fuck are you talking about.
I'm not trolling
Holy shit. Im not going insane yet?
ITT: Stupid phonefags and people who don't know how to use adblockers
But if you don't click the ads, you might miss out on a good opportunity!
You're retarded, you typed that on a random thread and forgot about it or something.
Your device cannnot, magically have that input on it unless you type it.
Stop making stupid threads
nsa is watching you, christian
Russian hackers
>Remote control of any device is impossible.
Ok Juan.
Hello OP,
This is you are father.
I am watching you.
You are dad