>white people are the tallest
>white people are the most attractive
>white men are the only ones who can compete with the BBC
>white people are the smartest
>only japs and south koreans are slightly smarter than them (chinks are fucking cheaters so they don't count)
>white people created civilization
>white people colonized the whole world, except Japan, Korea and Thailand
>white people created basically everything
>mfw non white
White people are the tallest
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw nigger
fucking erase me
But we didn't gas all the kikes. Ultimately, we've failed.
Goddammit. Hate when I forget to change back from my larp flag.
Pink People?
>The strongest race
Prove me wrong, nigger.
replace white with nordic and you might be on to something
Shameful display!
>that feeling when both asian and european
just b yourself
Kys you self hating spic
Don't be so down nigger man, because you are the only race without Neanderthal DNA you might prove to be useful. More useful than the rest anyway and worth keeping around.
>tfw only half white
pls kill me
Get out of this country now you subhuman
Indonesians are Indian-tier, not Nip-tier.
better be east asian. inb4 your beta dad got a jungle nigger wife like a thai or flip
>and Thailand
Wasn't it French for a while?
What ancient monuments do you have in Finland? We are not taking about some Nokia phone pyramid!
lol guys whats with all the beans having an existential crisis recently? Just stop being a pussy and live to constantly better yourself and to make sure your children don't grow up to be subhumans, fuck stop it with the self pity. Is it Sup Forums that gets you down? Then get the fuck off and go outside or learn how to take the bantz you paper skinned bitch.
thats not a good thing
Cuck. I'm pure Spanish Mexican though so I don't share your feel