The new normal
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Samsung is shit and although I've bought 2 of their shitty TVs recently, ill never buy another Samsung anything.
>A certain (((organization)) has a meeting a week ago.
>Suddenly all these MIX WITH NIGGERS NOW WHITE PEOPLE ads are popping up out of no where.
omg never gonna buy Samsung
Samsung is shit because they spread fake rumors about Plasma technology
LCD a shit
really uhhhh
makin me think
Shits gonna backfire.
Sometimes I think these people want the race war more than us. They can't possibly be this stupid.
>Beatles song
>lyrics: "Nothing's gonna change my world"
Nothing to see here.
The new normal.
It already is backfiring. Both this and the refugee video from the other day have a ton of dislikes.
Its a wonderful feeling isn't it?
idk, commercials/movies like this might actually influence niggers, to be more civilized. here's to hoping
I don't read Deutsch plz translate
It's a genetic impossibility. It's like asking a fish to live on land.
>Shits gonna backfire. Sometimes I think these people want the race war more than us. They can't possibly be this stupid.
Chabad cult is a doomsday cult and they are even in the White House now!
"Nicht nur träumen, sondern machen"
Pic related
what ((organization)) has a meeting last week?
>the new normal
>no white children
I wonder who came up with this ad?
A Tavistock band for a Tavistock campaign . Makes sense.
german bro pls
more like #TheJewNormal
They can't. They're biologically incapable.
>pic related
That's basically the translation of that, I'm serious.
The deleted my comment from yesterday
fucking cucks
Feelings don't matter. That is how the jews conquered us when we outnumber them 100 to 1. They manipulated your feelings. Everyone on Sup Forums pretends they are invulnerable and immune to criticism, but that's because we're being attacked here 25/7
just fucking buy it so that they'll make better vr porn
Bilderberg Group