This is the new french Minister of Armies

This is the new french Minister of Armies.
Say something nice about her

At least she is already wearing white

I want to fuck her mouth until her jaw goes numb

Nice forehead




none of this cuck shit surprises me

please tell me what qualifications she has (besides a vagina) that makes her a good choice to control the military?

>fagapcha makes me click 50 times on cars

Does she have a benis?

so basically every minister of defence in europe is led by a woman. it's time to attack for whoever wants to


She is not a tranny

I think western European countries need to get invaded or something so they can man up. What a joke have they become.

Literally who?

she has to pretty blue eyes and is a redhead

i believe it works differently in Europe she is just a liaison that is why she can be a civilian maybe im wrong

Absolutely barbaric


She doesn't look like a straight up feminazi. Never known women to handle the military well either though.

>Military anything
Good thing the legion doesn't answer to the government, otherwise they would be fucked

Looks like a pussy. Maddog would take her apart

her breath smells of semen


He's too busy sucking jewish and saudi cock for that to happen

> the legion doesn't answer to the government

She probably smells nicer than the working men in the Armies of which she is the Minister

Carpet match drapes = fire in le hole!