I missed it. What fun and exciting things did Sup Forums have to say to defend the Philando Castile verdict?
I missed it. What fun and exciting things did Sup Forums have to say to defend the Philando Castile verdict?
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dont reach for a weapon when an officer is telling you to not reach for a weapon
Well, I'm sure as shit not carrying anymore.
>lol top kek legal gun owner shot dead
You all deserve the gas if you can't see the horrible injustice in this case.
Today it's a nigger...
... tomorrow it's your inbred relatives in Montana or Tennessee.
He was reaching for his wallet.
If he wanted to shoot the cop, why would he announce that he had a gun first instead of surprising him?
There's no evidence that he did, and he said he wasn't.
>Today it's a nigger...
>... tomorrow it's your inbred relatives in Montana or Tennessee.
Keep both hands on the fucking wheel if you got a gun on you and the cop will be chill, god damn. Don't reach for your gun like a nigger
"imma have to take it out"
>7 shots in chest
Dont be getting high while carrying. It voids the permit that they claimed he had, but actually he was not permitted to carry
>oh wow the criminal said he wasnt raping my daughter so he must not have been teehee
>There's no evidence that he did, and he said he wasn't.
Hol up, so, um, you be sayin dat, um, he, um, dindu nuffin?
It's a weak argument and you should give it up. If he wanted to get out his gun, he wouldn't have told the officer he had one.
You fucking leave my inbred relatives out of this.
Yep. You don't declare you have a gun then reach into your clothing without warning.
Cop made the right call, it's not worth bettering his life on what that kid was reaching for.
He literally didn't. You can see for yourself on both videos.
Meme all you want. He was shot for no reason.
>tell someone you have a gun
>reach for back pocket after being told not to
I'm not justifying the officers actions but i think both parties are at fault
Shot because he gave the officer reason to fear for his life.
If a cop tells you to stop doing what you're doing, you should stop what you're doing. If what he is telling you to stop doing is "reaching into your pocket after informing the officer you are armed", you should REALLY stop doing it.
Really though, don't get high and drive with a firearm you aren't licensed to be carrying. Common sense if you ask me.
>cop asks him to get out his ID
>he tries to get out his ID
>cop unloads on him
The fact that the gun was declared like it's supposed to doesn't make it more dangerous. He could have been reaching for anything no matter what he said. Should he still have gotten shot if he went against regulations and didn't declare the gun?
What's there to say?
Just another dumb dead nigger.
He should've cooperated and communicated better.
>firearm you aren't licensed to be carrying
u wot m8
>If what he is telling you to stop doing is "reaching into your pocket
The cop didn't even say that. He just said not to pull the gun out. So when he says that, you're supposed to forget that he just asked for your ID?
We have a system of justice that has been built for centuries. It's not perfect, but you're not going to find a better system.
All these arm chair jurors are reaching conclusions based on their fee fees. I'll trust the actual jurors that heard all the evidence and considered it for days before rendering their verdict.
He wasn't a legal gun owner and he was told to stop reaching and he didn't. Now he's dead.
Yep, desu it's definitely partially the cops fault. Once he declared he had a gun the cop should have told him to forget the ID and put his hands on the wheel. The nigger's brain couldn't put 2 and 2 together so the cop needs to help him out.
>asked for licence
>"i have a firearm"
>reach for something
>get shot
He could just, you know, keep his mouth shut and reach for his wallet and everything would have been fine.
I never seen a nigger in my life.
It was a shocking experience just how retarded niggers are.
Cop tells him not to pull it out.
Proceeds to pull it out.
Gets shot.
>I'll trust the actual jurors that heard all the evidence and considered it for days before rendering their verdict.
Ok, you need to stop right there. Why is "all the evidence" being kept the public? Secret trials are antithetical to a free society. That's not "the best sistem of justice in teh world xD". That's some scary stuff.
For someone with an ancap flag, it's disturbing that you're trusting the gobmint to do your thinking for you.
You're supposed to use your brain and realize that reaching for your ID is pretty similar to reaching for your gun. You should instead calmly say
> Officer I can't get my ID as it will look like I could be drawing my firearm, what do you want me to do?
While putting your hands on the wheel.
You might have the common sense to inform the officer that your ID is in the same pocket as your firearm. This would likely lead to the officer asking you to step out of the vehicle in order to safely remove the weapon and retrieve your ID. Telling the officer "naw dawg, muh piece is in da way!" is not going to put him at ease as you fiddle around in your pocket with unknown intentions. Enough police are shot this way to put them on edge.
The cop had the licence way before the shooting.The nigger didnt reached for the wallet/licence.
If you hold a carry permit you are required to tell the officer first thing you are carrying if stopped.
Peasant poors are praising it because you know blue lives matter or some dumb shit.
What the hell was he doing reaching for his pockets then? Did he want to pull the firearm out himself to hand it to the officer?
What kind of fantasy world do you live in? About 3-4% of the population commits half of all the murders and cops are supposed to ignore that? Funny how third parties with no experience are always well positioned to know what everyone else should have done
>Guy gets shot after declaring his firearm
"He shouldn't have said anything!"
>Guy gets shot after not declaring his firearm
"He shouldn't have made it look like he was trying to keep it secret!"
He didn't pull it out.
If he hadn't said anything about the firearm license, the cop wouldn't have gone into happy trigger mode.
Itt. People defending the dindu narrative even though said dindu did not follow the officers orsers, causing him to feel unsafe. Cops have the right to kill if threatened.
>but he reached for the wallet, not his gun
When a cop tells you not to reach for something YOU DONT KEEP REACHING
Why would the cop go to happy trigger mode though?
Kind of messed up. But the officer was a PoC so the liberals won't do anything. And he was a cop so conservatives don't care. Combine that with the victim being a nigger and it's like the trifecta of *shrugs* in America.
FUck off JIDF
Why are you excepting civilians to think all these things through on the spot? They're not trained. The cops are supposed to be trained, but somehow it's still justified when they get nervous and shoot someone innocent.
>ayy lmao officer i have a gun
>reach for something
See You dumb teanigger.
So your answer to my question is yes? You think he should have been shot no matter what?
Are you at the level of intelligence of a dog?You have to be trained like a dog,to not do stuff when the cop clearly tells you not to?
How are you even allowed to talk about guns? When is Theresa coming to knock on your door?
>and he said he wasn't.
"But I have too"
>legal gun owner
cuckolds everywhere
That was probably just registration and proof of insurance, which most people keep in the glovebox. Then you have to get your license out if your wallet.
16% or 13% to be more accurate.
Niggers cause a lot of mayhem
But my inbred relatives don't live there.
T. Arkansas
You are grasping at straws.The cop didnt aksed for anything else.Watch the video.Its a retarded nigger with under 50 IQ doing retarded stuff.
The trick here is both sides are being retarded.
There's no footage of what Philando was actually doing in the car seat. We hear the guy and his girlfriend saying 'I'm not reaching for my gun, I have a gun, I'm getting my wallet' and the officer yelling 'Don't go for the gun', then the dude is shot.
Cop was gonna walk no matter what because there's no body cam to show what Philando was doing.Gun rights or liberal shit don't matter here, same as Trayvon.
He was though senpai. He actually did have a carry license. His only prior offenses were driving POS cars
It's the law that you have to inform cops you have a gun, otherwise they can claim you hid it from them when they shoot you.
Irrelevant. Would you let me point a gun at you if I said I wasn't gonna shoot you?
i think nigger wasn't going to do bad things. It's just he nigger is so fucking dumb he doesn't know the consequences when he reaches his pocket
He remembered to declare that he had a firearm on him. I would think that he could also realize that this makes the cop way more nervous and he should avoid putting his hands anywhere near his pockets until they can get him out of the vehicle.
>are you at the level of intelligence of a dog
>be a good boy and follow master's orders or get shot!
Europe is fucking done
You should not have to be trained to know not to do the things he did. If an officer tells you to stop doing what you are doing, you stop. This is not rocket science. If you are unsure of what to do in an encounter with the police, simply do nothing until you ask for instructions.
I'm not sure how this is difficult for people to grasp. I realize that somebody will probably guffaw and say it's the attitude of a bootlicker, but the fact remains that if you follow some very simple bits of wisdom you will avoid this sort of outcome.
There is no both sides retarded.
You are a retard and deserve to be shot when you dont obey the police.The police is always right.If you feel the police wasnt right you can sue them after and get a fuckton of money.Case closed.
>Are you at the level of intelligence of a dog?
No, that's your mom.
If you're a student in class taking a test and you're not allowed to pull your cell phones out, do you get shot for reaching into your pockets to get a pen in your shithole country?
Hey mister brown man who thinks he's lighter than another ma. You are still a nigger to me.
It actually sucks that it happened
Having said that, niggers have cops on edge.
Dude its summer time what do you expect
Transcript from after he hands the officer his id and registration and then informs the officer that he has a CCW
Policeman: Well don't reach for it
Philado Castile: But I have To
Policemen: Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam
Please watch this portion of the video WITH AUDIO, Proceed to ROFL
Do not post edited pictures, thanks.
He tried to shoot the officer you stupid monkey.
The officer didn't say to stop what he was doing. He said not to pull the gun out, which he wasn't doing.
>B-but he should have thought exactly like me, behind a screen and without a cop inches from me!
Fuck off.
>gh, don't get high and drive with a firearm you aren't licensed to be carrying. Commo
For real. This cop was junior as fuck and freaked out.
However, he ain't going to jail because there's no footage of the person shot.
>If an officer tells you to stop doing what you are doing, you stop.
He never told him to stop. A clear demand is answered with clear compliance. A "don't reach for it!" isn't the same as a "freeze! don't reach!"
Shit-tier cop dumps half a mag into a car with a woman and child in it because he's unable to keep his cool and offer clear and concise demands. This is what happens when you let coloreds onto the force.
A jury listened to all the evidence and all of them found the police officer innocent.
Juries are actually right the vast majority of the time.
Holy shit. This is exactly what they said
>Nig: Sir I have to tell you I do have a firearm on me
>Police: Don't reach for it then, don't pull it out
>Nig: I'ma have to pull it out
>Police: Don't pull it out
>Nig: *pulls it out*
>shots fired, dead nigger
Welp I guess it's deserved.
>"Don't reach for it"
>Reaches for it
I really don't get how black people don't get how to interact with police yet.
>keep hands visible at all times
>follow instructions to the letter
>when in doubt don't do it
>announce what you are doing clearly and move slowly
There, problem solved.
They were plainly wrong about the two felony endangerment charges because the bullets could have easily ricocheted and hit the other two people in the car. There's really no debating that.
Link to the audio?
If an officer of the law tells you not to reach, do not reach.
It doesn't matter if its for your gun, for your wallet, for your knife, for your car keys, for your dildo, don't fucking do it.
The number. one. fucking. rule. to traffic stops with a CCW is DONT FUCKING TELL THEM YOU HAVE A GUN.
Just show them your ID.
If you're removed from the car they will ask you if you're armed THEN AND ONLY THEN explain to them that you're armed, where you're armed, and they will have you place your hands on your vehicle and disarm you themselves.
Then you show them your license or permit to carry.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Saying that you have to walk on eggshells like that is basically admitting that police are menaces to society.
>this is exactly what they said
>makes up a bunch of shit nobody said
>cop is so trigger happy, they start unloading BEFORE they've even seen what the perp is removing
There is no way on this planet that a cop with a gun pointed as someone will be slower to react than a nigger who has to first remove it, then point it, then start firing. The cop would've seen it was just a wallet if he'd waited, or he'd have seen it was a gun and STILL been able to unload before being in the firing line.
Long and short of it is your cops are armed cowards.
Skip to 1:30
Tell me what they said then. It's not too hard to hear.
Or that niggers have put police so far on edge that they fear for their lives? You don't have to do that in my country, but we don't have a massive nigger problem either.
If a police office fires a weapon in self defense against an attacker, the attacker is typically charged for endangering the lives of others through his actions and not the police officer.
Learn the law...
He literally says he's not going to.
I hear "I'ma have to pull it out" I don't see how you can interpret that any other way
black men between ages 13 and 30 (6% of POP)commit almost 40% of all murders
By not being deaf and being able to hear the word "not"
And the vast majority of those are against other niggers.
> Castile: I do have a firearm on me
> Cop: Don't reach for it then
> Castile: I'm reaching for it
> Castile: I'm not pulling it out
> Cop: Don't pull it out
> Shoots Castile
Seems pretty fucking clear to me Castile fucked up. 3 times he was told not to go for anything. Not once, but three times he was told.
Stupid idiot probably thought "I'm not 'pulling it out' I'm just going to give it to the cop." No you idiot, that means don't fucking touch it no matter what your intention might be.
It's like you guys have a childlike wonder of the world still. You don't understand that police aren't mind readers. They don't know you, they don't know if you're rational or irrational. When an officer tells you to not reach for something you stop reaching for it. If you were not reaching for it and this creates confusion you stop anyway and ask for clarification or instructions.
Actually, I now agree, I listened to it like 10 times now.
>Cop: well don't reach for it
>Castile: well I'm reachin- (interrupted, probably going to say reaching for my id)
>Cop: don't pull it out
>Castile: I'ma have to pull it out
That's what I hear.
No one with an IQ over 100 can explain the actions of a retarded nigger. All we can do is observe and never relax around black.
He actually said that he "hafta" reach for his weapon