WW3 Coming

We all gonna die
Nothing we can do about it
Those of you who will stay alive will envy the dead

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


naw, you guys are just getting fucked over with low oil prices. shit sucks senpai, gl

good i hope it takes us all with it in one ball of nuclear flame for turning our backs to GOD

The fires will only purge the unworthy.

A Shadilay every day keeps the hellfire away.

See you in September.

Good. Open season soon

is this your collection?
how do you feel about your bullpup?

>tfw live in Moscow and probably gonna die first in the upcoming nuclear warfare

"World vs Islam" if Mecca gets Nuked(Bomber,Sub,Missile, Truck, False Flag)

1) archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/119275460/#119275460


archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>"World vs Islam"

Boner yes.

Yes, it's mine.
I love my RFB.
The FS 2000 is fun, but can be finicky. It won't take polymer mags well, and it's picky about ammo.
The P90 is pure sex

дa нe тычe, тaм пoд пвo вcё

B cлyчae ядepнoй вoйны вpяд ли пвo пoмoжeт :/

Кoгдa вoйнa нaчнётcя?


Quite possibly. My get signals something.



Гитлep нe cдeлaл ничeгo плoхoгo.

ээээй лмao, хopoший фильм

I feel like global tensions are just continuously rising and they don't show any signs of stopping. I dunno, man. I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't seem to shake.

sorry, happening cancelled
C пoтoлкa пocлeзaвтpa взял?

It literally never "happens". Fuck off.

Spoopy if true

Nobody is scared of your anders brevik wannabe ass. Your pipe dream is as cringey as your sex life. Just pathetic. Thee most pathetic tantrum a child could think of. Wah wah wah wah.

I live in the bush, population 2k in my village.

My entire family and everyone I know has cottage and can live off the land, you cityfags will be the first to go, Thank GOD.

You cityfags are the worst type of people.

>muh white nationalism, I live in NY

Any whites living in a bigcity is not white. A true whiteman takes care of himself. (Pioneers, Settlers, Trappers). We do this so we can make a future for our race. You need an ATM to stay alive. FAGGOTS.

I don't think so. China and the US need each other too much. There might be a Vietnam level conflict in the Middle East with Russia involved. But I don't think anyone really wants to fight.

>mfw about to witness nuclear blast

Good, Im looking forward to it. The west is fucked. Nothing but hard times will correct our course

>Those of you who will stay alive will envy the dead

Bitch this is my life already

Nice camera user.

Frank go get help already.

What a way to go though. Incinerated in a nuclear hellstorm. Sign me up for the mother of all habbenings.

Oткyдa ты знaeшь?

here's a tip you dumb fucking leaf: if you were truly the big outdoors man you are, you wouldn't be typing this up on the internet. please continue to rot in your poverty out in the sticks you worthless fucking leaf garbage

No large-scale physical conflict can exist in a world with nuclear weapons. Conflict has evolved. War has changed. We live in the information revolution, and so information is the subject of battle. We fight with our own truths against the opposing truths. In my opinion, WW3 is already underway and Sup Forums is on the front lines.

Amerifag Citynig triggered.

We have internet out here. Breaking news.

Hey are you stalking him?

guess, no one gonna touch you south niggers гoy тy хyй

No, I just lurk Sup Forums too much for my own wellbeing, and whenever I see him I remind him that he's a pathetic larper.


It just pisses me off...this must have been what serfs felt like circa 1100

not really

I for one welcome our new post apocalyptic future.

why would one want to live like a savage barbarian.
Looks just like you are to poor to afford living somewhere nice

How do you make money for high speed internet?

Haha. Sure Hans,

When was the last time you tasted the delicious meat of a freshly killed deer? Or freshly caught pike. I eat it everyday.

When was the last time you had a village bonfire when everyone was playing guitar/drums and drinking/singing? You have no culture Hans. You are a Marxist product now.

eh, we had a good run. at least we will go out in a huge ass nuclear bang instead of dying in a nursing home filled with angry spics and nigger nurses stealing from us while your mulatto tranny grandchildren spit on your existence.

Only those who live in population hubs (cities) and targets of opportunity (military towns) will perish. Over population issues? Solved.

Those of us with the ability to live off the land will be okay. We, and our post war to end all wars children, will be able to integrate with machines and go to mars.

i see you've got all the best mw2 memes. a nice looking collection, user.

Australia will be mostly untouched. That is if our government stops ruining the land. But, if the world goes ww3 Australia will become even more police state than it already is.

Atlantis version 2.0


Be jealous citynigger. Get out of the city.




The first horseman to come in the biblical end times is CONQUEST, and he is already here. Conquest takes the form of advanced technologies and urban sprawls, as his name represents the "Conquest" of living in harmony with nature, as well as the "Conquest" of our bodies. He is the "flaw seeker" in God's perfect world, and promises salvation from the other horseman.

The second horseman to come is WAR. All horseman are archetypes, and this world has yet to know true conflict. Every war, before the inevitable WW3 (humanities last btw), was fought by pawns who are ordered by "kings" to do their bidding while the populace remains docile. But WW3 is special, because it is GOOD VS. EVIL on a global scale. Luciferians have ruled this world for millennia, and when the pendulum swings back towards the populace, WAR ARRIVETH.

The next horseman to arrive is FAMINE. This horse will take the form of Yellowstone erupting as well as a slew of natural phenomenon. This world will be devoid of all sustenance upon his arrival. Animals and plants alike will be harbingers of unbelievable illness, and the world will be inhospitable to biological life.

And, finally, comes the horseman DEATH. There is no Renaissance, there is no Ragnarok. This world, upon his arrival, will be /completely/ unmade. Then The Final Judgement will occur along with the second coming of Savior Christ.

What year comes after 2017? 0.

Go watch youtube videos of Mattis, try to find 'State of the World'.

He says we should expect more 'turbulence' in the world.

I'm a free thinker, and I'd say that Syria will become worse, Saudia-Iran conflict and whatever Russia does in eastern europe. On top of that North Korea will cause it to 'boil over', and I hope US will end Pyongyang with one big bang. Simultaneously calling for all the other conflicts to end.

>What year comes after 2017? 0.
we still need the 3rd temple and demascus destruction
i say at least 50 years, fuck

Good, I am going to get some RUSKIE trophies!!!!