>Russia didn't try to hack the ele-
>Russia didn't try to hack the ele-
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>Wall Street Jewnal
You will hang
I'm not logging in to read the full article. Who was the official?
>push retarded russia narrative
>lose most expensive special election ever
>double down on retarded russia narrative
I can't wait for 2018.
no one is trying to deny that the election was hacked anymore.
what's done is done
Is that jew hiding under there?
Remember when Yeltsin got reelected in '96 because of American interference?
Jebidiah Bergstein
>(((a DHS official)))
>still hiding behind anonymity
>can't read article because it's behind the Jew Street Journal paywall
>implying I'd give the WSJ a single red penny
>1 post by this ID
Funny, didnt 10 or so states report that the DHS tried to hack their voter logs or something right before the election? I remember Georgia was one.
I bet typical Russian won't be able to name five states.
>Hacking paper
Wew lad, we are reaching levels of hacking prowess here that shouldn't be possible in this plane of existence
The russians interfered with the election and if you cant see that you're an ideologue.
Still no proof. Imagine that.
Source is Simon Liles, the acting director of the DHS
>People connected to the Russian government tried to hack election-related computer systems in 21 states, a Department of Homeland Security official testified Wednesday.
>Samuel Liles, the Department of Homeland Security’s acting director of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Cyber Division, said vote tallying mechanisms were unaffected, and the hackers appeared to be scanning for vulnerabilities — which Liles likened to walking down the street and looking at homes to see who might be inside.
>But hackers successfully exploited a “small number” of networks, Liles said, likening the act to making it through a home’s front door.
Since you guys are too cheap to pay for WSJ or to dumb to get around the paywall.
>Russia targeted 21 states
>memes possibly
>"""""""Officials""""""" (unnamed) say
Very fake news
Fake news. It was Schmooly Silvergold.
>official says
Well yes, Russians can't hack the web so they had to learn to hack paper to survive; I think using a pickaxe is more effective but meh.
It was Simon Liles director of the Department of Homeland Security in testimony to the Senate Intelligence committee.
>DHS official
Wow what a great source.
Come back when you have evidence that will hold up in court.
I can't see the evidence. Maybeyou can point me in the right direction?
>People connected to the Russian government
If this was Ace Attorney, I'm sure that after you'd press this statement the contradiction would show up.
I'm on mobile I'm not gonna waste my time trying to jew the jew
See Keep sucking Putin's cock though.
Leftists are like whores, desperately waiting for any sign of cum going their way. Even if the money shot is not real, they want it so desperately they'll believe anything.
"Here's how Russia still could of Hacked the election".
Remember in 90s movies when 1337 h4x0rz could hack vacuum cleaners and other things not hooked up to a network? Kinda like hacking a voting machine
I can target you for a raping but it doesn't mean I did it. You realize these same intelligence ass holes got caught red handed making software to make it seem like other countries hacked us, right?
The voter registration rolls were on networked machines.
Btw, FYI, you can hack into stuff that is not connected to network. This is why the NSA's building is a giant Faraday cage.
See also:
Please educate yourself before pretending like you know shit about hacking.
Are those the same 21 that refuse federal/DHS inquiries under Obama/Jeh Johnson? And then the DHS got caught trying to hack them? And the the politicized NSA probably finished the job? And used the code wikileaks proved is designed to LOOK like it's Russian?
Archive that shit you fag
Used to work at the NSA. A SCIF is not a Faraday cage. You can easily take a cell phone in their and take pics. If you get caught, your ass will be raped though.
As soon as they post the "evidence" in a public place for companies like Kaspersky, Node32, Macafee even to analyze I will not believe it.
Shit i could even verify the "evidence" myself.
lol who cares?
the best international mafia boss is winning by a long shot
and mr putin isnt getin paid by the hour
TELL ME..what the fuck did they hack
Explain this to us
WHAT...did russia hack. And don't say "the election".
did they hack the voting booths that were not online?
or did they hack the paper ballots?
what, faggot. Im sick of hearing this "hacked the election fucking obvious none sense".
You would have to be a complete MORON to believe any of it.
With hacking they mean sharing information that might change someone's vote.
They don't mean altering votes artificially.
Nope. You will all burn.
so exposing the truth about candidates is considered "hacking" now
Ahhh, yes
Better to let politicians like hillary (who should have been barred from running for the presidency due to taking foreign capaign contributions) skate and not expose that shit huh
ahhh so the truth is "hacking" now.
I swear the tell the hack, the whole hacking,and nothing but the hack.
Would have been a lot more persuasive if Obama hadn't spent his sweet time telling the country that anyone that suggested the election could be hacked was ridiculous. I'd be able to swallow this crock of shit if he hadn't.
because he was RIGHT.
it is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to hack the US elections.
voting booths are not online. Paper ballots cannot be hacked
It is seriously scarey to see how fucking stupid the average American voter is, that this narrative is still being pushed..and BELIEVED!!!!!!
Well now they're trying to play it both ways, use the word hacked to suggest it was an outright cheat while then explaining in the details that they influenced the election by airing peoples' dirty laundry.
>according to WSJ
Credible paper with credible sauce right there!
democracy in america is a big failure.
And this simple narrative shows why.
The average american is too fucking dumb, and should not be voting.
IF this isnt' proof you need to write an IQ test to vote. I dont' know what is!
You challenge anyone that beleives in the hacking bs. and they end up mumbling out nothing. Not one person who believes the hacking theory can actually point to what is hacked. SO in other words. They might as well just say "im only repeating what they are telling me"
and that is a fuck ton scary.
Well this is obviously fake news
>vote tallying mechanisms were unaffected
Literally nothing.
Fuck off Randy
>Can't make an argument
>Degenerate cock joke.
Found the kike.
WSJ... Probably the least credible source on the internet after any feminist website and crazy people blogs.
Grow a brain OP.
Show the evidence or I won't believe you.
Your last evidence showed doctored metadata, leaving the claim disingenuous at best.
Really? Was it "Russia" or as Wikileaks pointed out the CIA making it LOOK like Russia? Further, as noted by many experts, there is NO WAY an expert hacker would leave breadcrumbs like showing it was Russia. THIS is all still part of the hoax. Those in the know will tell you it is CHINA and Israel who are mostly the ones manipulating and hacking America. THEY don't leave breadcrumbs??? Fake fake fake. Trying to justify the phoney hysteria about Russia because the Criminal Deep State cabal wants a war ith russia. Russia kicked out the Rothchild banks. That makes them the enemy of their world domination plans.
>Wall Street Journal
fake news
> democracy in america is a big failure.
Nope. Socialist authoritarianism is a big failure.
The constitution is golden here.
Capitalism also succeeded.
The old liberal generation are attempting to convince the younger generations that capitalism and free market are bad because the old liberals want totalitarian socialist system under the guise of; welfare for the people.
Socialism can and only will work by the democracy of the people who vote for the policies onto themselves, such as taxes.
If you look into it, they're accusing Russians of interfering with voter registration records. However, during the Democrat primary there were many reports of Sanders supporters being deregistered.
>read up on vault7
your "hackers" are enjoying the spoils of taxpayer dollar-funded black projects
what ppl do you know who crave information and live their lives as perpetual spies?
Nuff said, it's bullshit.
Fake news.
>People can't lie even when under oath
>the "pewdiepie is a nazi" guys
I wouldn't believe if they declared Sun to rise tomorrow morning.
some questions:
did this happen before or after the hacking of the DHS?
I think it's plausible the Obama admin started creating thse fake "hacking" attempts to cover for the democratic campaign negligence as this would point out
Vault7 destroyed this narrative. The CIA fakes the attacks.
Hey, how many did China, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc hack or attempt to hack?
What are you talking about? They can get on Twitter and shitpost Trump every waking hour, this must mean they're good with computers!
Who wonders what those AWAN BROTHERS are up to these days? If the Dems ever recovered the hundreds of thousands of $$ worth of computers & servers? Or what was uploaded to a "cloud" server by the AWANs?
How about DHS hacking the voting equipment/voter info of Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, WV, etc. and blaming it on a Microsoft Word gliche?dailycaller.com
THERE'S your Muh Russia!! boogeymen right there.
>The USA hacks/interferes with Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia, etc and. I one cares
>Someone with Russian IP does pings a US IP everyone goes crazy
If you think the deep state media has any credibility here your deeply confused.