I'm mixed race and have identity crisis
I'm mixed race and have identity crisis
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As every mixed race. Thats why one should not racemix.
Generally you are what most others perceive you as.
No it's not, i'm panicking
What identity are trying to claim?
I don't know, i don't think i can claim anything
Interdasting, OP. Did you also know that water is wet?
Why should i care?
you should just kill yourself lmao.
Her, I don't know how you look
I cant wait to see millions of WMAF children suffer identity issues
Just be yourself then?
Well, what are you composed of in your genetic mix?
Show feet
Show pic or it did not happen.
It's because you frequent this place. It will subside after you stop coming here.
Are you half vietnamese? 50% far eastern, 50% european is the perfect vaifu coctail.
>identity crisis
Aka being a retard who's good at nothing remotely relevant and wishes to become part of something larger in order to avoid dealing with his shortcomings
Almost as retarded as being a racist and centering your life around muh huriturrge
Do something worthwhile with your life instead of getting tangled up in stormnigger trash dogmas
>have identity crisis
Shouldn't have subscribed to identity politics, halfskin
What a qt hapa
You are cute, and idgaf about your race
> mix race thread
> Posts a Finn
But i don't want to
half gook half ginger -> hot as fuck
look white enough to me.
what mix?
Which half do you identify more with?
>anime poster calling someone a faggot
Really activates your almonds
kys. only cure.
How can i identify more with either? The one destroys the other, you can't identify as chocolate milk powder if your glass is half milk, but you aren't milk neither
>beaner deflecting the merit of ethnonationalism presented by the "stormniggers" of Sup Forums by just calling them stormnigger and saying their views are retarded without any other argument
Hm. Really makes you think.
you know what to do
where are you from?
I know of a good philosopher/skeptic on YouTube who has some great video series on this topic amoung others that might interest you. Look up "elliot rodger"
Just be glad that you're not a nigger.
You just do it. You'll feel a natural inclination toward one side over the other, and while you're going to be uncomfortable identifying as white or asian, depending on what you're driven to, you'll get used to it with time.
Race traitors this is your future.
Do something you can identify yourself with. What do you like to do? Be that person.
>having to boast about someone else's achievements because you're a lazy piece of shit who has little to nothing going on in his life
So glad I'm white.
>Half anything that isn't white
Have you been hanging out with England again Herzog?
Looking quite Gal Gadot there, buckko.
>white people are the tallest
>white people are the most attractive
>white men are the only ones who can compete with the BBC
>white people are the smartest
>only japs and south koreans are slightly smarter than them (chinks are fucking cheaters so they don't count)
>white people created civilization
>white people colonized the whole world, except Japan, Korea and Thailand
>white people created basically everything
>mfw non white
You're a castizo
I could accept the native american but
>Ashkenazi: 0.1%
Fuck off kike
The truth is, you're always going to struggle with the question of racial identity as long as you're mixed.
Even if you choose one over the other, they won't accept you nor will you ever truly feel accepted.
Talcum-X, for example, chose a race. And that hasn't helped him get over his obvious deep seeded insecurities which he overcompensates for via social justice activism.
I know how cold that is, but it's the truth and the sooner you accept it the better.
You can always take solace in the fact that you're neither a Jew or NIgger.
>allowing your race to shape your identity
You're one of those weak-willed cunts that become what people treat them like, aren't you?
>17% asian
GTFO wong
You have a moral duty to fight for acceptance and peaceful coexistence between all races.
Individualism is better than collective identity. Identity is for niggers and nazis
It's okay reverse Texas, we generally have a warm disposition to your country
Also you get brownie points for what you did to the Mexican national team
Are you wearing contact lenses?
>chocolate milk can't identify as chocolate
>chocolate milk can't identify as milk
I'm curious. Post your hand. Also what color are your nipples? Be honest
>All that southern european
Hello shitskin
White enough. Come home white (wo)man.
Would pass as a Fin/10
Also would make children with.
Post your own?
This, grow a spine, male or female. Its not a non point, but at the same time ruining or beating urself up over something like being a mutt is fucking stupid.
Fook. Might be one of the most beautiful thing I've seen.
I'll crisis deep inside your identity
I have the same, I can understand who I am, am I have polish heritage or not. I'm looking a bit different than regular russians.
In citizen sense I'm russian, I even like emperial culture a bit, but muscovite undetity - not
*I can't
I'm a white dude and I wouldn't mate with an asian but I would mate with a hapa. Our children would be more white than Keanu Reeves and I didn't even notice he was half Chinese until last year.
Tits or GTFO.
C'mon amatuers.
>1.4% subsaran african
fucking nigger.
I don't to give my genome to jewgle.
I'm half Russian, half Afghan and have a strong identity crisis. I am half Communist and Half Islam yet strongly identify with Nazism. Fuk
post feet :3
anything eurasian is fine.
Cute, post boipucci
This pic is proof that racial mixture is beautiful if done right.
Can't you just be whatever your host country is?
If you're born and raised in Canada, aren't you simply then Canadian? You eat with your fellow Canadians, you work with them, etc.
What would make you anything else?
My gf is italian im portuguese. Latin culture is close enough no?
Anyway, eurasian is fine. Don't worry about it.
>Gal Gadot
She looks nothing like that heeb whore though. Fuck off. Enjoy the image title.
I'd do that for them DSL. Do you think she'd be too upset if I told her that I wanted her to roleplay a slave on my farm during sex?
You have it only because you'd grow up in a SJW's society, because in a traditional father's line is more important.
Poles are indistinguishable from ethnic Russians. So you're Russian
If I may ask an actual serious question in this thread, what the hell was wrong with Mr. Rodger? I mean, the guy doesn't look ugly, he just seems to have issues with talking to people. If looking like him is some terrible curse that befall male hapas, then it don't seems so bad at all.
No one cares what you are or where you're from. Work hard and contribute to "society" in a positive manner
The moment race is involved, all hopes of progress digress into trials of witch hunt and baseless generalities become fact
don't worry, they are countries full of rape babies :)
I hear it helps if you have sex with me.
LARPidy do da. LARPidy day.
Get bent flaggot.
You're cute though. I would adopt racially pure children with you.
>Do you think she'd be too upset if I told her that I wanted her to roleplay a slave on my farm during sex?
A half-black, half-white girl that desperately wants to be considered a white tradcon? Well hey, man. That repressed crazy has to come out somehow.
While YOU are mixed and can't identify with one or the other, you're white enough that you should only be looking to breed with white men and make children that won't have the same inner conflict as you
Says the Finn...
Not from the all. Some yes, but some russians are finnish by blood and some are mixed.
Honestly russian nationalism isn't a thing that I can find attractive, but I understand that without a strong rigth movement this country will collapse soon.
Solid strategy
What? You look like a normal Finn to me
U.S. has shown europeans have no problem in mixing each other. Actually look at pic related: she's english/irish/italian. Basically when europeans mix they can spawn god and godess.
It's not about beauty it's about identity.
This girl is dying inside because she doesn't have a racial identity.
She feels alone in the world.
But yeah I'd want that for my kids too bud :D
What a convincing argument. Really got my noggin joggin'.
Mixed with what exactly
Yeah she's hot, but she's terrible at acting.
Thanks dad