The U.N. declared that they will step in and intervene because of based Duterte and his "unethical purging of suspected criminals with no fair trial".
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
It's fake but perfectly plausible. Duterte is an uncomfortable leader for (((them))), because he is faced with degeneration, cultural Marxism, drug trafficking ...
It's better for him to choose powerful allies or he will have a problem. I don't think Daesh's attacks are a coincidence.
Duterte is on the payroll
He admitted the 'purging crims' was all bullshit
Go online, hear what westerners in Philippines have to say about it and be prepared to accept Duterte is all bull
Then we get the US playing good guy again ...
more bs
Then face the fact (((they))) are setting fires all over the globe with brainless US acting as contract killers
>the un
Who gives a shit about that impotent organization
I wish we would leave it
>It's fake but perfectly plausible. Duterte is an uncomfortable leader for (((them))), because he is faced with degeneration, cultural Marxism, drug trafficking ...
>It's better for him to choose powerful allies or he will have a problem. I don't think Daesh's attacks are a coincidence.
What is the official american gubmit stance on him? Who are potential allies?
>Duterte is on the payroll
>He admitted the 'purging crims' was all bullshit
>Go online, hear what westerners in Philippines have to say about it and be prepared to accept Duterte is all bull
>Then we get the US playing good guy again ...
>more bs
>Then face the fact (((they))) are setting fires all over the globe with brainless US acting as contract killers
Do you have any sources? All I can find are things about his extrajudicial killings.
(((deeply concerned)))
>What is the official american gubmit stance on him? Who are potential allies?
USA sent special forces to fight Daesh in Phillipines, but Duterte alleged he didn't ask for help. Trump supported the anti-drug war of Duterte.
Duterte wanted to buy new guns for the military, to Russia as I could read. He travelled to Russia not long ago.
USA has military bases on Philippines, but duterte expressed his doubts about the presence of these bases there, because he is strongly nationalist and above all a patriot. But he has softened his opinion.
He's the president of a poor country but of great geostrategic value, and doesn't want to stand clearly in favor of some countries because he would become the enemy of others. I think he's a somewhat boastful but pragmatic guy.
How can they intervene if the Phillipines government can just deny them permission to land their planes or dock their ships on the islands?
Well done, hadnt fallen for one of those in a while.
Can dutt the duterte
there are literal islamic terrorists attacking philippines and their concern is some degenerate drug addicts dying lol
>Duterte bans Rothschild banks
>all of a sudden ISIS (cia) operating in Phillipines
>now UN wants to "intervene" in Duterte's drug war
Now do you fucking normalfag "kekistani" losers see why the jew must be exterminated?
Holy shit I got to keep this thread alive. We mustn'y let Duerte be rickrolled
More like U.N. , EU, CIA, MOSSAD, + Malaysia is now removing their combined share of terrorist. But more importantly Malaysia is secretly funding terrorism at Southern Philippines.
Also watch out for Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)
Basically giving Terrorist muslim organization the Southern Philippines, Establishing a parallel Government
If BBL gets passed I'd literally hang and go after the Senators, Congressmen, and Co-author of this Law.
BTW former president Benigno Aquino III is a co-author, I remember hearing that if the former pres. get a success with it he will get a nobel peace price ..probably and also more importantly Duterte is fucking pushing the treasonous law..
If it gets approved I'll hang every one of them traitors, maybe not today but someday when the time comes..
>USA sent special forces to fight Daesh in Phillipines, but Duterte alleged he didn't ask for help. Trump supported the anti-drug war of Duterte.
>Duterte wanted to buy new guns for the military, to Russia as I could read. He travelled to Russia not long ago.
>USA has military bases on Philippines, but duterte expressed his doubts about the presence of these bases there, because he is strongly nationalist and above all a patriot. But he has softened his opinion.
>He's the president of a poor country but of great geostrategic value, and doesn't want to stand clearly in favor of some countries because he would become the enemy of others. I think he's a somewhat boastful but pragmatic guy.
That's a sticky spot, seems he has to tread lightly. Having the US in there would be a big deterrent to others invading, although I can definitely see where one would be wary.
Thank you, I was curious as to how many don't read past the OP post and just comment on that alone.
>title of video appears in embed link with 4chanX
>UN doing anything the US didnt decide first
>US doing anything the jews didn't decide first
You realize that you are the ONLY retard on Sup Forums who isn't running a script that shows Youtube titles before you click them, right?
>dude the kekistani fell for it!
just how dumb of a hole do you plan on digging
>back to back posts
jesus fucking christ are you a high maintenance attention whore
Which makes it even worse when people respond to it. This should not have gotten anyone.
For example
He watched the video and was obviously not running the script. He passed the test, or do you not understand the point of this and thought the rickroll was the point?
Whoops, meant
I told you last night they were going to use it as grounds to depose Dutes.
What's the UN going to do, send the US Navy to crash into their cargo boats?
I love this song
>attempting to rickroll when [embed] is standard now
What a goof.