can someone share what we have on the antifa bikelock dude? whatever you've got
Can someone share what we have on the antifa bikelock dude? whatever you've got
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Fuck off bootlicker fascist. You deserve a fucking bike over your head not just a lock.
What are you even doing here? Go back to huffington post.
I love porn and memes faggot but I'm not brainwashed by your stormfag propaganda bullshit because I still have a brain.
We turned him over to the police and now he is in the hands of the courts.
>not brainwashed
>Thinks Communism works
Yeah, okay.
>inb4 "Real Communism has never been tried"
>having a brain
Degenerate piece of shit. I was raised on internationalist, equalitarian Marxist bullshit, thank god I chose common sense over theory when I grew up. Despite an entire school life being brainwashed into cultural Marxism and politically correct pro-mass immigration propaganda. Your worldview has accomplished nothing. Go back to jacking off to porn you scumbag.
>tfw I have devloped a fetish for floppy-titted Spurdo MILFS
The left don't get to love memes. The left can't meme. You get 9gag and cuckold porn.
Cool I'll enjoy smoking my weed and fucking women of all races while you rant about degeneracy and worship a dead meth addicted shit eater who killed 6 million jews.
He's a commie, you're telling Commie to not rot his brain with Jewish filth and nonsense.
you will die alone
This guy has appeared in numerous sage and false flag threads and is a blatant antifa reditor. Report and ignore.
Stalin killed more Jews, Tartars, ethnic Estonians, Latvians and Kazakhs than Hitler ever dreamed he could kill.
>can't handle the bants?
>jump straight to Hitler!
Your ideology failed last century, and the last holdouts are going down in flames. Those of us that learn from the mistakes of others are always going to win out over you and your sad, childish ilk who need so badly to feel like they're accomplishing something that they'll latch onto the tired old propaganda of a failed system
Fornicators will go to hell, user. I suggest you repent for your sins
>memes faggot
Getting jerked off by some shitskin's manky hands isn't the same thing as having sex with attractive women, bro.
You know normal sized people sin, too
Everyone is a sinner, of course, which is why we need Christ, something commies disagree with
>worship jewish bum responsible for hundreds of millions more deaths than Hitler
You know you don't give a shit about the Holocaust. Stop playing politics and admit to yourself that you only like communism because you're a deadbeat piece of shit with no future and you just want to ruin society for the rest of us because you're a bitter manchild.