Why Have Europeans Dominated The World and not east asians? They have higher IQ's but Europeans were the ones to colonize majority of the world.
Why Have Europeans Dominated The World?
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Asians are generally soulless automatons.
China had a tributary system, so all surrounding states engaging with China had to pay tributes and recognize Chinese suzerainty.
China was a continental power, it had little to no experience of founding and managing overseas territories far away from the mainland. The centralized bureaucracy was specialized in administrating a cohering land, not a disjoined one with parts that are spread far from each other.
China was a proud (you may also say arrogant) and self-centric civilization, regarding its own territories as vast, rich and abundant and the centre of the world, so there was little motivation to settle in far away "lesser" territories that were deemed barbaric and uncultivated.
How many Asians have you personally dealt with?
What's your experience of Asian drivers or even Asian walkers?
Now maybe you need to drop the 'Asians are smarter' meme
japan has been under western control, and influence. same with korea.
also a feudal shithole when they met europe
They're not daring or innovative.
Also,Asian high IQ is a meme.
It wasn't colonized but they pretty much killed their own culture to switch to western traditions.
Here they go by two metrics, level of education (i.e. number of paper diplomas) and income. However that's only a very small part of the picture.
>not USA 2.0
>Dominated through the use of Jewish demons.
So proud of the suicide of our own genetic lineages?
Yes, Japan was under us control after ww2, and Korea today is still a puppet state for USA n china
East asians are more akin to drones than humans.
Because European culture developed a tradition of freedom and free thinking, which led to the scientific revolution, which led to Europe being a million years ahead of anyone else in terms of warfare capabilities.
They arent smarted, they just have stricter parents that basically enslave their children and force them to become successful, why are spelling bees dominated by indians? Because their parents force them, if you ask black or white kids if they want to read the dictionary twice a day so they can go a be ridiculed on national television they will tell you to fuck off.
hwait people
Read Guns, Germs, and Steel, then add onto it that the environmental conditions which influenced cultures, disease resistances, and technology also influenced human biodiversity and created the most competitive subspecies in Europe.
japan was definitely under the EU sphere off influence (1600s by the netherlands)
A bit about Thailand:
>Be Siam
>Get demolished by Burma
>Britain colonizes Burma and Malaya
>France colonizes eastern Indochina
>Britain schools you on being a nation-state with a modern military to keep France from getting the rest of Indochina
>Japan is my onii-chan
>Lose WW2
>America protects you from Britain and France. Now Americans are the only foreigners who can own land, and the government sends tens of thousands of prostitutes to "service" them.
But under European control they do fine
Example is Hong Kong
but before that they were more advanced than Europe
What happened? What kept them from going forward more?
Europe had it's wars just like the East.
That said OP the answer is necessity, luck and geography. Necessity to avoid the muslims by investing in navy. Rest is geography.
>They have higher IQ's but Europeans
That is largely a myth. Asians only have higher IQs when raise in a western society with with plentiful access to resources. The average chink is just a yellow nigger.
>American education
The Mongols ruled most of the known world at one point you mongol. And Japan controlled the Pacific and almost all of eastern Asia at the height of WW2. If not for the fact that they had to fight the entire world by themselves, they would likely have ended up with a greater empire than Hitler could ever dream of.
>What happened? What kept them from going forward more?
They had a very conservative culture, which discouraged any innovation.
Mongols were steppeniggers who controlled empty land.
my thoughts are around that as well but I cant believe it's so simple
You answered yourself.
I have heard a hypothesis that Europeans also have on average more testosterone, which in turn leads to more ambition and assertiveness, so despite east asians having higher IQ's, they lack the drive to use it in terms of exploration.
The only reason they have a higher IQ, is because they don't have to deal with sandniggers fucking up the numbers.
People underestimate the importance of culture. The roman empire had 0 (zero) intellectual achievements, also for cultural reasons.
yes, but where did that culture of freedom and free thinking come from? Genes, or did the stars just align for the European peoples?
magic mushrooms bro
>The roman empire had 0 (zero) intellectual achievements
u wot m8? You cant be serious
>yes, but where did that culture of freedom and free thinking come from?
Three main sources: the classical heritage, the "combative" nature of the Germanics, and most important of all Christianity.
>Genes, or did the stars just align for the European peoples?
Genes are important of course, you need a minimum base IQ for complex civilizations to arise. But genes are just the foundation: culture is what differentiates the roman empire from modern european civilization.
Meant to type scientific, not intellectual.
>The roman empire had 0 (zero) intellectual achievements
you're still wrong
Psychologists have found that kids do better when they're taken out of negligent environments (more common with Whites) and authoritian environments (more common with Asians).
It's really about universal good parenting vs. cultural bullshit, IMHO.
>Japan yellow
founded Nagasaki?
Aight let's hear em.
They were the best civil engineers history has ever known
>Why Have Europeans Dominated The World?
>Why Have Europeans Dominated The World and not east asians? They have higher IQ's but Europeans were the ones to colonize majority of
>the world.
Protectorates count to, every part was under control.
However, harsh conditions, Ice Ages, and oddly shaped sidecontinent, where many people stranded while running from the Huns and other civs from Asia/Mesopotamia. Many fights between the Völker. The school of hard knuckels.
The Roman empire allready had superior technology for it's time, when the Aufklärung was combined with rationalism we started to lead the technology branch again.
Combination of competition and Zusammenarbeit led to synergic akkumulation of knowledge and power.
Civil Engineering is not science.
Because the temple bar
British agricultural revolution
>what is physics
Just because they didnt apply the modern scientific methods doesnt mean they didnt notice patterns and progressed certain fields of science
They became too self-sufficient and isolationist.
Read Carnage of Culture or Carnage and Culture, I don't remember the title.
TL;DR - Europeans have superior military, political and economic culture, traditions and organisation.
Because we decided to explore the planet and conquer new lands while the rest of the world had their thumb up their asshole. Portugal has always been the hidden MVC of Europe.
>Civil Engineering is not science.
Everything can be the topic of science.
asians dont like to walk
there architecture was aesthetic but the roman numeral system was trash
Europeans had both the drive and technology to expand across the world.
Other people have had the drive (see Genghis, or Muslims) or the technology (Chinese, for example), but it really came together in Europeans at the right time for whatever reason.
I tend to think it was simply a matter of technology finally catching up with spirit; most of modern Europe is the result of Indo-Europeans conquering the continent, all the way to the Atlantic, establishing the dominate languages and paternal lines of today. When technology got to the point that the Atlantic was no longer a real barrier, the drive continued. It will continue to other worlds, someday, if we get our shit back together.
were they? i mean they werent better than rome or greece also oldest writhing was found here older than sumerian should we take credit for all writhing? what happened is they do not have the explorer spirit so to speak remeber Zeng He? only attempt by chinks to explore a bit pushing the frontier expanding the borders and wealth is good for a country and a civilization
>Just because they didnt apply the modern scientific methods
My point exactly.
How many mathematicians were there in ancient Rome? None. Compare that to ancient Greece.
Even gay sex orgies?
So I see that all the romanboos can come up with is:
>muh pretty buildings
The answer is simple. China, India, Japan, Indonesia and so on never had a Renaissance, Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. And the reason they never had a Renaissance is because they didn't have a Golden Greco-Roman era to look back on and be inspired by. Ancient China and India never separated science from religion, as the Greeks did. This impeded progress - their cultures became bogged down and became, in the words of G.K. Chesterton "too old to die". Whereas Europe is a phoenix continually dying and being reborn. Just look at Chinese art - it remained the same for 3000 years, just as Egyptian art remained the same for an even longer time. Europe was lucky to never be ruled by one Emperor or Shogun or Pharaoh or Great Khan - that would have dragged it down. No, Europe had numerous rulers always fighting - as well as the dichotomy of State vs Church, King vs Pope. Asia never had this remarkable dualism which injected immense variety and energy into European civilization.
Europeans dominated the world cause they have/had the equilibrium, of courage, brains and civilization.
That's why glorious countries like England, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and other's had the glory they had.
Glass. Literally. We invented glass and Asians invented pottery to solve the problem of containing water. They had nice pots and we ended up discovering refraction and magnification which lead on to so many other scientific discoveries. It lead to astronomy and all the things exploring the stars brought us to mention just one.
Law, statesmanship, aqueducts, plumbing, etc
Romans made europe was it is today and therefore america too
ancient . eu/Roman_Science/
A higher IQ isn't everything. That is why it is a flawed system of measuring a persons character.
IQ isn't everything and a well functioning society will never contain only individuals with high IQs.
Also there is more to it than that. IQ is one thing but what about pioneering or entrepreneurial spirit?
Europeans have always been more willing to take risks. You still see this today in the fact that extreme sports and adventure activities are completely dominated by White people of European descent.
Is this burguer serious? I have a stone bridge near my house that was built by the romans and is still used today. Neck yourself please.
>look at the list
>Julius Caesar
Literally wut?
Holy shi
Its basically the moon landing of buildings. Its a concrete building and no one else acheived this for a long long long time.
Still going on about architecture, I see...
>It will continue to other worlds, someday, if we get our shit back together.
Nah. I don't see interstellar exploration viable in any way other than what's being done on Mars now. High tech robots. Star Trek-ish future is highly unlikely.
>A 2000 years old stone bridge still stands today
Why cant we replicate roman cement? How the fuck could they do it 2000 years ago and we cant just reverse engineer it today?
>Why cant we replicate roman cement?
Err we can? Romanboos are ridiculous.
>list of authors
at least try
We have mass spec. we can identify basically anything at this point. I assume the secret of roman cement is actually not a secret at all, it would just be expensive cement and no one gives a fuck if a bridge stays standing once they are dead.
Military science is not science.
Name a single mathematical theorem developed by a Roman mathematician.
For that matter name a single Roman mathematician.
I remember seeing in a documentary that people still dont know how it was made, kinda like greek fire.
>Guns, Germs, and Steel
>(((Jared Diamond)))
Basically full of excuses why Africans have never done anything.
>Diamond argues that Eurasian civilization is not so much a product of ingenuity, but of opportunity and necessity. That is, civilization is not created out of superior intelligence,
Don't believe meme documentaries you see on the history channel.
Yes. I downloaded the entire planet. It's on my external hard drive.
How the fuck has Japan never been under European influence? USA practically colonized it.
The ironic thing with the book is that the geographic and environmental differences he describes would provide a solid theory to explain the divergent evolution of the races.
>French Guyana
>>Just because th>Even gay sex orgies?
Soziologie, Psychologie, Biologie.
So competition? Europe advanced so rabidly because of stress and struggle, which thrusted there civilization ahead of all other adversaries, essentially a cultural version of free market capitalism?
Maybe not interstellar, at least any time soon. We'll definitely continue in-system, though.
>Julius Caesar (b. 100 BCE) - his Gallic Wars included much on geography, and he composed a lost work on the stars.
you asked for information, didn't read what I gave you, and then criticized it
and to your question:
>Vitruvius (1st century BCE) - wrote an influential work on architecture (De architectura) which included surveying, town planning, mathematics, principles of proportion, materials, astronomy, and mechanics.
oh look, that was in the article I linked, it's almost like there was a reason I linked it
Engineering solutions, not "just" buildings.
The thing is that pre-19th century engineering world is very... complicated. We know from some archaeological material that for instance - medieval engineers knew complex numbers. Who knows if they weren't known earlier! Now what's the deal with it? They were codified in the 18th century and well-described in 19th. It's simply that some engineers had their not completely mathematically correct versions of this and it worked. Reason? They were important for their projects. There's much more to buildings or aqueducts than just "building them".
As such when you see a dome(typical Roman construction), you have to realize that they weren't built blindly, nope, there were some people who calculated how to build them so they wouldn't collapse, despite the fact that it would require, among other things, integrals. Romans officially didn't know them(codified in their modern form in 17th century...) but the engineers had their proprietary(likely) inaccurate methods of calculating them for practical use centuries earlier.
About maths don´t know, but roman inventions in almost all fields are well knowned, specially in mechanics, motion, chemistry and so on
In the US a lot of people perceive all asians to be the token Japanese, Korean, and Chinese who are integrated and westernized. The west coast has tons of Asian immigration, so over there they probably see things differently. The only Asians I ever knew growing up were from those countries, extremely polite, and intelligent. Asia is a big place. It's like fawning over token African born nigs and ignoring all of Africa.
The american is right. You watched fake news. If we cant identify compenents of concrete I will eat my hat. We have really really good technology for that kind of thing now.
Look up mass spectroscopy and what it can do.
You would think that he would have realized that after coming so close to it.
Maybe he did get it, but also wanted to make a profit so he went with the egalitarian lie.
>oh look, that was in the article I linked, it's almost like there was a reason I linked it
Vitruvius? Literally who?
Honestly, are you historically illiterate? It takes a lot of historical illiteracy to pretend that this "Vitruvius" guy could anywhere compare to the Ancient Greeks like Euclid, Pythagoras, Thales, etc.
We have better cement nowadays.
It's kinda like with damascen steel, for centuries smiths tried to replicate it and as a result they've created steel that was better than damascen. Then it became a meme.
You can actually dismiss all of the arguments made by Jared in his "Apologism for Africa". Things like tameable animals exist on all continents, modern animals are nothing like their wild counterparts used to be. There are seas like mediterranean in many places, like East Africa, China, India and Central America. Europe is absolutely nothing special in terms of nature, natural resources or geography. The thing that makes it special is the people. Sure, the rough conditions made the people into what they are, but it could've happened anywhere. It happened in Europe, Europeans became the master race, and Europe became the master of the world.
Kek. More like WESTERN European. What exactly did Eastern Euros colonise? Typical untermensch slavshits trying to take credit for our accomplishments.
>digits for low t
Low T is a result of going through this cycle too many times. Dynasty after dynasty, this is the result, and it's our future.
Just searched for it and yes we know the formula, its just adding volcanic ash