Youtube Pushing Propaganda on Children

Using Mickey Mouse in any way is enough to get a video removed and a cease and desist from Disney. Disney is arguably the reason we have copyright laws. Yet for all that there are hundreds of perverse videos with explicit and sexual content on YouTube geared towards children that have millions of views and don't get removed. Give your kid a tablet and set them up to watch Paw Patrol on YouTube and within 2 or 3 clicks of similar videos on the sidebar they are able to access this content even on the kids apps.

(((They))) are directly pushing an agenda through this propaganda on the susceptible youth in this country. For whatever reason.

Just saw this on kikebook and I have an opportunity to redpill some normies. Lots of libs are posting on it sharing similar experiences, even on apps geared specifically for children these videos still show up. I saw an infographic around here on this stuff. Please someone post it, a clean not to agressive "Look what the jews are doing" would work great here. We want to ease them into this, too many parents are plopping their kids on youtube and letting them click away.

Why are (((they))) doing this? Feel free to post other redpills

Other urls found in this thread:

Insane. This was being talked about this month all over TRS.

Sorry, whats TRS? I'm glad the normies are waking up to it. The chick who posted this is a super lib spanish single mother, messing with peoples children is a step too far



Don't happen to have the youtube infographic do you?

Meh, suicide is better than gayshit

>30 second garbled camcorder clip of a prince song goes to court for ten years
>entire channels being demonitized for "controversial" topics
>Spider-Man pulling the clothes off of the girl from Frozen is a-okay

Theres other worse stuff man,

Sexual content, including homosexual

Murdering, rape, everything you can imagine. And there are hundreds of these videos with an accumlated hundreds of Millions of views and they don't get removed.

We know from World Refugee Day that youtube is firmly in the hands of the same Jews pushing race-mixing, white genocide, and generally degenerate behaviors. Now they're getting them when they're young. They couldn't do this through cable, with youtube they can do it under the guise of "independant filmakers"

You niggers have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes

Disney are run by jews now. Around jews [this message has been removed by order of Sharia May under the British hate laws act]

>mfw pizzacancer eliminates free speech in america so they can virtue signal for rotten-crotched feminists

>very Jewish woman
>guys massive nose is almost ripping the spoderman mask

hmmm but mainly it's about their radio shows:

What sort of stupid parent lets their child play unsupervised?

My mother didn't even let me play in the fucking meadow without me being too far out of eyesight and the meadow is way more predictable than youtube.

Don't let your kids on youtube without a filter
theres a kids youtube site I think where only vetted videos make the cut.

That or have red pilled kids like I have.

Not this shit again, I was in a bunch of /x/ threads about this two weeks ago but I stopped following that since it was just too depressing.
Has there been any new info since then?

fuck off with this always offended pearl-clutching boomer shit

millions, obviously
women are self-absorbed cunts on social media instead of taking care of their children

my kikey sense is tingling

yeah and this is after they killed off the better tubers with adpolocylpse etc.

Find a real innocent legit kids cartoon then follow the links - just like the good old game "how many clicks on random on wikipedia before hitler comes up" - it does not take long.

I'm usually of that attitude, but these Disney themed youtube channels are pretty disturbing.

I'm more curious as to why you guys are still doing the jew bracket thing when everyone already knows what it means by now, so it's not like you're being sneaky. Might as well just say jew.

>dumb creepypasta video makes it into some kid's autoplay
you guys are an embarrassment

You absolute fucking fool, take a closer look.

>spiderman and elsa
>two of the most popular fictional characters for young boys and girls respectively
these fucking kikes are smart

so why do white people deserve to exist then?

>Using Mickey Mouse in any way is enough to get a video removed and a cease and desist from Disney.

i found a mickey mouse cuck video with 6 million views

what the fuck is going on

anymore obscure buzzwords you wanna throw in there?

I'm glad it's happening
YouTube was never meant to be for kids!
In fact, little kids is what ruined YouTube!
I'm glad this is happening since maybe it will scare parents away and not let their kids use YouTube

As the other guy said, the paranormies covered it pretty well.

Obviously you did not read my post. Why does Disney allow this content to stay up? Even using Mickey Mouse in a polite manner gets taken down, you'd think they would want to protect their brand from this stuff.....

Maybe you're a shill, more likely you're just a retarded newfag

I've said it before.

Disney wants control over youtube content.

Time for youtube version 2. I think a good name would be "altmedia" or something like that. Probably already taken, too lazy to see for myself.

> Lets YouTube babysit young child
> Surprised when largely unregulated website leads them to inappropriate videos

Sounds like a parental issue to me.

Plausible deniability while still maintaining you're refering to a special group. I can't go full 1488 I own a small business and deal with many jews, blacks, spics, liberals, w/e. My personal views have to be kept seperate from my business. Maybe if I ever sell it for Millions I can go full power level but for now the wrong combo of words can tank my income if enough people rally and get upset. Therefor I don't get into the habit of talking of the jews lest it slip out subliminally.

Yo peep this one. All kinds of fuckery.

Also check out their other vids like Elsa's BF loses pants or Elsa punishes BF. Creepy pasta here.


What is with the huge amount of these videos including spiders? What is the meaning of it?

They're testing out new means of mindcontrol/advertising. Its been the same since the invention of these things, they always just use whatever technological/social invention exists. Read Edward Bernays et al.

Forgot us wops.


If you guys really want this shit pulled off of youtube, then get the parents to alert Disney en masse that this shit exists.

Entirely 100 percent fault of the parent. YES people are making / promoting these videos with intention to warp our kid's minds, but if they aren't able to access the videos then it's a total non-issue. If you are a parent and you bought your child under the age of 12 a tablet / pc / mobile phone that you allow them to use to browse an unregulated internet in your home then that is YOUR FAULT! There's no two ways about it. Degenerate parents are to blame.

The problem isn't kids, its corporations+governments conforming to social norms. They get together and pressure YouTube to pull advertising on controversial content and act as a cultural monopoly.


You think Disney's roving bands of bloodthirsty Jew lawyers don't already know about this?

You think some bored neckbeards on a Himalayan basketweaving forum were the first ones to find them?

No...they know about it. (((Why))) are they not taking them down is the question.

Disney owns most of youtube already.

Attracts kids with taboo/weird subjects they are curious about but don't get information about from adults in their lives. Uses this means to mind-control them to accept cultural hegemony from certain government and corporate entities. In the end, its the parents/pedogogical authorities fault for thinking that so much is dangerous or damaging or taboo for kids. If you actually teach kids about weird and messed up things on your own and take responsibility, the state and corporatism won't have that power over them. They'll find that content just boring and contrived.

Because not enough people have thrown a bitch fit directly to Disney.

It's not that hard to understand. You need Disney to believe that the cost to have this content removed is less than the cost of having parents boycott their products.

What in the holy mother of fuck is this, who the fuck makes this?

There is a Youtube for kids app that is supposed to filter inappropriate content out, but this stuff is on there.



This all goes so much deeper than anyone could have imagined. There's FUCKED UP SHIT ON YOUTUBE. Straight illegal content too.

are you ready for this? There are DOZENS of these channels set up with kids cartoons doing horrific kike degenerecy. All have no subscribe count, no like or dislike options, all their views are botted and most of the comments are fake.

check the comments section for similar accounts. They have hundreds of these videos on their channels.



Don't give children tablets or phones. It's so sad that people are doing this, it's not how you should raise a child.

YouTube was originally like that...It was never a kids site. be careful on the internet people...

Focusing on it being "fucked up" is distracting you from what is actually is and its purpose. Stop surrendering to emotional reaction/hysteria and surprise.

>all their views are botted
They all aren't, unfortunately. If you understand psychology you can see how they're addictive to kids. Do you know that one abusive family who posted videos and other YouTubers made a stink about so they closed their channel? It turns out most of their subscribers were kids who were watching because they were fascinated by the kids being abused by their parents, or some because they found it funny.

you actually think this is an excuse lol

white people cant go extinct fast enough

wtf is this i dont even

Irrelevant. Kids should be outside or playing video games. Even TV is a bit much for me when it gets past Teletubies. It's confusing for kids to be influenced by such external sources. Very young kids shows are OK from what I have seen. Pingu etc. The older the show the better to a point. I'm not sure what my point is here but kids shouldn't be given a tablet or such a device that facilitates this kind of shit. Programs approved by the broadcasting companies are still better even if they are a bit (((diverse))) at times at least they aren't totally mind bending like spiderman and elsa videos on youtube.

Not my proudest fap

barneyfag is gonna freak lel

When the mermaid mouse proposes mickey says "I can't even roll a blunt while on the phone" and "do my shit wit out any complaints". Wtf lmao


Did you frolic among the flowers?

This shit is calculated for still-forming minds.
Yellowstone please wake up hurry for the love of god

So true. Kids of this age are drawn to this kind of shit like moths to a flame. I remember being very young and discovering newgrounds, and the porn/violent video games. I didn't even know what I was doing I must have been about 9 but that shit drew me in. I was big into youtube too right from the word go. It was 2005 when I first went to youtube and as a young lad I ended up watching more and more degenerate shit. It's always the way when you are young. Kids cant stop and they will end up looking at some fucked up shit and then they will look for more. The only thing to do is don't let kids use the internet. They don't need to.

This is why I can't take this place seriously.

Imagine looking at something and concluding whatever is the fucking furthest from reality about what that something is. This is /r/conspiracy in action.

It HAS to be a conspiracy and it HAS to be perpetrated by the bad guys in my reality. There's no other explanation. And I am so delusion that this is a reasonable position to take to influence people who aren't "le redpilled xDD" on the topic.

Nice on xd, so edgy and cool~
(time to go BACK)

Does anyone have the info graphic about this???

This is good. But the one I remember seeing details how many clicks it takes to get to the center of the degenerate tootsie pop.



But the kids of those degenerate parents go to school with your kids.



It fits very well into the pattern of well known and declassified mind control and propaganda. It doesn't HAVE TO BE, but reason and evidence points to it being so.



ive a grim feeling this will be used to lube up the general public for uber censorship and copyright laws

That won't somehow make my kids consume the hours and hours of cancer those kids have by proxy or some shit. It's not the same.


Banned in 3...2...1...


Maybe parents need to take responsibility for what their kids consume, and not have kids if they are unable to. Why the fuck do you have youtube on autoplay?


we can find a flag in fucking nowhere, but can't finde this doctors+ the woman?

few weeks ago Sup Forums mods were banning everyone that was keeping up threads about this so they moved it to another board

Than they'll grow up to be dirty weebs

Listen to the paranormies episode about YouTube pushing pedo shit on kids.

Ok, now I'm concerned, I thought only Amerilard children were affected by this kikery. I have a 5yo sister spending half a day on youtube, holy fuck.


Maybe it's just a money making scheme by stupid parents who leave tablets with their kids because they can't babysit and it isn't some sort of conspiracy?

They will make fun of your kids for not knowing what they are talking about. They will either show it to your kids at their house, your kids will find it on their own just just to fit in, or your kids will become outcasts at school.

So there are a tons of "ELZA SPIDERMAN MICKEY MOUSE" kids videos. They are done with shitty 2d animation or real actors. Most have millions of views and tons of bots in the comments. And there is a dozen channels of this stuff.
Is there a explanaition for me? I'm confused.

sexualize kids

>fuck off
Take your own advice shill. Your time is coming soon.

This eyes wide open/pizzagate stuff is some of the hardest redpills i have ever had to swallow. I just know i am on some sort of hit list by participating in these threads.

Let's ignore the freefall of civilization in a cesspool of shit because "it's a parental issue"