Japan is finished without migrants

When will Japan realize they need immigrants to help recover their birth rates and their economy? They cannot continue like this.

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Whats with these threads?
Same autist every time?

Japan is over crowded


All my fucking life I have been hearing about how Japan is dangerously overcrowded. Now there is a Muslim immigrant crisis and we need to bolster their population.

You post this daily thread, I post this daily response:


Japan does not need more people. It has technology. It does not need foreign culture. It is fine as it is. Japan if anything, needs LESS people, so the youth that will come can enjoy a city house and a summer house on their island paradise.

>abolish anime
>birth rate increases
>no need to import pajeets and kebabs

>They cannot continue like this.
Why not?


White man here. Immigrants are cancer.

They are doing fine being their own country. If they don't fall to globalism any more than they quickly are Japan will be a shining becan of hope.

How about structuring society not like a ponzi scheme that's utterly dependent on logarithmic population growth? Is that an option or nah? We need niggers in Japan?

Do these people not get it?
>We need more people to supporting the seniors
This isn't a solution this is a Ponzi scheme. How can they argue this?

Japan is doing fine, only a certain (((group))) is pushing this. So eat shit, Schlomo.

1) Japan is overcrowded

2) automation will solve any workforce problems

White countries are already doomed. I hope in my lifetime Japan never loses its culture.

>implying it will happen
nips are smart

Robots. Anti-aging technology. Artificial wombs.

Most businesses in Japan are extremely reluctant to hire foreigners as it is. So mudslimes being pushed off on them wouldn't stand a snowball's chance.
The Japanese government isn't dumb and they aren't going to be pressure into taking immigrants from dangerous countries.

Looks like he forgot his proxy this time.

they'd be better off eskimoing their old people, once they can't work anymore.
i'm sure they're honorable enough to agree too.

8 million really is a lot. The problem for the Japanese is that they would only accept the cream of the crop that the white race has to offer and no one wants to be a wage slave in Japan.

Their lives are objectively inferior to even poor Europeans.

>Help! Japan is in danger of losing its status as the world's petri dish for mental disorders due to overcrowding!

Natural selection will raise the Japanese fertility rate in a few generations. Genes that cause a more intense desire to reproduce will be selected for, and genes that predispose pepe to become hikikomori or grass eating men will be selected against. The reason why fertility rates are low is departure from the environment of evolutionary adaptedness.

This is my caring face.

Dozens of examples in history how nations recovered with big population losses (just look at britain the black plague and the industrial revolution that happened because of it) and (((they))) are still screeching about constant growth happening only through immigration. Your propaganda gets more pathetic by the day.

I am learnig japanese and will work in an skilled engineer position.

In return I will only ask for a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf so I can breed with her tons of sons and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneous japan.

oh boy, It's that thread I see every single day

People need to stop believing in malthusian catastrophes. Old people will die off, sure. Once they do die off, they'll leave room in the workforce for the wave of freeters and neets which is a major issue in Japan.
Old people are almost impossible to fire and they refuse to give up their cushy jobs where they produce nothing.

Nature will clean itself up and Japan will be a less crowded country with a more healthy population that actually has time and resources to have children again.

>The one flaw in my plan

Seriously though, I know two Irish guys with wives over there. If they can get nip wives, anyone can.

This is also true. I laugh every time I hear that they want to put retirement up to 70. 60 year olds already do the least amount of work for the most amount of pay.

A country will go on without abusive asshole senior workers who surf on the work of people beneath them. Japan won't collapse without them or bombfugees.

>freeters and neets which is a major issue in Japan.

lolol, no it isn't, this is just a meme. Japs still dislike people who don't work so they're more critical of their problems, but it isn't more or less an issue than average there

>fewer people in japan
>higher purchasing power
>lower rent (literally another shoah)
>lower interest rates
>less debt

i can see why (((they))) dont like homogeneous societies.

All the old women I work with who have mastered the art of doing nothing while looking busy. We could fire half our staff and it would be busy but we would be okay.

The people who are not going to live that long start to die between 60 and 70. We would have people literally dropping dead in the work place if retirement was 70. Also most people would refuse to contribute to a pension.

The system would collapse.

They could be more immigration friendly, but that doesn't mean they have to let all races and peoples in. Westerners and certain based eastern European places would be a first obvious group that would bring value to Japan, for example. Random shit skins from God knows where bring nothing but problems and welfare expenses.

Nice graph of neets, now pull up a graph of young people in Japan who are only capable of getting shitty temp jobs due to zero openings in corporations where Nip boomers are running the show.

I thought they needed workers, not slackers and rapists who'll never integrate.

yes Japan clearly you should let in sub-50 iq niggers and savage islamists, they're sure to participate in the workforce rather than getting onto public welfare programs to make them go broke faster while slicing off your heads, burning down your buddhist/shinto shrines for Muh Hammed and raping your women. Truck-kun is the truck of peace.

That's called changing the goalposts Norg, and why don't you provide such a graph?

>specifically list neets and freeters
>changing the goalposts

Aquafresh, please.


This is what always gets me.

(((popular media))) say out of one side of their mouth "We need more refugees in the workforce to compete!! Too many jobs, not enough people!"

Then, out of the other side, they report "Why robots are taking everyone's jobs and DAE think we totally need Universal Income before every job literally goes away??"

It is the perfect life-plan. Imagine owning a spot in rural japan so you live there with a traditional and comfy japanese qt 3.14 wive far away from degeneracy, jamals achmed and leftist...

Yuo getting to breed tons of little cute hapas whose will raise all traditionally by a caring family oriented wive

What the fuck is Japans problem anyway. Their ancestors were from SEA aswell. They look exactly the same as SEA people and China. Just screen the nationalist and get people that can integrate well.

How are people who work temp jobs NEETs or Freeters?

Japan needs alpha western immigrants, Jap boys can no longer properly satisfy their own women so they will need us to do it

even if that were true -which it isnt- id rather be 'finished' than live among third world scum

Yeah but they will react to you being Spanish the way we react to jihadis.


And I quote
"About 10% of high school and university graduates could not find steady employment in the spring of 2000, and a full 50% of those who could find a job left within three years after employment. The employment situation is worse for the youngest freeters."

Japan is fucked not because of a lack of fucking imports, they're fucked because of a boomer generation on steroids mixed with senpai/kohai system.

everyone in that pic is ugly and shouldn't breed

middle 1 is a qt

What if Fukishima is an experiment in evolution?

All that radiation to facilitate whatever comes after humans.

Japs look like they will evolve to be grey aliens.

Hmm... Import millions of foreigners who don't speak, read or write your awkward picture language or incentivise the currant populace to have more kids.

Also I'm sure there's plenty of homeless/NEET types in Japan who could use some help. Why wouldn't the government reach out to help these people get employment?

No shit that tends to happen when you cuck a country, drop two bombs on it, and get their male youth hooked on anime. They got the Germany treatment. Japan is dying for someone to awaken their nation.

Sup Forums is overrunned by shills, any alternative?

How would muslims even react when they discover shota and loli?

Shills get owned pretty quick on Sup Forums. That is why it will always be better than reddit.

Fuck off kike.

yeah thats the cons. But do you prefer that? or live in europe so that maybe your daughters can be raped by jamal achmed? or your sons becoming trans cuz its progressive? or having to pray 5 times a day as sharia law being imposed in your local city ? or in the best scenario get to fight and die in a massive civil war against all degenerates plus shitskins plus goverment (outnumbered heavily)?

which life do you prefer to live?

>Japan accepting people that can't understand a single word of Japanese and aren't contributing to society

Top lyl

Goodbye Jews!
Goodbye Jews!

Go away Goldstein.

Im going to live in Ireland with the german girl that I stole. Its better here than in Germany. Its an island too.

8 million jobs will be lost to automation by 2030.

And no one will buy the shit that they make.

That might just be what (((they))) want you to believe so you swallow the UBI gibs meme more easily.

Establish Fascist Imperial Japan:
>No more degeneracy
>No more anime
>bring back honor
Degeneracy is the #1 reason why they have this problem, progressivism is ok, when controlled.

Japan doesn't need more immigrants japan needs labor reform.

When the jobs that make yaughts, private jets and robot soldiers are replaced with machines, start worrying.

Until then its self defeating.

Stop being a nigger.

Who's pressuring, the UN?

>money is the ONLY thing that matters anywhere

Good Luck when the shit hits the fan. Defending an Island is a lot easier though may you and uour kind prevail.

Or they continue robotics R&D

Calls by whom, greedy cunts who don't want to downsize sensibly to match the population? Fucking faggots. Growth is a false god and those who worship it should be cast down from high places.

>Victor the 20 minute rant man

I'll say it again.

Eventually the Government will PAY Japanese women to artificially inseminate and have babies.

Or couples with one baby will be compensated heavily to have a second child, and more for a third.

Think of a reverse "One Child Policy" like China had.

If they do finally bend over, they should at least limit their immigrants to Chinese and Vietnamese only, so they retain some kind of visual semblance of their former self. This will hopefully keep libs pissed off because of not accepting niggers and muslims.

Automation makes this irrelevent

They fucking despise mainlanders m8.

>Japan has 868 people per square mile
>United States has 86 people per square mile
>Japan is 10 times more crowed than the US
>on a landmass slightly smaller than California
Wow, who would have thought their population would start to recede at one point. It must be fucking rocket science.

Is that the (((journalist))) wrote this propaganda?

Who doesn't, but it's them or coons and ragheads. The only reason Japs hate mainland filth so much more, is because they've not had much experience of the latter two.

Then again, the Japs are already taking in relatively large numbers of Indonesia nurses, so perhaps it'll be them.

....only in cities like india holland n china

Between 1998 and 2013 there was zero job growth in the US. 40 million new people, but the same total hours worked annually.

Japan should recruit weaboos before goddamned sandniggers

Maybe if they relaxed their stupid fucking work traditions more young people will stop being NEETs and join the work force.

Their factories and convenience stores are already filled with SE Asians, but most have come on the understanding that they have to go back.

>abolish anime
This kills Japan.

Listen here, you disgusting, vile goyim: the population has to keep growing, so the economy can keep growing, and more of you filthy creatures and put yourselves into debt. Our entire economy runs on debt, and if there's nobody to MAKE debt, then how the fuck can I afford more child slaves and bribes for politicians? You putrid fucking cattle need to learn your place.

You don't look white enough

I think it depends on which immigrants they choose to take. Beaners, Indians, whites and other Asians would be fine especially with how common xenophobia is, Japanese won't let them spread their culture will nilly. Muslims and most niggers (Ethiopians are pretty good migrants) would be a bad idea.

As long as they were aggressive against race mixing Japan would be fine. Japanese are rude enough to keep migrants in line unlike whites.

i like anime but holy fucking shit japanese people are like the most autistic people in the world and this is coming from a weaponized autism speacialist

Damn, you must be ugly to think that.

Why would anyone give a shit about ''muh, economy'' if they're going to fucking die without having kids?

Weebs are shit workers though, they all think they are the mc in their own persona game.

It won't be Muslims. Their extensive Muslim monitoring program that they have right now only covers about 100,000 residents and it takes up a lot of time and resources for the Japanese police forces.

They'll start integrating and wearing "I Love Japan" shirts, of course.

They don't reproduce though, so they'll be gone after one generation.

I bet you're actually Jewish.

>They cannot continue like this.

Sure they can, dipshit. Fuck the blue pill. Japs will start reproducing again when conditions are conducive to it.