according to hiroshimoot we are allowed one meta thread per board
so how do we fix this board? reddit refugees, niggerposting, shitty bait threads, shill threads have made this place unbeareable
was going mainstream a mistake?
post your thoughts
according to hiroshimoot we are allowed one meta thread per board
so how do we fix this board? reddit refugees, niggerposting, shitty bait threads, shill threads have made this place unbeareable
was going mainstream a mistake?
post your thoughts
What are Sup Forums's general thoughts on the Trump generals? I ask because they look like really gay circlejerks from here.
They're leddit refugees that haven't gone home since the elections. The mods should deport /ptg/ illegals
should be purged imo
Get rid of gay flags
Sup Forums would improve tenfold if those faggots got banned on sight
add a star of david flag
lets start with yours
Why are we having these threads again? We had one last year and some time ago
> make country flags compulsory
>make ideology flags optional but appear next to country flags
I'm in favor of gassing /ptg/ No reason they should exist. The election is over, if they want to discuss an issue with the Trump administration, make a thread about it.
Trump threads are fine but the general is normie off topic cancer that encourages reddit cult behavior
I suggest we permanently ban every little whiny faggot like you.
If you really need a safe space, you can always go back where you came from.
I think we need to have a real pol-tard as a mod, who also completely respects the authority of Hiro.
He needs to be willing to cull popular thing like /ptg/ and all the other autistic generals.
He also needs to be willing to forgo any of these things if Hiro decides so.
You forgot relationship threads, those should go too.
If you just filter out all non-geographic flags and have a good filter set up this place becomes almost normal again.
Make it so we can tap on the flag to see the geo location so it's even more easy to point out and distinguish Canadian shitposters LARPer's and shills
Change the flags back and this all fixes its self
where the fuck have you been? This has been an issue for 3 forevers
Why should country flags be mandatory? The system they have now is much better and what does it say about what the users of this board want if so many posters choose not to disclose their country
A glance at the banlist shows what might be another issue: shitposters never get more than a 3-day ban. The only 30-day bans I ever see there seem to come from ban-evasion on Sup Forums and elsewhere. Maybe if posting a "BRAAAAPFF"-level thread resulted in a permab& the first time, we wouldn't constantly see that sort of shit cluttering the board?
Start the fucking race war already
source got damn it
>so how do we fix this board?
Any mod who bans for things that aren't against the rules needs to lose mod status.
This is not okay.
We should have our real geological flag next to our political flag
>unashamed leaf
we need to go back to all geographic location maps
it feels like 90% of posters who actually show their flag are Americans, and at least half of overall posters pick some BS politics flag or no flag at all
>so how do we fix this board?
Maybe stop posting whores? It's a regular shill tactic to bump threads.
>phoneposting pedofag got permab&
>last fucking year
I didn't think they still did this, mods are gods.
Maybe public bans should make a comeback to let people know they're still around?
1. All general threads must be destroyed
2. Go back to normal flags
3. Allow for occasional shitposting and Sup Forums related humor to add variety
4. Ban BBC threads and race mixing threads
How the fuck does this shit work on phones? I got banned for "posting child pornography" a few days ago and I don't even think I had posted anything at all this month.
We have been flooded with shills for over a year now. Since people have finally come to realize that the Alt-r is /pol they flocked here to see what the hub bub was about. Then they systemically got redpilled. The only people who are antiposting (shitposting) are paid shills. Or useful idiots.
Anyone who has been on the board for 5+ years should be able to understand the flow and demographics of piss. In fact 4chin has it's own culture.
Kekistan was supposed to be our Israel
But /sg/ and /britpol/ are good containment breads. Otherwise you'd have 6 "MUH MAD GAINZ" threads and 20 "MAMMY MAY DINDU NUFFIN" threads shitting everything up.
All general threads are cancer
Back in 2011 Sup Forums used to be hilarious and the mods allowed generals to make everything neater
It totally backfired and Sup Forums ceased to be fun or interesting. It is now a totally irrelevant shithole populated by autistic faggots.
Only autists post in generals
All tripfags should be gassed on sight
The purpose of Sup Forums is to be anonymous and to create quality content in a survival of the fittest thread game. Generals encourage shitty threads and create stagnation. Furthermore, generals create weird cliques to develop that are totally against the spirit of Sup Forums.
So we can identify leafs like (((you))).
Yeah /sg/ has some pretty intelligent and interesting discussion and usually isn't complete spam faggotry like /ptg/
You refresh the page and ignore them so they die faster.
Its better than seeing the same bullshit on the frontpage every fucking day
Fuck the general threads...they are reddit personified. And fuck your containment theory. We are on Sup Forums essentially the entire board is containment
>All tripfags should be gassed on sight
I agree 100%. I visit /k/ and primarily Sup Forums and generals are killing both boards.
What's the point with these never ending stale /ptg/ anymore? I hate the weird mentality of posters in those generals, nobody engages with anyone they all just meme like broken records
Someone probably tagged a static IP you were using and used it to post CP.
Sup Forums bans off of IP address therefore if it isn't static then you can ban dodge.
But back to the statement; people use phished IP's to proxie their actions here.
So phone posting is the smartest because no phone carrier puts a static on it AND you can simply shift your IP by resetting the data on and off. I've been banned for invasion requests and posting peoples SS cards on different board even though I've never ventured off this board.
To expand on a few things, maybe there should also be a built-in "Ignore this id" button just besides a poster.
Make it much easier for normalfags to avoid cancer.
Not everyone wants to install & configure 4chanX
>yo dawg I heard you like containment boards so we put a containment thread inside of a containment board inside of a containment site.
I still get these bullshit bans, mods are fags.
Bans are IP based. Were you using your mobile data?
>. Go back to normal flags
>newfags still don't understand these are normal flags.
A ban "for child pornography" is usually really just "a mod didn't like what you were podting so they babbed you".
They generally have to give a post for confirmation.
Otherwise your appeal not being heard is infringment and illegal.
>I still get these bullshit bans
user a few posts above explains where those bans come from, seems to be part and parcel to phoneposting. I'm static and I haven't caught a ban for anything in years.
Honestly, it's your fault for using a smartphone.
It's a really easy way to circumvent bans, and mods are completely justified in trying to kill all of them.