Reminder that Latinas reject BBC and instead prefer white seed in order to "mejorar la raza" AKA advance the race.
What is holding you back from starting an Anglo-Castizo family with a traditional QT latina for the survival of your country pol?
Reminder that Latinas reject BBC and instead prefer white seed in order to "mejorar la raza" AKA advance the race.
What is holding you back from starting an Anglo-Castizo family with a traditional QT latina for the survival of your country pol?
Other urls found in this thread:
>advancing the race
>anglo involved
Tip top kek
Is emma stone mixed?
That girl literally got seeded by a monkey.
reminder that "latinas" are MUSLIM
the ottoman seed lurks within them deep down and they will never truly be free of this taint
they are not whitening themselves, they are shariaing YOU
Emma Stone is only interested in advancing the frog half of her race. Frog people united. I guess that's why so many Sup Forums love her since she's got a little Pepe in her too. I bet she loves her some Shadilay.
AND, and... they can cook really good food. Just a bonus.
The Mississippi River you love so much is actually the nile
They have lower IQs than whites, plus they're loud and combative. And they get horrendously fat after getting wifed up. Most are also not qt3.14. Most look like this.
>Tfw no taco gf
Why live desu??
to add to this, once they have the majority numbers in an area they behave WORSE than niggers with child trafficking and kidnapping, drugs, and organized crime.
I've got myself a cute, virgin (before me), Latina girl who's obsessed with me. She's likes getting dominated sexually and has a decent career, plus she can cook. I'm happy.
they can't become the majority if they become part white
>plus they're loud and combative
they just want to be dominated you cuck
show your strength and balls and youll have a loving submissive qt wife forever
El Paso (80+% spic) is the safest major city in the US.
Do you think Detroit (80+% black) is?
I have no interest in coming home to a wife that I have to "dominate" every night into compliance. That's true cuckery
Just sexually, you beta fuck.
>What is holding you back from starting an Anglo-Castizo family with a traditional QT latina for the survival of your country pol?
Well for starters i am a germanic übermench and not a anglo subhuman.
>The Mississippi River you love so much is actually the nile
-The pope says 'stand up'
- WE WUZ DA RIGINAL, 100% bona fite, authentic true Hebro's and Native amerikangz n' sheeit
Reminder that Latinas will fucking cut you with a kitchen knife.
lol no. My friend's girlfriend has 2 negro children; fathers in prison. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Reminder that Latinas are cute and love anal! ANAL!
Then go marry a submissive gook with the body of an 8 year old and leave the thicc latinas to the real men.
Nope, mix of the best of Europe, like most good looking Americans.
>Her paternal grandfather, Conrad Ostberg Sten, was from a Swedish family that anglicized their surname to "Stone" when they immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island. She also has German, English, Scottish, and Irish ancestry.[6]
>high IQ latina gf
>wide hips for high IQ children
>cooks, cleans does whatever i want
>horny all the time
>calls me papi
why haven't you taken the cholapill?
My princessa calls me Daddy. It's good times.
>not perpetuating the blue eyes trait I share with every male in the paternal side of my family because I fucked a random Latina with brown eyes
Chicas raus.
Latinas have the nicest asses and most have beautiful vaginers.
Oh and every single one I have been with get sloppy wet.
Having bilingual children is also a bonus
You know the Nile is a very real river in Africa that still exists right? RIGHT?
So essentially earn the same as marrying white.
All my heros kill spics
I have a severe latina fetish. Save me.
Lol in Canada?! Nice try jew!!
Can confirm the asses and vaginers. Latina pussy and ass is the best, no comparison.
I always find it funny how other races are far more racially aware than whites, and no one calls them out on it. It's like, a spanish mother can tell her daughter to "find a nice white boy" and no one calls her a bigot. But if a white mother were to say "find a nice white boy" shit would go down.
Nothing to save, lad. Get yourself a good Latina sub.
There's a 90% chance that your kid will be a manlet with shitty looking skin and facial hair
All races with neadertal DNA need to mix, and anything that comes out of africa should be killed
Abella Danger is my pornfu desu
captcha: roma franciso
it's woman's nature to look for an upgrade. i consider it if the shit brings a million for a dowry
Hope for grills.
I actually know a latina that married a nigger and had a baby with him and then he started fucking trannies (men dressed as women)
There are 2 types of humans. The ones that come from the middle east, and the ones that do not. The ones that come from the middle east should be exterminated. Africans, Jews, Arabas, and those nasty Armenians. The rest of us can live together in harmony.
Why is this meme so underrated?
Imagine random, innocuous (((photos))) getting a #BBC4ME caption
no one has to name (((them))) for it to be obvious
Latinas would be my second choice after Slavic.
Oh, and we should kill off all the Indians also just because no one likes them and they are the most hateful people on this planet.
sad thing is that she seems like the typical sjw who would throw that away in a heartbeat.
That's a true saying, mom's urge their daughters to look for a white guy
>high iq
Top kek mate!
>mejorar la raza
kek it's true
>inb4 archive faggots
>t.Podestas Bottom Bitch
lazy cunt
What's a good height for a Latino slut?
I second this true statement
6 feet under
thanks latvia
If that's you girl, I would bro fist you.
Because if i craved latinas i would fuck the superior Med women
confirming, even guys look for the whitest honey they can catch, mejorando la raza.
Most Jews are Europeans
fuck off, stay with your white whores
find yorself a nice north mexican
fucking phone poster :^(
they hail from the middle yest just like the other hook nose races.
>Reminder that Latinas reject BBC
I find this VERY hard to believe after hearing stories, can somebody confirm?
>Hope for grills.
pirate's looking for booty
Post them hot turras
I live in south Florida so I'm surrounded by thicc Latina qts. I'm friends with a few too. Black guys are on the bottom of the totem pole for them. Indians are down there too kek. They are very catty and rude about girls who do get blacked its seen as debasing yourself. A big concern I've heard is they don't trust niggers to not share intimate and private photos and moments all over the internet. Also, the smell from a pack of niggers makes them start gabbling angrily away in Spanish. Its super funny
>Talking about IQ
>Reminder that Latinas reject BBC and instead prefer white seed in order to "mejorar la raza" AKA advance the race.
>What is holding you back from starting an Anglo-Castizo family with a traditional QT latina for the survival of your country pol?
"Uncle SAM" strikes again
No they don't my old neighbor had this attitude he said that his woman wanted to be dominated and controlled.
He woke up one day with his Latin fire stabbing him in the face with a knife.
Latinas are fucked up in the head and they have no filter, what ever they think they say and it almost always gets your ass in trouble.
Can confirm: Colombian gf is super racist towards them.
As if a queer with deus vult has any right to talk about IQ.
That is actually very generous, her face isn't ugly enough. Most spics get horribly disgusting in the face. They draw on their eyebrows and look like oompa loompas.
Why are there so many Hispanic threads on Sup Forums recently? This is like the fifth thread ive seen which was about Mexicans.... I wonder what percentage of Sup Forumss population is Mexican because after seeing all these "Hispanic" threads id say it has to be close to 50% of Sup Forums
You're thinking of chongas.
They actually race mix much.more.
As they're all mixed to begin with.
Can confirm the body of gook gf. I can't put two fingers inside before she whelps about pain. Having intercourse is 10-15min og slowly pushing in and after that its the most slippery super right cunt you'll ever feel.
She cooks, cleans and calls me daddy. Feels very good. With all the shit going on in the world i'm going to enjoy her as long as i can.
"they have to go back"
I'm really disappointed with the lack of brown tits in this thread. I'm ashamed of you guys :c
>they're even taking over fucking wyoming now
Only the iliegal.
The ghost of King Leopold will bring great death to all niggers, but he needs Sup Forums's help to meme it into a reality!
The nice thing is that I spent my 20s spreading my oats across central and south america.
Now I have over 20 kids, and my childsupport is less then 2,000 a month. And those kids are well off.
And this was back in 2010
If they're gold enough for Uncle Adolf, they're good enough for me. Argentina, here I come.
I don't want children that are measurably less intelligent and capable than I am.