Aw Shucks

Serious question. What exactly does the UN do for America?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Oh no I'm so spooked by this

Leeches our money

>Oy vey we'll have to parasite off of another rich country and use them as an engine to create world government instead

If only

I didn't even know the UN had a new general secretary


They make us feel much better about our own bureaucracy by giving us an example of an even shittier one.


So far Im gathering that the UN does nothing for us

It's a platform whereby the US can excercise its power over the world.

US says something at the UN and all its colonies and puppet states back it up in front of your enemies.

NATO on the other hand is (at least in theory) a way to ensure that each member spends 2% of its budget on US arms, thereby paying into the American military industrial complex.

how many proxies do the Kikes use to control the UN?

or do they wait until it has power then they roll the kikes out

how does it work

Will be interested in seeing what truly is important once US withdraws all UN funding (far more than any of those countries that use it as a medium to bash the USA). That dumb women's panel that invited Anita to talk about muh oppression? I'm sure that's a high priority

>appropriating ebola-chan


Trys to tell us what to do, takes our money, scolds us for XY and Z, uses our resources, uses us an an excuse, runs to us when they need help, shames us for what ever reason is the hot topic, limits us where ever possible intentionally.

They get in our way.

UN can't even issue a statement saying Chemical Weapons are bad.

Fuck those guys.

The UN can't do shit. Their armed forced are a fuckin joke.

The UN is a joke.

We would fuck the UN up so bad.

Not a fucking thing except occupy one of our buildings, take our money, and cause traffic jams. The (((UN))) seems to forget we could burn that motherfucker down tonight if we really had to.

Nigger the aircraft carrier is the platform from which we derive our power. How did we do it before the UN was created?

You have shit for brains


there have been a lot of shilling articles lately about the US being second at everything

>Giving a shit about anything Antonio Beans'n'rice has to say.

U.N. stands for "Usefulness Non-existent". There's your answer.

>how did we do it before the UN was created

You didn't, the League of Nations (original UN) was formed after WWI, long before the aircraft carrier was developed.

Prior to WWI, the United States did not have the political or military power it does today. The British Empire was the worlds foremost superpower.

We won WW2. At that moment we became the world power and it never stopped.

We did not need the League of Nations to be the world power. It just helped us keep YOU NIGGERS in check


'The 100 Year Empire'

Burning twice as bright for half as long

Not a damn thing.

UN like the LoN is part of a Global Government Plan/Operation.

A Global Government/"Union" only works if it can enforce it's rules(Which means it needs an Army).

Did a thread on Regional Unions recently(It got Shilled heavily):


Thread Archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Frank like the Frank is part of a Frank Frank plan/operation.

A Grank Grank/Frank only Franks if it can Frank IT IS Frank (Which Franks it Franks a Frank)
Did a Frank on Frank Franks recently (It got Franked Frankily)


Frank Archive

America was a superpower in 1914 when we built the Panama Canal none of the europoor countries could manage to do

>spic threatens the US
Looks like we need a wall in NYC

you do know most the NATO countries make their own arms....fucking idiot

what is the protocol for removing a PERMANENT seat ? the entire point of having them is to prevent super powers from fighting other super powers

thats why they have veto power. how do you do it? its like if you try to get it to the floor to be voted on it would just be batted away

Replace us with who? We effectively ARE the UN.

UN exists to let turd world dictators let their kids live high on the hog courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. It's a nepostitic make work program for the children of the global 1%.

Except its not over retard

better question, who the fuck do they expect to be able to actually replace us?


Not to mention, i'd like to see them fucking try to "replace" the US.

the UN has a way too inflated opinion of it's own power when the US is a huge chunk of it's budget. This is why the UN has become a failure. it's just become a corrupt elite bureaucracy that honestly doesnt do anything for anyone, and just gets in the way, and drains money. theyve become too concerned with themselves and their standing as some kind of "world government" entity, and have stopped actually mattering as far as preventing something like the Axis or WW2 from happening again, since the nukes already do that well enough on their own

The UN is the deep state of "the west" and does whatever it wants using whatever pretext they can push via mass media programming into the soft heads of their target audience.

Media studies has been a dead discipline for along time now and it is almost exclusively about prepping it's students in how to MAKE propaganda rather than media criticism and how the media industry operates.

Don't under estimate them.

Your election did not give you a mandate to escape the deep state. This is why "peoples" form their own states with rights.

for that matter, what do Congress and the Senate do for the US?

or...which hand do they use?

Cofee user

Keeps us from destroying everyone else.

not adding enemys and proving a platform to talk.

What dose the US for the UN?

Fuck s up foreign country's murders around the world fiances terrorism.

I have a better question for you.
How would the UN operate without the US?

>Largest financial contributor
>Headquarters in Jew York
>Largest supplier of military support

One third of UN bureaucrats would lose their jobs due to downsizing.



Trust me, he's not standing up to anyone. He's a happy-go-lucky propagandist who drew the lottery by being in a make-work appointment in charge of refugees when the "crisis" hit which got him some high profile publicity with Angelina Jolie and the like. He'll keep being an attention-whore during his whole mandate and at the end you'll find out that he enacted not a single change or even tried to.

>literally keeps the UN and NATO alive


Replaced with what? and by whom? The UN has no money, no army navy or power. No, we will remove ourselves......what boon may we gain by suffering those fools?

Get free money from US

Yes, we know the globalists plans to merge EU..

Without US money, the UN will fail


Story of our lives whats new


>US will be replaced
they obviously mean that US will lose its standing and a new country will overtake it


Hey UN you want to get evicted from New York, USA. You'll be the League of Nation without the US.

We'll need a new cultural win condition in Civ games then. Get to work Firaxis.

It means that if you're not good shabbos goyim they will push circumcision in China and they will be the best ally of the Yehudim.

What do you not understand?

now the question is will the UN get more money from the kikes or from the US because that is who their master is.

If its the kikes then sounds like we gotta stop funding Israel and their anti-american activities like spreading communism through american college campuses.

Ask us for money and then when we refuse to cripple ourselves military and economic wise, they accuse us of retarded crimes.

It's quite possibly the most pointless coalition to ever exist in the history of mankind.

But chinks are immune to muh 6 gorillion.

It's an attempt to stop us.
Entire threads with people flailing in the wind spouting bullshit left and right as well.
It's like they don't know what type of people they're trying to convince.
Just point, laugh, and sage.

The British military's main strength was their navy which got completely cucjed to death in WWI when Germans made uboats

I wish you would you bloated motherfucker.

>UN threats
>Meaning anything

>was formed after WWI, long before the aircraft carrier was developed.
You dumb nigger aircraft carriers have been around since before WW1.

>I'm going to start my own UN, with muslims and "refugees"
>on second thought forget the UN

Alright fine, assuming that we stop letting the UN be our puppet, who on Earth would they have replace us?

The UN exists because we allow it and the UN will end when we demand it.

Pay our failed politicians

UN was created by USA, why do they play these games? Do they seriously think i am stupid? UN approved every illegal American war, closes eyes with any chemical released by USA in war or on food, always supports Israel, only talks back, but no action ever.

lul let them try

I can only pray that they either mooch of of someone else or start paying for their own shit.