This thread for Americans.
Who's voting for Trump in 2020, and who do you all think the Democrats will serve up to get beat.
> I'm voting Trump again.
2020 Predictions
Ermm no sweetie? Drumpf the Retard lost by 6 million votes, only rural and suburban retards accept him as a president
Things can only get better leading up to 2020 with the way things are looking.
Nevertheless, I'd still prefer a fascist etno-state.
oh my bad, i forgot hillary is president.
>you fucking retard
Yellowstone will blow long before then and the subsequent election will be postponed as will the next due to martial law and the rebuilding of the American Nation.
i like that idea, i live outside of the fallout zone.
Elizabeth Warren is very likely
Did anyone ask you.
No then do what you do best U.N. sit down and shut up as Jamal fucks you
He'll be up against Bernie and still win.
The only way I'd even consider voting for anyone else would be Iif Rand Paul ran, and even then I'd still probably vote for Trump.
If either Trey Gowdy, Rand Paul or Ted Cruz are on another ticket I won't be voting for Donald.
Sorry m9s just speaking my mind.
With the way the democrats fucked him out of his chance to run, i could'nt see bernie trying again seriously, although he might just to fleece some more money from his supporters
Are any of those goys ready to stop immigration?
It isn't an idea; it's an inescapable reality. I have seen it before.
You will not like this.
Inflation will ensue, forced state intrusion into people's homes will occur through suspension of the third amendment enabling soldiers to forcibly establish cohabitation on an as-needed basis (enjoy the refugees).
The only good thing about it is after all of this the demise of the conventional party system, many, many years down the road.
>Trey Gowdy
He'd make me consider not voting for Trump but I don't think any republican will challenge him except for McMuffin or Lindsey Graham.
Got my vote.
i'd love to see hillary run again, just to see her waste so many foolish people's money
I spent so much time at the voting polls scaring away nigger and spics (illegal voters) that I lost my job. That just means in 2020 I'll have way more time to spend there.
I could see him running as a Perot and actually winning, and the Democrat Party coughing up blood as a result.
It's not wasted money. It keeps real left populists off the ticket. Is that what you want but are too jewish to say?
>6 million
Twice the population of the United States.
i could see that too
i'm catholic, i just know that a fool and their money are soon parted thats all
The Democratic nominee will be Kamala Harris or Andrew Cuomo. They'll lose, unless the economy truly collapses or Trump has accidentally nuked a swing state.
>nukes a swing state , maybe california
>my reaction
My bad i read that at 600 mil for some reason. Either way the argument still stands. Why should the population of one large city that's out of touch with the rest of rural America determine the fate of all? Theres a reason we have an electoral college, its so retards on the coasts can fuck the rest of us just becasue they dont know what it is to do an actual days work in the breadbasket of the world.
I want Hillary out of our misery. Let God deal with her.
I was thinking Booker will be one of the Democrats' favored tools. But that assumes we socialists don't break the party's balls in half.
>muh states
>muh arbitrary lines on a map
>that have nothing to do with anything but political horse trading from 100 years ago
>being this cucked to dead people
How do you tie your shoes in the morning, being so submissive?
you know hilldawgs gonna try anyway, either she shits the bed for democrats again or splits the ticket
How? Just fucking how? The whole point of Trump presidency is to erase everything Obama ever did. For fucks sake, he wanted to get rid of Obamacare and put it in with something better and he fucked that up.
You elected a billionaire to fix the billionaire problem.
By then she'll need three hands up her ass just to hold her up. Even the bourgeois liberal media wants no more of her. She's better off just walking away from the table with what she's got, maybe giving a few senile speeches at Golden Sacks to keep the lights on.
Never argue with a troll flag.
3 will fit, it would be ironic if she got elected and then was impeached like her husband.
Will probably be someone like Cory Booker or Kamala Harris. Would prefer Tulsi Gabbard.
What the fuck are you talking about? 99% of America will be covered in ash if it explodes, it's a fucking SUPERVOLCANO fucktard. It will ruin the economy of every country in this fucking world because America's a fucking superpower.
I've never heard of any of them, do they have anything good to run on?
You can't be this retarded.
Oh shut up. Globalization is unavoidable it's better economical for big companies. They will do anything but for more money.
i live in florida, i got the gulf coast to push most of that up and away from where i live
You are so fucking hypnotised it's disgusting. I really feel sorry for you, but I don't think I will be ever to help you.
Still, unlikely to happen. The uber-liberal press doesn't want her. They'll do her just like they did Bernie.
you are like ants at a picnic you know, who do you plan to vote for in 2020?
how in the fuk did u read that as 600m??
If he repeals DACA, builds the wall, and repeals the immigration act of 1965, I'll vote for him in 2020.
>You are so fucking hypnotised it's disgusting
>t.user who thinks dead oligarchs are wise and timeless
Just stop.
If last night is any indication, the Dems are only prepared to double down yet again. They'll lose hard in 2018. Republicans will then pass some constitutional amendments. Probably protections of the second amendment and if they're crazy they'll go for pro life protections.
If they do the latter, the Democrats will clean house in 2020. If they stick to guns and immigration they can maintain a good majority and the Democrats will fracture into a new party.
>Trump told Reuters in an interview. "This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.
Trump isn't running in 2020. He's too old and use to the CEO lifestyle.
It'll probably be Mark Zuckerberg vs Mike Pence.
Look. When a Supervolcano explodes it's not just gonna be a ton of fucking ash on the Earth. It's gonna change weather patterns for atleast several weeks, tons of animals and people will die because of all the ash, because of the many people in America dying companies will lose a large portion of members and they won't be able to sustain the company which will lead to a domino effect, if x is dependent on something in America you are fucked.
If something is dependent on that company they are fucked and that goes on and on until everything has collapsed.
We all know JEB! will win 2020 after calling donald a jewloving cuck and ivanka a hebrew whore
Bernie. Trump is a fucking billionaire who supports anyone who will give his as money, and Hillary as a bad reputation even if I don't think she didn't do much wrong, Republicans disagree with me.
Bernie actually is a smart guy and is looking out for the average person.
Look, i'm not going to freak out over something I can't control, if i end up surviving then i'll make the most of it and that's all anyone can do.
>Muh Supervolcanos
>if x is dependent on something in America you are fucked.
Unless it's just intellectual property, in which case you're stylin'. Free Hollyjew for everyone
You will become the minority by 2040 but keep voting for the same two parties also don't forget to keep sending money to Isr*el.
Shut up with this shit.
Repub and democrat,all the same false dichotomy bullshit. Same shit as chevy and gmc, futureshop and bestbuy. Open your fuckin eyes.
Kill yourself, jew.
he did get some nice new homes by fleecing his supporters, so i know he's not stupid.
Fuck this board honestly. Are you all retarded?
See pic
Definitely voting trump again.
If the democrats ever win another election, whites will be sent to "sensitivity camps".
Fuck off kike
'm voting Trump again.As far as the Dems, the nightmare called Hillary just wont go away..she's like a bad mother inlaw that is always hovering over you Dems. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 2020 you loose Dems!
amen brother, so's my whole family.
They can't understand that America is a immigrant country, immigrants killed the Natives and forced migrated people here.
Do you label anyone whp thinks different than you a nigger or Jew? Oh wait you do.
America was built by whites for whites
kill yourself nonwhite scum. go be a leech somewhere else
No one is stupid enough to bomb the US.
Stop being stupid and be logical.
who are you voting for again?
Hol fucking shit
Canadians are moving to North Dakota. fuck ya
Jeb will destroy you in 2020! He didn't like being the front runner in 2016, but we're going to witness an electoral ass kicking in 2020. Pic related.
>They can't understand that America is a immigrant country, immigrants killed the Natives and forced migrated people here.
They can't understand that America is a immigrant country, immigrants killed the Natives and forced migrated WHITE people here.
Oh, and we're full now, manifest destiny is over, Emma Lazarus wrote a goddamned poem, not a law, so fuck off.
>immigrant country
Yes, yet it is an immigrant country majority from Europe.
Also, ideologies and ideas change over time to reflect what the current agenda is. For all I know USA can't be an immigrant country forever.
Trump will dominate him like he did the last time, god, jeb could'nt even stand up for himself, such low energy.
I think you mean the United States fought dozens of separate wars against hundreds of hostile tribes and won.
Nah. I just label anyone who think Jews are white or thinks the American system was designed for the benefit of the common man as a Jew.
Hello Google Translate! Wie geht es dir?
Fuck off you cocksucking Young Republifat. Your days are over.
2020 Trump vote secured. I can't believe what my former "party" has become
Amen to you brother.
>Adding /thread to your own post
Nupol is cancer
You can't insult your way into the presidency
See you in 2020 fags.
Drumpfcare will kill off Drumpf's retarded supporters who vote against their own interests and the Presidency will be reclaimed by someone who isn't pants-on-head retarded
Screencap this
>You can't insult your way into the presidency
I remember hearing that last summer. Turns out, you can't murder your way to the Presidency, but you can insult whoever you want.
>voting for anyone but Trump
>even considering voting for a "democrat"
nobody is this retarded, right?
You're right, Trump won fair and square, and i look forward to him winning again.
>vote against their own interests
Is the new meme?
i stopped playing make-believe when i was like 12 years old, what's your excuse?
Also who are you voting for?
>muh presidency
Oh, that's cute, you're becoming a Presidential-only party just like the demofags.
I want both parties killed, little Young Republifat. Not a single one of you party tards are worth anything more than a trip through the meat grinder. What do you think of that, you useless little shit? Answer now or grill yourself.
I can't believe you nigger lovers took that seriously. Fell for an effortless troll.
i'm starting to think these people that won't respond are too young to understand politics let alone vote.
>hurr durr i was merely pretending to be retarded
good one bro
1)Trump wins in a landslide. Democrats and leftist's do not field a candidate as they lost Civil War 2 in 2018 (most died on Nevada & California battlefields). Rightist Anti-Trump (establishment) candidate McConnell lost in a landslide.
2) Mexico and other Central and South American countries continue their collapse. Many encampments at the southern wall in hopes of gibs and entrance. Doesn't happen.
3) European Union finally creates their own military and invades Poland. Many bottles thrown. Lots of Merkel as Hitler marching into Poland memes made.
4) Middle-east, Russia, and OPEC continue to spiral down with the price of oil being too low. Newly elected President Trump wants to fulfill his energy campaign promises - all US oil will be produced and consumed here, with excess being exported - ending the petrodollar.
Sounds solid to me
Jeb is an effortless troll, this is true, but in all seriousness, mainstream partisans should all be fed into industrial meat grinders.
Most likely scenario. Thanks!
Though, I should have added the nuclear power plants with #4.
donald trump is not going to run again in 2020. ivanka trump is going to run in 2020. screenshot this.