Femanon here
Why is Trump president of the USA if Hillary Clinton beat him by 30 million votes?
Femanon here
Those were dead undocumented immigrants from Mexico, they don't count.
Shareblue you have to pick a better proxy than Poland for your shitposting.
because trump has a weiner
you really a polish, aren't you?
Weak bait. Saged.
Also femanon here. She fucking won. If you win more votes you win. What part of democracy don't you understand?
>30 million
He beat her by 30 million electoral votes, which means more
You mean 3 million, you stupid cow. To answer your question: The Electoral College never worked on popular vote. Ever.
It's called a republic
Because the American democratic system doesn't work that way.
If it needs reform, then reform it, but what's done is done.
The "Democracy" part. We're a Republic, not a Democracy.
tits or gtfo
because we're a republic, not a direct democracy. every state votes, but slightly more power is given to some states so their needs can't be ignored.
>30 million votes
You know the rule.
Which states and why?
>300 billion votes
Because politics is corrupt.
I hate the argument that if we had a direct democracy that more people would come out to vote especially republicans in blue states etc. Could almost guarantee it would be a similar turn out.
>a woman who doesn't know how the political system works
If I didn't know any better I'd actually think you were serious.
The ones with more people.
Population proportions, Jesus user just look at electoral college maps.
>admitting you are a female online because you know that in real life this alone would get you attention
Or, I should say
>get your post attention
>to spread your masters' agenda
>you worthless, pathetic shill
Lol it wasn't even the whole 3M
Smaller states and because NYC's population alone is greater than that of the 10 smallest states combined.
You're a fucking disgrace to my country
So this is why Americans make Polish jokes
>30 million votes
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant 3 million.
Regardless, I have doubts about even that number. The Democratic party is full of disgusting people who will do anything to get their way. That's how I knew to not trust Sanders, and that's how I knew he'd kike out and shill Hillary.
His just gave me a thought. A lot of college age females are lefties right? Everyone thinks the internet won trump the election right? So you pose as a master internet person but want to impersonate a female online and tits are the answer. You convince these retarded lib arts major ladies to send you all kinds of full sets of nudes with easily shoopable timestamp material(blank paper) with the promise that you will use them to garner support for leftist and progressive ideals online. God damn foolproof.
>people falling for such weak bait