Reminder that no white man anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history, has ever received more votes for anything than Hillary Clinton did.
Reminder that no white man anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history...
and she still lost
I love seeing that smug face, smirking and filled with contempt, far away from the oval office.
>Play chess
>Don't know the rules
I seriously hope you don't do this.
Bitch cheated and still lost. Hilarious shit.
>65 million
almost as many people she has killed
I love that this is still a thing that upsets leftists, I thought by May it would be dust in the wind, but you guys keep giving, and giving and giving.
Five million illegal votes and counting... All in parasite-friendly states she would have won, anyway. Sure showed us!
1.2 billion for an election
the most spent by a loser in history
Here you go you deserve it.
Top three vote totals in U.S. history:
1. Barack Obama (2008; 69,498,516)
2. Barack Obama (2012; 65,915,795)
3. Hillary Clinton (2016; 65,853,516)
Pretty funny how white males used to be the only thing you saw on presidential ballots, and yet the top three vote-getters happen to be the only three times non-white males headed the top of a major party's presidential ticket.
No one believes them fake jew news numbers from illegal votes.
>Population expands every year
>Using raw numbers instead of percentages
What the fuck.
Yeah the democrats have imported enough wetbacks to win every popular vote from here on out. If it wasn't for the electoral college we'd already be a one party system
Still didn't get more votes than based Obama, the most charismatic President ever. I mean his policies were shit but he seemed like such a chill guy.
it truly looksl ike bad bait
Three most recent elections with a growing population are likely to be the the top three vote totals. Fuck common core.
>really makes one carbomb
women only make 78% of what a man would get so she only got 51 365 742 votes out of it and thus lost the election and the popular vote.
It has clearly nothing to do with "voting the edgy, or different candidate" and only beeing excited BECAUSE he is black/female/hispanic/gay and not because of politics.
The next Black candidate would need excellent politics and charisma to get this much votes again. just mediocre politics like Obama wont work again.
And also this.
Based Obama > Shillary
Kys kike.
You're forgetting the 3/5 rule
Reminder it was rigged and we should really charge you with crimes of association.
No politician anywhere on Earth, throughout all of human history, ever received more donations than Hillary.
fake and gay
5,000,000 illegal wetbacks voted for Hillary
How is it so many people voted last year knowing fuck all about how our government functions?
>> based obama
13 years of population growth since obama. how did she do proportionally?
Its nice to see coastal cities that dont produce their own food acting up.
>and yet she still lost
How eternally BTFO must you feel?
She will also get more JAIL TIME than any white man, ever
Did they multiply the number by 3/5?
illegals voting couldn't even win it for the pos
such a loser just like her fanbase
Daily Reminder: 5.7 million illegals voted for Clinton
>tfw your party commits voter fraud in the millions and you still loss
Ahh you beat me to it.
But an orange man did
Americans are so stupid that they do not even know what percentage is
Over half the country voted against her. Neither candidate got a majority. But only one was predicted to win in a landslide
Yes, we really really need to do something about voter fraud.
And she still lost HAHAHA
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. We can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Now count votes from actual citizens.
Her real achievement? She set feminism back 50 years singlehandedly by being such a colossally putrid garbage heap of failure.
Does this take into account the 3/5 factor for black votes?
forget the nuclear codes
we can't let this guy get two scoops
Imagine it leveling off around 210 million and staying 90% white. What could have been Sup Forums?
I won't be surprised if Obama is considered white in the U.S.