is he right?
Is he right?
They're putting citizens in prison for criticizing Islam and it's adherents. Yeah, there are going to be militias - and guess who they're going after.
If current trends keep up? Yeah, definitely.
1776 will commence again!!
Based on historical experience, yes.
However, much in society and humanity has changed quite rapidly in the last 100 years. So it's largely unknown.
Nah, I have lost all hope in the UK.
I wish in my heart of hearts they would rise up, but the brave men and women left that country 300 years ago to a land that was untamed and dangerous.
with what weapons? Assault spoons?
Him and Nigel are the only two people who actually care about Britain
It is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when. Everyone can feel it in the air; the urgency of dealing with the division in the United Kingdom and in Europe is like a cauldron about to boil over. There is bile in the throats of the silent working class who watch their children murdered and raped by foreign invaders. They no longer see refugees. They not longer see immigrants. We see occupants. Nostalgia about the glory days of Britain; the days when we had great factories and shipyards are returning to the collective consciousness.
Hate has become epidemic. The anger people feel cannot be stated just in mere words but somehow we must remain silent - for the Internet is the only bastion of freedom left where people state how they truly feel about the occupation. Resistance is growing. Europe surrendered to an invasion; we have capitulated. We are a puppet to them; controlled by the fear of yet more terror, yet their thirst for blood can't be quenched even with our capitulation. Nothing will stop them. We are but a colony to be settled and Islamised.
The United Kingdom has had enough. The progressives have tried to destroy the concept of nations - of nationalism. It worked in Sweden. It worked in Germany. The UK and France are at a knife-point where the the preservation not of the state but of the nation is on the mind of the people. If the government does not stand for the British nation, we shall take to arms. We will forcibly remove the occupiers of our nation that kill our brothers and sisters if the lazy corrupt government ignores the cries of the people. Soon, we will remember what we are. Soon, we will remember who we were.
hes very right,im already stockpilling bolts for my french crossbow
its not much but its better than nothing.
They'll take overall our birdwatching parks
and ask for twinkies and energy drinks!
Fuckin beautiful m8
Is it that time again?
What's even worse is you could be thrown in jail for your post. Please hurry and get the job done England. Don't go down without a fight
Amen bro
Larp Larp Larp
Ironic that you post this on a Nazi board
They could form militias with 3D printed guns.
>pol is one person
assault lighters do a lot of damage to high rise buildings
I'm just going by the logo
Reported this post, get fucked racist.
>Nazi board
God bless the motherland
And the thing is, once they take the internet from you guys, you'll lose the one outlet you have for your pent-up rage. Which means that it'll have to manifest itself some other way, and that'll likely be through an all-out rebellion.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
remember when they went after games? lol the second they touch the net the people will riot
you can touch a mans cigs and booze but the internet?
This fucking jew will never set foot in a milicia. He's trying to send us to death.
Well he's been right so far.
tommy is just a northern lad he aint a jew,i know how he feels becuase i grew up in a similar area
hes right about everything.
>They're putting citizens in prison for criticizing Islam and it's adherents.
I don't understand why Europe does this, that will just radicalize citizens more. I get pushing bullshit peace and tolerance but punishing people for being angry will just make them more angry. Throwing them in a system where they can network with criminals including white nationalist criminals seems pretty stupid too.
I mean it's the same thing if you took Muslims and locked them up for practicing their religion, it would just push them further away from society and further into their own views.
This is just a demonstration of how bad a job the police are doing of upholding peace and the law. That they have to invent false "weapons" in order to offset the massive amounts of violent crimes (10 violent crimes happened, but we took 20 "weapons". How safe!) that are occuring now.
Soon they will lock up a man and that man will speak the truth. The Jury and Judge will sympathize with them. The cell of a prison will become a stage for them.
All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.
they are pushing multi culturalism at all costs
they think a few terrorist attacks and a few rapes is part of the price for it
they are ideologues.
The irony goes totally over their own heads, or perhaps they think that they can get the few voices to frighten the others into submission when it comes to natives, but not so for Islamists.
Feels like it's by design. Imams can stand on the street corners preaching death to everyone, openly declaring themselves enemies of the state and they're left alone. Some white British guy makes a smarmy comment on Facebook or Twitter and he gets locked up. People aren't blind, they know the government is acting against them. Problem is it seems Brits support it so fuck 'em.
Watch out for the hate crimes unit
Will Tommy write his Mein Kampf in prison?
The authorities have been threatening him for a long time, and after the whole night raid debacle they said one toe out of line and he'll be hauled away
he is the only man with balls left in cuckistan. he will be spared when God finally punishes england
fuck off there is plenty of people here ready to fight
only 3% of colonials fought in the independance war
I can't stop laughing.
56% white and lecturing us on the fact we're letting our country be taken over.
I doubt it, Europe is the most subverted place on earth. Most of the people there love muslims and love to rush out into the streets and virtue signal about "islamaphobia"
I highly fucking doubt militias will form and anything will change.
This is what will happen.
More people will be killed,raped,stabbed,bombed, acid attacked.
More police state policies will be implemented.
More virtue signaling will happen
More people getting on user boards screaming "Fuck muslims".
Thats about it
Don't be like us. Jews have caused irreparable damage to our demographics, let us (and Brazil) be a warning to England
The government have to be really careful with Tommy now. When they take in major Islamists they often end up paralysed with fear because of the risk of attacks to them and violence from the Islamic community (Tommy speaks about this).
It's really not going to take very long before this starts occurring on the other side as well. When you get to the Michael Collins "who'll take my place?" issue, the game is up and you either have to concede defeat to double down hard.
>56% white and lecturing us on the fact we're letting our country be taken over.
We're allowed to criticize islam
You're delusional, nobody is going to do anything.
Your cops, military, media and government are completely cucked. Any fight from the general public will just be used to jail more right wingers and push more hate speech laws.
Short of a military coup, most of western Europe is fucked. We're now talking about hundreds of terrorist attacks that have taken place or been foiled in the west since 9/11 and how much have people "woken up?" Children have been run over, blown up, maimed and killed and people STILL spit the same leftist talking points.
Sorry to blackpill here, but the future will only be secured by a military coup or moving out to Eastern Europe, women voting, muds invading the country and Jews have done too much damage. I'm sure you'll cite some meaningless victories like Trump winning or Brexit or higher polling for right wing parties, but even these things have been highly compromised as Trump hasn't delivered on hardly anything, he has gotten cucked by the courts, the media is going full out against him, Brexit is in the air, most of the right wing parties lost and this is despite the issues being clearer than ever.
There is more facts about migrants, (((them))) and Islam present, yet people refuse to look at them, sure there is some online insurgency of 100s of thousands of white men, but sorry to tell you, but we don't control the media, women are still delusional children and our nations are still being flooded by muds.
Breivik was literally saying the exact same things we're saying 15 years ago and look where it got him and despite the evidence being insanely overwhelming even today, people are as bluepilled as ever.
Sorry dude, but you have no guns and your government hates you even more than most places, the only resistance possible is in America. Western Europe is fucked.
Sup Forums adheres to Nice Guy National Socialism.
Pls mind your bigotry, Sup Forumsaphobe.
Bite my shite Paki cunt
Spoken like a true leaf.....
I guess realism shouldn't be welcomed. Nice counter argument gypsy, you have a lot to share with the world about building and maintaining a great civilization
underrated post
>is he right?
he's a jew, what do you think?
Do you live in hongcover
what happen to British Hooliganism? Greeks have no problem keeping their muslims in check and they've been by far flooded with more niggers and arabs than anyone else for 10+ years.
The only people who think 3D printed guns are a viable weapon are nogunz and no...3d...printer...z.
It's not over yet leaf and you too will get what you deserve
he's a fantasist
that's why god invented the USA, because that contention was fucked the day they allied with Russia
Inb4 jew- I'm travelling on business from Freedomland. Fuck yourself with a kilogram of 1.75mm ABS filament.
>is he right?
Yup, history teaches us so
change will be to have been and he's correct
He's late. There are already militias. Things havent gotten bad enough for them to deploy.
They want the chain of retaliation to continue to a point of global chaos so they can justify a world control system of all peoples
Muslims on the far end do exactly this.
But it's debateable.
Internment definitely dramatically increased the troubles in Northern Ireland, but in the long run removing people from the streets for long periods neutered the IRA.
It's really impossible to say.
the empire will rise
Less Adolf and more likely a Bobby Sands.
Ye know this whole anti-islam wave is pushed by neocons to distract you all from the banks and what they're doing in your country and the middle east?. I want muslims out of the west but the same people who brought them here are the ones destroying their homes and keeping us in the dark about the war being waged on us because of what our leaders are doing. If militias are to be formed, they'd need to be fighting for control of their country.
to the west they where. they didn't terrorize Germany they made it a first world country in 6 years
>The Invaders fear this
Also 20% Jewish
>Your cops are completely cucked
70% of the police force voted trump. At least the same with the armed forces
beside the u.s.a , i don't see how militias will rise. police and army will shoot on sight and we'll have no way to counter and they'll probably side with the immigrants since they don't want to look racists
It does work, if you have the majority on your side as the Merkel regime does. That crushed the opposition which otherwise could get a hold and expand over time. But if you crack down on it and at least tolerate the antifa and their hard violence like burning cars, assaulting people, trashing their homes, making death threats, destroying restaurants that give you access, then you can quench the flame of resistance effectively. AS LONG AS the majority is complicent by silence - which the Germans are.
Welp, if you want a little bit o' fun then read Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Observe in the opening exegesis the not-entirely-obfuscated concern about a certain unhappy influence on the Crown of England and the UK
I think you are underestimate the people of Europe and the events which are unfolding. The reactionary movement in Europe is a result of the scale of terrorism which our nation has faced. 9/11 was 3000 people but it was one relatively isolated event for America. Same with Britain after the London bus bombings - but with ISIS, the frequency of terrorism which Europe has faced is unprecedented. The colossal movement of people from the Middle East to Europe is shaking the very roots of civilization. I know I am certainly not alone in the collective hatred of the current political system - half the people I know tell me how sick they are of the terrorists - some are even starting to praise the actions of the events in London several days ago.
You also underestimate the stability of the state. The government of the United Kingdom is one nearing collapse. After Brexit, a failed election, several terrorist attacks, right wing terrorism and an enormous fire killing many working class people, the government is near calling quits; yet the polarization of politics between the Conservative party and the Labour party make it unlikely that either party will manage to maintain a popular majority nor a popular coalition.
A power vacuum is forming within the government and that power vacuum will be filled by the far right. It will be countered by the far left. Everything will become a lot more intense in the United Kingdom and our country will be pushed to breaking point - whether it be revolution, civil war, a coup or the collapse of the state.
were so fucking dangerous, Macgyver doesn't even know what the fuck is going on.
I like this.
>with what weapons? Assault spoons?
dude! you can kill a man with a Swiss Army knife, it just takes longer. you have to be patient, committed and remind little Mohammed to stand closer to the spork
Teal Deer has a good video today on this very subject.
tldr it's going to happen and it's PC's fault
forgot the fucking link
Sorry, we no speaky chinee
YES but you newer guys and gals NEED TO UNDERSTAND what is REALLY GOING ON HERE!
>Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan
named after EU (Pan-Europa Society) founder, named Count Richard Nicolas Von Coudenhove-Kalergi.... is a conspiracy (not a "conspiracy theory" but an actual, documented and funded conspiracy... in which MANY OF THE OLD-ORDER NOBLE HOUSES OF EUROPE and working HAND-IN-HAND WITH ***NEW JEWISH FINANCE """ROYALTY"""**** undo the Enlightenment era revolutions of Democracy (which were originally conspiracies formented by the jewish bankers to gain power over the Holy See and European Noble Houses... but spiraled out of their control, specifically with the advent of the United States of America)
Their plan is to flood Europe with Arabs and Negroes to dilute the many Diverse cultures of Europe into a mono-cultural, brown mass of consumers... easily controlled by a centralized power structure (comprised of Jews and whatever leftovers from the Habsburgs, House of Orange, Savoy, Medicci, etc etc etc....)
This shit is not a joke... they hold meetign about this, publish literature and even give a giant 18 karat golden medal every 2 years to whomever is working as the best-goy for their (((goals)))
>Merkel and Herman vonRompuey both got a "Kalergi Prize" in the past decade!!!)
Wake up Europe... they are GOING TO KILL YOU!!
>Practical Idealism
by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
Furfag Far Right? Seriously?
I theorise that it is deep within the nature of the European man to embroil himself, when he becomes complacent.
It is not a state of being that we are consciously aware of, of course, that would be quite a stretch of the imagination.
As it goes, I have a feeling as though the "spirit" of the European man, as it were, dwells in every European man, even those who seem to have no spiritual or otherwordly value to them. It is something that acts as an agent provocateur deep within him, and causes him to reduce himself to absurdity, not so much to awaken him, but to awaken those around him. If it can be considered that, by and large, the individual must give way to the collective, then these particular individuals would be a sacrifice (as traitors, presumably), in order to reinvigorate that old spirit within the rest of the collective.
It is often cited on Sup Forums that European men have the blood of a thousand bloodthirsty warriors in their veins; almost 2,000 years of consistent warfare has sharpened the drive to kill to the point where it can (quite literally) split atoms. A short spell of complacency in civilization could not possibly make this sensation completely go away.
Something akin to the adage "In terms of peace, warlike men beset themselves".
No one kills an English Southerner!
Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will endure.
hes a zionist shill.
go for the HVT's or you are wasting valuable resources
I like Tommy he's the perfect guy to have in a Hooligan shouting match.
Zionist controlled opposition
Nah, he's not a furfag. His fans who draw art of him are, though.