He's right you know

Why shoot up a school with a shorty pistol when you can walk into a gun store and buy a 30 round AR-15?

America, it's time for some gun control. We don't have guns and we're fine. Mug second amendment and mug tyrannical gubbamin are not argunents.

Prove Oliver wrong and I will listen to you.

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree, I always thought it was dumb for people to take off their shoes at the airport. I think they should stop having people take off their shoes.

Brit Cuck is fine with taking his shoes off at the airport like a good little slave.

There is gun control in schools.

It doesn't work.

Yes because the inconvenience of having to take off your shoes for two minutes is the same as not being allowed to own a gun

He might be my least favorite person in the American MSM. The beady eyes behind glasses, and even worse, and transplant from a country that the left is plaguing even more.

The US doesn't have a gun problem. IT has a massive mental health problem.

Schools are gun-free zones, I thought?

How's that working out?

They let you take guns into school?


Look out, we have a twelve year old in our midst

Sage and move on.... this is the umpteenth time a b8 gun thread been made this week.

Come and take them, that is if you don't get run over or die in a burning building.

People drive like retards and kill people in auto accidents every day. People die of acoholism and do stupid drunk shit every day. Brits are allowed to ignore their dental hygiene every day. Risk is one of the costs of muh freedom.

Tired of faggy brits trying to lecture us and take away our weapons. It didn't work in 1775, it's not going to work today.

Fuck off.

Fuck off Piers Morgan, fuck off John Oliver. Don't move to a better country just to complain about it. Your faggy accents make my ears bleed. Fuck off back to Nottinghamptonbinghamshirenottlesby and choke on your scones.

Remember that time USA banned shoes ? Man it must sucks to always walk barefooted in murrica.

thousands of Muslim terrorist attacks and no ban on Islam.


I fucking hate limeys who come over here, get our citizenship, claim to love America, then bitch about every fucking thing that makes America great.

I'm so fucking sick of these carpetbaggers. If you hate guns and free speech then fucking leave. I don't care if you got your citizenship, you'll never be a true American and you need to shut the fuck up about our politics. Worry about your own shitty country being taken over by savages.

My state Senator was an English guy who moved to my state as part of Clinton's campaign in 2008 then stuck around to spread his leftist bullshit. It's the same crap, ban guns and jack up welfare. He doesn't belong in American politics, let alone in our country period


> implying it's legal to bring guns in schools.
> implying a psycho wouldn't do it with knife or bomb if no guns
> implying I don't have a right to protect myself and family from tyrannical gubment or communist scum
> implying OP shouldn't Anhero

Remember that time Italy had a refugee crisis? Man it must suck having to be on the watch for sandniggers in ETALLIE SPICY MEATBALL SPAGHETTI PIZZA PIE THAT"S AMOURE

>America, it's time for some gun control.
schools are gun free zones

>Countless Muslim terror attacks
>No change in the regulation of Muslims

see flag, opinion discarded.

Wont shooters support limited magazine sizes because their bag full of illegal magazines will heavily outmatch the 3 bullets allowed to people legally carrying?

T-they aren't real muslims anyway, trust me.


Important people may fly on planes, while public schools are guaranteed to contain only plebs' children

You don't have guns, just bombings and vehicle attacks causing more deaths, and also more attacks while we're at it. Meanwhile almost all the school shooters didn't actually get their guns legally, and they could've been shot and killed if the teachers and school staff were allowed to bring their own guns to defend themselves.
>Not to mention California, with some of the strictest gun control in the USA, has had a ton of the most recent shootings

But this is wrong - there is no legislation for shoes and guns are illegal in schools

I have to take my guns off at the airport too pal.

If the Dems are so sanguine about the indisputable effects of gun control, let's have them prove it by voluntarily applying it to and disarming themselves/their voters. Let's then wait 5 years, see what happened, and assess what the real problem is.

yeah it's not that bad plus if you're lucky they touch your dick

We should ban schools, planes, and airports, honestly.

The US has a nigger problem

Fuck off, mohammed.

Ban shoes.

They've already disarmed most of their voters.

It doesn't stop them from killing each other.



except all the changes in the regulation of guns and regular pushes to ban restrict firearm sales on the majority of the public with no grounds other than we can't let the unstable youth get their hands on guns.

have fun getting stabbed faggot

If niggers were disarmed, we wouldn't need any other kind of gun control.

Last time I checked you can't take guns into the airport.

I guess they should stop allowing guns in schools.

Bring back mental institutions. I'll pay a tax to have all these crazies disappear

They have added over 400 new restrictions, what the fuck is this on about?

Why not put AR-15's in your shoes?

They are. It still doesn't work.


>"Looking only to official criminal records, data over the past thirty years consistently show that the mythology of murderers as ordinary citizens does not hold true. Studies have found that approximately 75% of murderers have adult criminal records, and that murderers average a prior adult criminal career of six years, including four major adult felony arrests. These studies also found that when the murder occurred "[a]bout 11% of murder arrestees [were] actually on pre-trial release"--that is, they were awaiting trial for another offense."

>"The fact that only 75% of murderers have adult crime records should not be misunderstood as implying that the remaining 25% of murderers are non-criminals. The reason over half of those 25% of murderers don't have adult records is that they are juveniles. Thus, by definition they cannot have an adult criminal record."

Colorado actually just recently started arming teachers

I was gonna say this

I'd like to add Chicago as an example of how terrible "no gun" laws are by propagating non-stop crime and violence.

worry about your own country, faggot

If given the opportunity, I am sure the limey fruit would land in America and end up first thing in a gun range to shoot off an AR-15 and a .357, all whilst screaming MAKE MY DAY

Naw, nigga. Give up your dildo collection first.

Gun free zones attract criminals idiot

You think a criminal is going to commit a crime in a place full of people carrying guns who will shoot back?

Get a brain


Our school zones are all gun free


I have to ask because I have never heard a good reason:

What is the justification for gun free zones?

No changes in gun regulation since columbine? That's so flagrantly untrue.

Except that you have to take your shoes off because of the largest terrorist attack in history, not for a shoe bomb attempt.

Mild inconvience that is avoidable by getting TSA pre check or driving cross country.


Fundamentally destroying our constitution.

How about you and that retarded libfag both BTFO of US domestic affairs!


It's not your right to wear a fucking shoe. GOD FORBID I HAVE TO TAKE OFF MY SHOES FOR 5 MINUTES AT THE AIRPORT.

I hate those dudes Maddow and Kohn.

So that Tyrone can buttfuck your mother by gunpoint

We really should deport this chimp.

How about school teachers don't be betas and learn to shoot a gun? How about mandatory gun education as well as keeping him at all times with you.

Is he implying you can take guns on planes? Or in schools?


(the fact that a Pole living in the UK has to pick this up is shameful)

Also, OP is retarded.

Liberals really enjoy virtue signaling.

Maybe we should just make airports and planes Bomb Free Zones


OP is a cuck.

He himself says that he never said that.



How's that working out for you?
Did real well in France and our soft targets right?
Realistically, being trapped xyz hundred feet in the air in a steel tube that can fall on a city is different then being on the ground.
I wonder if they would have been able to control the planes during 9/11 if someone could have just shot them?

Make up your fucking mind, cuck. Be quick about it, your daily cultural enrichment truck will be coming soon.


Proofs, and kinda odd for a swing state where a mountain range separates the dems from the republicans



You have a higher violent crime rate than us and did so before you started importing shitskins en masse. That stat implies, if anything, that the threat of getting shot is a more effective deterrent to crime than disarming citizens.

Never gonna happen. Teacher's unions are huge libcuck organizations too busy trying to make children as stupid as possible while ensuring their pensions.

>sharp decline in gun ownership immediately following one of the biggest gun grabs in American history

Right. And there are only 40,000 "assault weapons" in New York according to their registry.

I honestly cannot imagine living a life so pathetic that I have to impotently rage about another country's gun laws on the internet all day.

The Dems in CO live in the mountains, the west is like Utah and the east is like Kansas

Shoes can't protect you from tyranny


False analogy. We do not have the inalienable right to wear shoes in an airport. We do have the 2A in America though. Also, just as we are forced to take off shoes in an airport, we are forced to disarm before entering into schools.

Yeah, look at that argument again!

One bomb at an airport did they change the bomb laws.. Oh that's right they were already illegal, so the only thing left was to change the airport.

So the like for like response you should be recommending is for 3 hour waiting lines for children to get to class as each of them gets fondled beforehand..

You fucking degenerate!

Why are you wasting your life whining about guns in a country you don't even live in?

You understand that the gun control movement in the US committed suicide in the '90s, right? There is never going to be another gun law at the federal level. We've spent the last 20 years repealing them at the state level.

Stop wasting your life. Go outside. Do something that isn't a pathetic waste of time. Make something out of yourself.

But you can't bring your gun to school

Neither can your guns apparently.

America copies us not the other way around.
Modern day gun laws will be put on your land soon enough because there is no stopping that kind of inevitable cultural progress in the end

I wish we had the right to weapons here

Why don't we just ban schools? They are clearly dangerous, its the liberal thing to do.

We'll fuck me, I'm a little torn by this. I've seen some pretty unstable teachers in my time, but I just checked police response times for Denver and cunts are waiting 15 mins on average in the city. seems justified if burger kids can't stop shooting their peers.

(((shoe bomber))) aka fbi plant