>if I wanna freaky shit I'm gonna fuck a white bitch
>everyone is trying a white gurl, they easy
>but I'm gonna marry a black girl that cooks
how does this make you feel white male, niggers and arabs treat white women like trash
It makes me rage
Other urls found in this thread:
They have always seen them that way, that's why white women hate them.
All women are trash the only redeeming quality of white women is they dont scare my dick away like the sheboons you call women
>that's why white women hate them
not so fast dixie
Realistically speaking he isnt wrong. Any white girl that would race mix is trash and deserve to be treated as such.
I can find any Arab slut and treat them like shit as well. The difference is that I don't want to. If the white women want to be treated like that, it isn't our problem.
wtf is going on with women in america
They are subhuman user.
Minority represent the majority.
All of America's ills are caused by Jews. It's not just a meme.
Lol. This shit again, do you have anything better to do?
what actually give me some hope is that having talked to quite a few women, although they say trash like this they don't actually mean it and would not act on it, they just do it because they think it's "cool" and they want to fit in. It's all tv propaganda made and only skin deep
Jew TV man THIS girls are disgustingly brainwashed
It's Jew York and Miami everywhere else is fine stay away from Ohio though
I can't believe how easy white girls are
>what is NY"
Also it's manhattan Spanish/Irish/Italian mutt enclave
that's what you think you cuck lol
lmao all the white bois kys
England has really fallen
Lmao I remember how some of the girls featured in this video posted comments saying that they were told they'd be on TV and all they had to say was they liked black guys and then they were never on TV
It feels like black bullshit projection. Just like 99% of all nigger music and culture.
makes me pity them.
Why do Turkish girls love black guys?
look muslim girls love black cock too dont judge me xDDD
well, duh. did you think this was all just memes and games? rotfl.
sage hide and report all cuck threads
t. wahhhhhhhhhhh whineyyyyyyyy jewwwwwwww
It makes me feel good. Coal burners are trash and deserve what they get.
I've got the numbers on my side, and we've all seen the trash white women that niggers pick up, but sure let's pretend you have a point other than your knife.
White women were a mistake.....
It's all our fault for not being as vicious as the Niggers or Sand Niggers.
Where were you when you realized Islam is based..... Now I know why they beat their women into submission.
Man i watched my first BLACKED video yesterday. I've never cum so hard in my life.
yeah i remember when i fucked your mom in the ass too
to bad neither of us have proofs LMAO
No. I am so jealous, that I canĀ“t have one of THESE women.
Are you a spic by any chance
Lol New York is whorecentral they're irrelevant.Miami whites are the biggest sluts though
Can we stop it with these race mixing threads? I'm a white female and like most people from any race I would never race mix, but people can't control who they're attracted to, and if you truly love someone and are attracted to them then you should be with them, simple as that.
But please stop posting these threads, they get in the way of actual politics threads which is what I came here for.
Fuck off slut the reason we allowed you to vote is why the world is so shit
These whores will grow old and their looks will fade. They will finally realize in their 30's and 40's that their entire lives were spent on degenerate acts such as hooking with niggers. They will look at themselves in the mirror and ask "Why won't any decent (((white))) man marry me? Well, hmmm, let's think about that. Why should any man with a good job even talk to you, much less marry you? They can continue being insufferable cunts while they're still young, but what comes around goes around. They will die useless and with no families. Serves these whores right.
Gee, thanks for that. What's the recipe for your replies, 0% rebuttal 100% vitriol?
even niggers don't want white girls HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
even niggers don't want white girls
white women BTFO
you can't make this shit up
white girls listen up LEARN TO FUCKIGN COOK and take care of a man, being a slut only gets you the dick and kicked to the curb. Sex is only part of it you dumb white whores.
It's the negro's cringe worthy hand gestures that get to me. Also their gay af earrings and the fact that in rap videos (and irl) they're constantly bobbing their heads and flailing their arms around, i thinks they do these things to take the focus away from their grotesque faces desu.
It's not vitriol if it's true feminism is a fungus that fucked your gender up women have never been more unhappy
>niggers and arabs treat white women like trash
They treat ALL women like trash.
film at 11.
>feminism is a fungus
>women have never been more unhappy
Also true
Still doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to vote. Women and men have the same IQ, we're all people and your anti-women statements are toxic and serve only to weaken both groups through fighting each other instead of being two halves of a unified whole.
>nobody wants white women
>whites don't want them
>browns won't go near them
>blacks don't give a shit about them
Maybe this is why white women marry themselves
Why does this bother you. As long as they sticking to their own, it's fine. Sup Forums likes this right?
Huh, damned if you do and damned if you don't...
Nah you literally shouldn't be allowed to vote that's the hard truth kiddo
I am a person. Are you saying people shouldn't be allowed to vote? The fuck kind of democracy are you wishing for?
I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $500 please.
most white women won't date non-whites
maybe with """"""""""""""""""""white"""""""""""""""""""" american women it's different
The shit that pisses me off the most about this video is that if they went around asking a bunch of white guys this question and they all said "white women" and then made a negative comment about black women it would be front page news talking about white supremacy.
It's disgusting that blacks can openly be what would be considered racist if a white person had said it.
These kinds of threads attract the wrong kind of people to discuss politics.
They are right though
Ethnicity and gender please.
Yeah, sure seems like it. Not sure what I was thinking.
The one where women aren't allowed to vote so a simple one
Is that the same one where only dummies are allowed to vote? Your group might be a bit overrepresented.
White Female
Nice try paco
Nice try jamal
You're a female you literally can't help yourself bitch but then again its alot on the males too every white I see in British videos are hyper cuck autists
White women are traitors.
Everything in popular culture teaches them to worship niggers and other non-whites while constantly shitting on white men. Watch American television for an afternoon and you'd see exactly what I'm saying. Micegonation is promoted EVERYWHERE and niggers are worshipped for their roles in sports and mainstream music. That said, white chads do still have the highest value. It's pretty rare to see an 8/10 or above in an actual relationship with a nog or spic.
>inb4 buttmad white cuckboi
Women are attracted to the masculine, the end.
nothing else matters, women attracted to a guy that can dominate them and control them. the end.
keep lying to yourself it is not so, keep worshiping pathetic pussy which is everywhere.
The niggers are right, not because of virtue, because by chance their behavior works on females.
>go outside
>see only white couples
I call bullshit on that. This idea that everyone is mixing it up is also part of the media
Oh you're right. I, like all women have zero self control, it's not our fault, we just literally can't help but do the wrong thing!
Oh wait all humans are self aware and should be held responsible for their actions. Overall I agree, the majority of women in America are fighting against their self interest, the interest of their race, and the interest of their country. But I feel as though that has more to do with brain washing and peer pressure + virtue signaling. I mean, if Trump didn't run for president I myself would've never looked into politics and I'd be a low information voter offhandedly parroting everything the media says. It's actually pretty scary to think about.
Yeah, quality white women dating non-whites isn't pretty uncommon. The subversion is everywhere though. Lots of lower value coalburners where I am.
>genetically inferior whites commit sudoku via race mixing
>whites win again
good one my dude.
Honestly the most mixing that happens is in NY and Miami which where the video takes place if you look at top 10 lists for places to fuck it's those 2 slutsities
Fucking mobile.
Liberal areas are definitely worse.
t. Uni town
>tfw mixed race
Not sure what to think
What city?
>end of the video
>tfw no 10" dick
So you have to be a world record holder to fuck these bitches lmao
How can dicklets compete?
Who the fuck even has that
So black women are so cucked they will be a black man's last resort once he is finished with white girls with low self esteem and anxiety issues?
Tits or gtfo.
This looks like long island... Home of the most trash women in the country quite possibly. Red head bitch was cute af tho
>trash gets treated like trash
And? Only trash women associate with niggers.
Lol my stupid ass girlfriend thought my cock was like 10 inches. It's really 7.5. Women can't measure for shit.
Why Miami?
This, women have really bad perceptions of how big dicks are. I think part of it is because guys tell them their dick is bigger than it actually is.
Niggers and many whites there are a German/Spanish/Irish mutts
This doesn't effect me, I just don't date white women who've been with niggers.
>When one Euro slut dates a shitskin
AHAHAHAHA European ''''''''''men'''''''''' loses their women to literal subhumans lmao
>White American women features in a video where they proclaim their love for negroes
The jews did this
pic related. Average american pool party
Close its New York
they deserve it though
Bitch thats Florida once again and at the very least even our most cucked states niggers get shot for going over the speed limit while your cuckshed of a country showers criminals with benefits and pussy
What did you honestly expect from Sup Forums
whatever, that's how i feel towards non whites
The white women who date blacks are typically trash. They deserve every bruise and bloody nose they get. Their parents deserve to raise their shitskin offspring.
>white girls are evolving
>blacks girls
>they got that intelligence
here's the breakdown
If there is any one group that most qualifies for the label "subhuman" in America, it's black women. Black women are fucking awful.
So black dudes try to fuck white women. They claim success because it is in their nature to lie, and jews try to make it seem like it's way more common than it is, despite white women (all women, actually) overwhelmingly staying away from black dudes
There's a major effort by black women to get black dudes to fuck them again (while, of course, not improving one thing about themselves) and these particular niggers are just the ones cucked and brainwashed enough to go along with it. If they had an ounce of spine between them, they'd be making demands that black women pull themselves out of the fucking gutter first. Black women are so ridiculously slutty that you can barely recognize them as human.
A lot of black male aggression in America can be explained by the fact that black women are so aggressively awful. It's frustrating when the only women who want to fuck you are violent, entitled, diseased whores who would literally fuck a dog in front of a crowd if they had a couple of beers in them. It's a constant blow to black male self-worth to know that's the only pussy they can reliably get. It's why they chase other races
I don't treat my Caucasian wife of 20 years like trash.