Why are male virgins over 35 a penny a dozen but female virgins that are 18 are essentially albino unicorns?
Why are male virgins over 35 a penny a dozen but female virgins that are 18 are essentially albino unicorns?
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You know.
Womenz r whores
Women are the gatekeepers of sexual selection. It has ALWAYS been this way. Half of the male population will never have children, while statistically, all women will have at least one. If you're so far down the male heirarchy that you can't even get laid, you need to make some dramatic life changes. Soon they will have sexbots for you, AI replacements for real women, but these are just to subdue you, even though you likely lack the ability to do anything about it anyhow.
This burger gets it
80% of women have kids.
Only 40% of men are responsible for them.
This is why literal wars were started in ancient times: to get wives. It's also why women were treated as plunder until the 20th century.
Once artificial wombs become a thing, which they will in ten years, sexual selection is going to get even more fucked. People will be getting kids without ever seeing the people from whom they got the genetic material, and never bearing them themselves. Life is going to get extremely cheap and disposable.
No, men raped till beta males introduced that consent nonsense.
How come that 10/10 chick at the top isn't getting laid? If this were accurate she'd be fucking 10/10 Chad.
She thinks she's too good for the 10/10 Chad
white people gave up on christianity and decided to be bug-people
Because betas got nothing on Chad. Natural selection at its best.
>Why are white male virgins over 35 a penny a dozen but female virgins that are 18 are essentially albino unicorns?
Because you hang around a bunch of male virgins. The percentages are the same, you just surround yourself with like for like losers.
There will always be some men without partner, those should go MGTOW and don't do anything productive for society. Can't play fair? Don't play.
10/10 women are often extremely alone. Men are too intimidated to approach them, and their fellow women ridicule them out of spite. The girl all the guys swooned over back in highschool had literally no girlfriends, and never dated anyone the whole 4 years she was there. I remember talking to her about it a few times and her being confused why none of the girls would talk to her and why the boys only gawked
>artificial wombs
>Life is going to get extremely cheap and disposable.
Atheist always get what they want. Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0
Because by letting feminists ban brothels and restrict and stigmatise prostitution you've given women a monopoly over their vaginas and created a competition war between sexually frustrated men (of which only the best are going to win and sweep up all the females), resulting in a massive range of solid-seven-and-below men not being able to get laid without massive time/money investment while girls can ride all the dick they want. And now retards are trying to let porn be banned as well. You're going to turn women into effectively overlords letting men have orgasms at womens' own discretion for all but the most Chaddyest Chad of Thundercocks.
Unban and unstigmatise all these things and men will quickly stop given so much of a shit about women when they can get all the pussy they need and its socially acceptable for them to do so, which means women lowering their standards, lowering their demands and feminism also losing some power.
More men will also settle down into monogamous relationships out of choice when women become more subservient again.
because girls are whores. go to any dating site and you'll find out the true nature of women.
the sexual revolution destroyed the purity of femininity. now women are all extremely self-entitled.
guys are like that too, but no one can match the entitlement of women right now.
will await for my dream waifu.
what's this websites obsession with virgins
Most of the people making these threads are virgins pretending to be Chads. Lurk more.
The latent goal of feminism is to maximise hypergamy. We live in the 80/20 rule society now boys. Amazing for some, shit for most.
I would assume they want women still capable of pair-bonding.
>what's this websites obsession with virgins
Virginity is a concept that man has spoken of long before the Laotian Knitting Forum came to be.
It is a state that has been lengthily debate for both its material/biological and higher meanings. Some men have worn or used it as a mark of shame whereas others have worn it as a mark of their unerring devotion to other causes, free from the most base desire we are inclined to have. It is as much a part of the human condition as it is to breathe.
tl;dr People have *always* been obsessed with virginity in one facet or another.
you have to understand that women were never moral or pure, they were only restrained.
For too long "Innocence" has been based on "Ignorance" and Morality and Ethics have been based on "Avoidance".
Thus, when the situation presented itself, women (and the weak men) succumbed wholeheartedly to what they had always wanted, having never actually overcome the urges, but had been prevented from doing due to various social stigmas.
You have to accept this: women were never good or wholesome. Embrace this. Ride the Tiger, do not be devoured by it. Don't hate women, but don't expect them to behave in any other way.
Just fuck sluts (and by sluts i mean any and all women), improve yourself, remain independent, and don't seek any sort of validation or foundation for your own existence in others, whether they do or don't have vaginas.
Ride the Tiger.
Because most of them are also virgins. Can't bang an experienced chick because she'll know they're useless in bed and leave, better to bang a virgin who doesn't know you're awful.
Is Sup Forums Reddit now? OP is a faggot.
Because getting laid as the average woman is as simple as going up to the next guy and asking for sex.
supply and demand
well considering i just lsot a girl that I thought was into me I really didnt need to read this
>nigger detected
>Fuck sluts (like all women)
>Other men do this too
>Waa waa why are women such whores riding other men's dicks
>Waa waa why aren't there any virgins
Women are only whores because men enable them to be whores. Especially the pushover beta males. Women are natural followers, whereas men are natural leaders. Women, without a male guide will only follow their primal instincts most of the time. If their male guide is shit, then they too will be shit. Fix males, teach them to guide and have standards, and women will follow. This includes the takedown or mass Reformation of mainstream media promoting degeneracy, as they are quickly reaching the man to guide women's morals, and for men, especially Chads to stop being manwhores themselves.
This leaf gets it
good article from Heartise on this very subject. If we want women to start behaving, men need to stop enabling women in their inherent slutiness, stop being "supportive" (i.e. a supplicant), and start asserting authority.
unfortunately the current culture, as well as the leftist brainwashing women receive growing up, make this a difficult proposition, and the current laws mean that a woman can turn on you at any time and destroy you with the full force of the State backing her up. Asserting authority is useless when the woman can turn to a higher authority at any time to steamroll you.
Holy fuck this
She thinks she deserves an 11/10