Friendly reminder

friendly reminder

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

but the boipucci 2 gud

i know. we all do. we don't need reminders, we struggle with the notion constantly.

Friendly reminder

Hitler lost, get over it. :^)

Fuck off like

those are not mutually exclusive

t. pole christkek

no, just an anti-degeneracy fedora

degeneracy is a nazi word loser.

I don't see Gays bombing people or crossing the border and taking up all of our resources, education, job, medical care, etc. etc. etc.

But okay OP, "Teh Gheys" it is.

whatever, I could have used the libtard term and say that I'm pro-homophobia, you get the gist

I don't give a shit about what others do in the bedroom but stop slipping fags into my media for the sake of "diversity". I feel like maybe 1% of people are gay, not 10% like modern media is making it out to be.

I'll suck your dick


>I'm not OK, oh no, so sad!!!

Grow the fuck up.

I'll suck yours!!

It's caused by Genetics,Chemicals,Social Engineering & Environmental Factors.

KB Threads: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

It's standard media over representation of minorities.
Blacks: 12% pop., 50% tv
Gays: 1.5% pop., 25% tv


you're missing a few stripes

I'm still adding more stuff to it because I've come across more information so it should be a pretty comprehensive insight into why faggotry is fake and gay.

yes it is

gay is okay

I don't care, just don't try to shove it into absolutely everything please. I honestly don't care, there's nothing wrong with it I just personally find the idea of benis on benis gross but that doesn't mean I think people shouldn't be allowed to do it

>friendly reminder