Now show me the London population and the refugee population in London
I was unaware that 100% of our imigration was refugees.
About 1 in 10 babies in England are Muslim at this moment.
Ebic bait. Sad thing is if you posted this on normiebook lefty retards would take it at face value.
Still every year more people die in car accidents in london than in terror attacks
Look at differential birth rates and the TRENDS where are the TRENDS heading, it's towards white decline.
The argument is about immigration not refugees.
>A 2010 estimate for the whole of the UK shows that 4.76 million people (7.7 percent) were born outside the EU and 2.24 million (3.6 percent) were born in another EU member state.[
sage & reported
Their army already infiltrated 193,510 soldiers in your land!
Let's spread this with a #TrojanHorse
I like that strawman
yeah well i insult blacks a lot more than I do jews, so you shouldn't mind if i call you a stupid filthy kike
london population: 8.5 million
refugees in all of UK, including london: 193,510
The remaining 9/10 are faggot atheists and catholicucks
those numbers aren't just for refugees dumbass
1 in 10 would be a low estimate.
What's total immigration?
What's illegal immigration?
What's birth rates?
Kill yourself, sage this shit.
Who gives a fuck?
Refugees are the shit icing on a shit immigration cake.
Double bullshit.
The argument of "we're being taken over" is not limited to refugees.
That's 193,510 too many.
>Over a quarter (27.5%) of live births in England and Wales in 2015 were to women born outside the UK, the highest level on record.
Daily reminder this exact propaganda was used in the US when they changed their immigration laws in the 50s and 70s.
People were promised the US would not change in any way, because "they were so few". Moral grandstanding was made. Accusations of racism flew.
And now the same people cheer the fact that the US is not going to be a white majority country in another decade. In fact white people in the US have no way in hell of ever reclaiming the country.
What happens next? Look to South Africa for another glimpse into the future.
Now they want to sell Europe the bullshit they managed to get the US to swallow half a century ago. The problem here is that "we were always a multicultural society" is a lot harder to sell. Still they try.
White Nationalist BTFO. Get fucked cumskin, we are going to continue to come and there isn't anything you can do about it.
because your immigration levels are similar to any other nation that people actually want to migrate to. its just your refugee intake level that is abnormal
>because your immigration levels are similar to any other nation that people actually want to migrate to
So, disasterously high then?
>Focuses solely on Rapefugees from Syria arriving in the past few years
>Doesn't take into account other nonwhite immigrants
>Doesn't take into account nonwhites that were born here
>Doesn't take into account birthrates
>Doesn't take into account the fact that they shouldn't even be here at all.
no. immigration being high is much of the reason behind your economic success
>ignoring the non-brits already in the country
>ignoring that more will follow over the next decades
Enjoy your no-go zones developing in London, your birthrates way below the muslim ones, the rise of more and more mosques, the teaching of Islam to your children, and your lack of weapons and self-defense.
okay but according to muslim's london mayor terrorism is part of living in a big city so is it really safe for them here?
Oh yeah, and enjoy your Muslim mayor of London- think he's going to help prevent more and more muslims entering the country?
Nah, it's true
i) these are 2011 figures, the UK muslim population has been doubling every ten years
ii) 7% of census returns refused to say what religion they were
iii) how many muzz are going to complete the kaffir census anyway? No illegal will, and probably many others.
There is more to life than money. If trends continue, there will not be a Britain.
Yes there will be an Island, it will probably still be called the UK, but it will not be populated by the British - the thing that makes a country more than just a patch of geography.
>you're still a shitskin
>we have to wait until it's too late to worry about being overrun
Self defense starts the instant there is a threat against you, not when you are near death.
Your study says nothing about the religion of those parents. However, LOLed at your country when this point was made:
>Poland, Pakistan and India were the 3 most common countries of birth for women born outside the UK who gave birth in 2015 (Table 2). Between 2001 and 2006, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were consistently the 3 most common countries. However, in 2007, Poland replaced Bangladesh as the third most common country, rising to second place in 2008 and first place in 2010.
So, other western countries are eating shit cake too. That's fucky peachy then, western civilisation can get fucked up in every western country at the same rate.
Holy shit m8s.
The fact that a full quarter of live births are to parents not even born here, never mind native, and that the top origins for the people tend to be heavily Muslim countries tends to suggest that 1 in 10 births being Muslim is at the very least not far fetched.
You guys wouldn't even have an island called the UK if it wasn't for your economic success. You would have been conquered long ago. Also, give me one logical reason why that particular island should be tied to that particular ethnicity. You can't answer that without resorting to your own gut feeling or emotions or appealing to tradition or some other bullshit. And no, a pseudo-science response of "political orientation is tied to ethnicity" is not going to cut it.
193,510 too many
Oh shut the fuck up. There is 19 million Musilms in all of EU(UK is still part of it) and there is around 600 million of us living in EU right now. Your stats are pure bullshit. Fucking fake poster.
Nah, we're good. You and the other user convinced me. Guess you'd better hope they really are a religion of peace.
Or economic success is much of the reason for immigration being high.
Anyway, our GDP is still below what it was 10 years ago, after importing another 5% of our population.
>You guys wouldn't even have an island called the UK if it wasn't for your economic success. You would have been conquered long ago
Please enlighten me as to exactly who was going to conquer us between when mass immigration began in 1945 and today.
We were sucessful economically without mass immigration. That we need it or risk becoming some third world shithole is completely falacious.
As for why Britain should be British, it is our birthright. We are the natives, and as such have just as much right to our homeland as any other group does to theirs.
>conflating refugees with migrants
The migration figure would far exceed this. The number of people born overseas would be in the millions.
Tradition is beauty. Bringing in 2% of your population every year destroys that. It's understandable why an American doesn't understand that. There's nothing worth protecting in your country.
All the shills in this thread are American
Really gets the Neurons passing some binary information to other Neurons at Speeds close to the speed of light lad
Nice context denial
Sweden NO!
All refugees != all migrants
Tell me, how many people does it take to perpetrate a terror attack?
you guys have just about made a full recovery. it's not like you guys are lagging far behind other nations who were impacted by the economic crisis.
You misread what I said. I said that you would have been conquered long ago if you were in a poor economic condition compared to successful nations in your area and that stopping migrants would help to put you in a poorer economic condition.
Rome was successful without relying on capitalism. Times change, the things you need to do to be successful change. Stop being a dumbass. Migration is one of the things modern countries need to be successful.
oh look a post devoid of logical reasons.
>The 10 most common non-UK countries of birth of mother have remained fairly similar across the 10-year period since 2004, with 6 countries remaining constant: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Germany and Somalia.
>doesn't show the amount of mudshits living in the UK now compared to 20-30 years ago
Is that 2nd and 3rd gen population of all IMMIGRANTS to the UK ?
You fucking ayn rand worshiping social darwinist lefty slut!
You probably love the effect it has on competition when disabled can no longer get a job due to competition, as long as you get to fuck up All cultures of the world to make everything plain and unexciting. You little twat!
>As for why Britain should be British, it is our birthright. We are the natives, and as such have just as much right to our homeland as any other group does to theirs.
You're just appealing to tradition. "Birthright" doesn't exist.
>And no, a pseudo-science response of "political orientation is tied to ethnicity" is not going to cut it.
I would've said social cohesion and happiness (which decrease with increased diversity, see Putnum's study), crime rates, cuntiness and identity politics, islam being fucking barbaric, niggers being generally lower IQ, but your retarded inb4 shows what poor quality bait this is, so I'm out
7,000-10,000 ISIS fighters according to your own intelligence agencies.
Yes it does, you fucking mongrel
>Rome was successful without relying on capitalism. Times change, the things you need to do to be successful change. Stop being a dumbass. Migration is one of the things modern countries need to be successful.
So "it's the current year"?
>You're just appealing to tradition. "Birthright" doesn't exist.
I see we're going to have to kill you people. A shame. If only you'd left well enough alone.
>Commit racial suicide so you don't get conquered
Kind of like killing yourself so you don't have to clean your room.
You know you don't actually believe anything you've posted, right? Stop being a fucking pussy and start questioning the shit being rammed down your throat like it's your father's cock.
Ah yes, the most I portent thing to a nation is ((((((((economic))))))) success.
This version is more accurate
But it is you stupid fucking faggot
Yes it does. I have just decided it does.
>inb4 'no it doesn't
that just doesn't cut it in 2017
where have you cunts spring from? /b or somewhere else?
>Migration is one of the things modern countries need to be successful.
>Short term economic success is worth breeding your people to extinction for
Successful for perhaps 1 or 2 generations until the bulk of your population has been replaced with sub 90 IQ niggers and inbred sandniggers. It's like committing suicide with heroine, feels great for a while, but then you're dead.
People that are against refugees are against immigration too retard.
>You would have been conquered long ago
Irrelevant, that does not Justify authoritarian imperialist takeover. Does it
What about all the legal shitskin immigrants that aren't raperefugees?
They're just as bad.
>replying on one study to form the foundations of your political beliefs
you don't understand science it seems either. that kind of stuff needs to be replicated before you can give any kind of social study any kind of credibility
>So "it's the current year"?
no. I'm saying that circumstances change so you need to do different things to be successful nations. in the past people were able to be successful without capitalism. now being successful without capitalism is unthinkable. in the past you could sustain your success without much migration, now that has changed as well.
>muh emotions
stop posting any time
I've already responded to two posts just like yours. read the thread dumbass
then explain why those trends flip over time if they are tied. blacks used to be in support of the republican party in america then that changed. you can't account for that in your model of "political orientation is tied to ethnicity"
birthright is just a concept invented by powerful people in a culture to make sure they maintain their standing in that particular society. there's no justification behind it. it's just bullshit like "the pharohs are gods". that was just said to keep them in power
there is literally no example of that social suicide ever happening anywhere. it's only happened in your imagination
Babies don't have religious beliefs.
One is happenstance and the other can easily be prevented by not letting a certain group of people into the country you duplicitous kike.
>I've already responded to two posts just like yours. read the thread dumbass
Na. I think I'm just going to call you the kike you are for putting ((((((((economic)))))))) success over the wellbeing of your fellow countrymen. Fucking kike.
>It's like committing suicide with heroine, feels great for a while, but then you're dead.
You forgot about the extended period of regret once you realize you will never live without heroin and spend your days trapped in your own head remembering your former potential contrasted with the despair of your current state.
193 000 is too much, you forgottent to calculate all non-Whites too, cuck
it really is sad what getting your political beliefs from an anime website does to people
all you can do is think in terms of memes and go with the grain of what the rest of the board does
>no. I'm saying that circumstances change so you need to do different things to be successful nations. in the past people were able to be successful without capitalism. now being successful without capitalism is unthinkable. in the past you could sustain your success without much migration, now that has changed as well.
But the need for unlimited immigration will somehow NOT change? Also fundamentally incorrect. Japan does not have mass immigration, but remains a very sucessful nation.
The (((Elitists))) get a say in who must be forced to integrate with foreign people and or people of different races.
The common man gets forced to integrate and gets his life ruined if he objects to this integration.
Hey (((Elitists!))) Put the niggers in your neighborhood.
OP learns quickly that the bullshit test on pol is infallible.
Now show what percentage of the UK population is European.
I agree that would be sad... Now fuck off kike.
If you don't want to be called one, don't act like one.
But they have sandnigger genes
>But the need for unlimited immigration will somehow NOT change? Also fundamentally incorrect.
I never said anything like that. you're arguing against your own hallucination of what you think I said.
>Japan does not have mass immigration, but remains a very sucessful nation.
And they are below birth replacement levels and facing a unique problem because of that. Japan knows that they will have to change eventually.
>there is literally no example of that social suicide ever happening anywhere.
Examples of racial demographics in a region changing are prominent throughout history, you're living in one such example. In your case it was an external factor that caused it but there's no reason hedonistic internal factors can't have the same effect, especially considering nobody has ever been this committed to destroying their own kind in exchange for shekels.
Why don't the refugees just go home and fight? Instead they come here and take benefits like unwelcome guests that won't leave. Unpatriotic!
>I never said anything like that. you're arguing against your own hallucination of what you think I said.
You heavily implied it by saying that mass immigration is vital to our future sucess.
>And they are below birth replacement levels and facing a unique problem because of that. Japan knows that they will have to change eventually.
Here's a novel solution: have more babies. Also, what exactly is wrong with population decline to a sustainable level? Unlimited growth is simply not possible.