>Ska Keller proposed to send a whole Syrian village to Latvia, for example. "The idea with the Syrian village is a possibility that could be used, for example, if refugees do not want to go alone in a country where there are no refugees."
>The fact that the Czech Republic and other Eastern European countries refused to accept larger refugee groups violated EU law according to Keller.
>German politicians want entire Syrian villages forced into Eastern Europe
How do we end the German controlled EU once and for all?
Wtf EU
Other urls found in this thread:
Some sauce
People have to get really angry. They need to push back against the ideology of allowing their countries to be subverted, fight against Islam, get the right people into office, and start caring about their own citizens first.
>Refugees are good for your country! There are numerous doctors, scientists and smart people.
>Then why would you want to redistribute them instead of taking all of them by yourself?
>Keller studied Islamic studies, Turkish and Jewish Studies at Free University of Berlin and at Sabancı Üniversitesi in Istanbul.
Rope material
>for example
Fire will rise.
>entire Syrian villages and town
What fucking dipshit could possibly come up with something this stupid?
Even the left parties of Sweden accept that putting these people together in what becomes ghettoes is poison for integrating them at all. Even the left thinks they should be MORE spread out, not less.
Fuck off Anglo shit. You fuckin off out the EU was the best thing you could have done. At least you'll only destroy yourselves now and not Europe AGAIN.
Fuck off with this, Germany tried to save Europe, Anglos destroyed it. The end.
>resettle entire villages of mudshits in poland and hungary
I'm ok with this
Dumb kraut scum
Deus Vult!
Too bad no one listens to ska.
it had already happened with gypsy settlements here
I swear that pic gets less and less funny every time I see it. Pretty soon it will be the only logical explanation for their actions.
Why don't Poland and Hungary just bite the bullet and leave the EU?
I'm sure a little bit less gibs is worth not having Syrians.
Poland quite literally exploits a crazy ass loophole in the EU with gibs
They probably wouldve left if it wasnt for this
>Le Anglos destroyed Europe
Are all Germans in this much denial?
LEBENSRAUM for the refugees
>German politicians want entire Syrian villages forced into Eastern Europe
>How do we end the German controlled EU once and for all?
I have an idea
how about we resettle the entire Germany to the middle east
and let the mudslims deal with the eternal kraut and its tantrums
We'll leave as soon as they run out. It would fuck up our plans if we leave now.
The longer you wait, the harder it will be. The whole point of the EU is to make everyone dependent on Germany.
When are you leaving lads?
The gibs are going to run dry after we leave, you know that right?
Do it, it will be the last heroic act of your jewish life you faggot. DEUS VULT
>People have to get really angry
This is really what matters. Most don't get it. Anger SHOULD lead to hate. Only by hating your enemy can you mobilize enough strength to start winning.
But literally everyone is aware of that m8. We're sort of fighting back, there's patriotism in economy too. There's even an app for that. Helps you choose if products is Polish or not:
We need to burn down everything.....
it's time to nuke Berlin and Brussels.
Besides either way our economy is still dependant on Germany, EU or not. It has been for the past 20+ years. If we manage to develop our own industry, then only then we'll be able to break that dependence. If not, well, we're fucked anyway, so who cares.
Isnt literally every media in Poland owned by Germans? Cant be any better with all other parts of the economy, you guys got COLONIZED.
>tries to destroy every other European culture
>trying to save it
Faggot kraut keep crying
Public media isn't. Also we're fighting back against that too.
LIVE - Rick Wiles: What’s Driving the U.S. to Provoke the Russian Bear?
Is it madness or money that is motivating the United States to provoke Russia into a World War? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses the latest incident between the two superpowers as a NATO jet buzzes a plane carrying Moscow’s top defense chief over the Baltic Sea. Rick also shares the details behind last night’s foiled jihadist bombing in Brussels and the neck stabbing of a police officer in Flint, Michigan by a coward yelling ‘Allah Akbar.” Lastly, Rick dismantles Jeh Johnson’s testimony on alleged Russian interference in Election 2016, and dismisses the latest claims of Senator John ‘Get Off My Lawn’ McCain.
The Netherlands would've been paradise had they won.
Would you give up your national identity and independence for it?
>How do we end the German controlled EU once and for all?
By ignoring them. The Germans aren't going to force you to do something you don't want, they're too afraid of being called Nazis.
We still wouldn't have given your bikes back.
You already were a paradise, and you still are. Why the fuck would you want to be a slave to Germans? Are you a cuck?
this thing is going full crazy
we should put them together with local gopniks, that would be hilarious. what if we put them in Daugavpils, we should make a social experiment out of it... :^)
WW3 with the U.S., Russia, eastern, and central Europe(maybe the U.K.?) vs Germany, France, and Belgium.
We already have enough shit we dont need them too!
I can't believe WW3 is going to be focused around liberals trying to shove brown cock down the west's throat.
What kind of fucked up timeline is this?
>Would you give up your national identity and independence for it?
That's the entire point. The National Socialists were the only people that gave a fuck about Dutch identity.
We were identity-less without them. Even in the 40's, the same shit that's around today was prevalent.
Remember the 'based Brit carrying his beer as he ran away from kebabs'? That's the kind of universal spirit the Dutch resistance saw as our identity.
Himmler worshiped a Dutch god and the German set to look over the Netherlands became a Dutch-boo.
Have you been to Amsterdam or Rotterdam, would you call that paradise?
>Why the fuck would you want to be a slave to Germans? Are you a cuck?
Hitler and Himmler wanted a Germanic empire, of which we'd be a part. Sure there'd be small things I don't agree with, but contrast that with today.
The rate of Dutch men applying for the SS, for which they had to provide paperwork of their full 150 year past showing they're Germanic, was so high that the Dutch army would be over 4 times as large if the rate of applying was the same today.
There was no democracy, Dutch SS veterans would've ruled the Netherlands and we'd be a full part of the most powerful nation in the world, all the while our race, heritage, and culture was preserved and built to last.
Again, contrast that with today.
Oh yeah. Integration gets so much fucking better by creating ethnic micro-societies where they can continue speaking their own language and practice their own outdated traditions and values. Why not just physically cut out a slab of syria and airdrop it into slavland, goats and all, ye fucking weapon?
That's what the government would normally do, but they take their multiculturalism very fucking serious
You are going to get culturally enriched, if you want it or not
Sry for fucking up again
Go on.The sword still exists to be carried around.
Refugees for Poland, Hungary, czech and Baltic countries. To be distributed equally. That or we cut you out, no more money.
>"People like to go where their countrymen are already living, it makes the integration and assimilation process easier"
>like to go where their countrymen are
>makes the integration and assimilation process easier
What the fuck kind of joke is this? Yes let the refugees create tight-knit insular communities. Let them forgo any need to interact with the locals outside of a quick trip to the gibs department. Because that's working so well for France and England. Jesus Christ.
And I'm sure the irony of saying people want to be with their fellow countrymen is lost on them.
Fuck this gay earth.
>implying that the funds will stop in 2020
soon well leave
It's the attitude of someone who's never had to live near or among these fucks. The upper middle-classes and rich are all for this shit because they've never had to deal with the fallout. In their minds, that rich cosmopolitan Arab or black businessman they know from being rich fucks is representative of all migrants, so they just can't understand why people wouldn't be all for it.
They fucking bombed your country mate. You're just a retarded naziboo cuck:
Your country looks pretty good for me currently, certainly better than mine after German treatment:
Haven't heard about any terrorist attacks there either.
Magyar, you don't have the money.
Fine then we cut the billions of gibs, faggot.
The fun part is you cant.And Orbán smears it in your face every day.You got outjewed.End of story.
And well keep getting it until 2020 and then I guess well fuck off either by ourselves or get kicked out by you fags (that wont happen since you are such pussies)
You will eventually, when it is not Russia fucking you in the ass, it is us. Know your place.
>russia fucking us in the ass after we improved our relations up to friendly tier
Why are EU supporters so dumb?
This specimen doesnt support anything.He works for the german version of ctr,called corrective.He gets paid for this,thats why the responses are standardized.
>Licking the boot of the country that fucked your shit for 50 years
>tfw when i seen jidf and ridf but not euidf
>instead lick the boots of the usa and the west who didnt fuck your country up for more than double the ti- oh wait
this is my last (you) hope you get enough eurocents to keep getting electricity for this day
Lurk more.
We're 15% non-White and growing. Homosexuality, trannies, racemixing, drugs, etc are all rampant as can be, and Dutch identity is nowhere to be found.
If we don't do something, we won't exist much longer.
Germans held an event laying wreaths in Rotterdam asking for fraternisation, remembering the dead of both the Dutch and the German side.
The 900 dead of Rotterdam obviously did suck and it was a big hurdle against union, but in the end an estimated one to two million Dutchmen still were on the German side, with ~2+ million working against, and the rest indifferent with at most some complaints.
Pic related is a rally in 1940, the NSB grew tenfold in the 5 years it had power.
A vote on independence if Germany had won the war would pass, but with a lot less than you might think it would've. But who cares about democracy?
Had they seen what the Netherlands is today compared to what it would be under Germany, there's no doubt what'd have won.
The point is the Germans had no negative plans for us. We'd rule ourselves locally and be the most nationalist we'd ever have been.
>posting animu
Rendben család ezt kapd ki
>>tfw too old for animu
rohadt dweebek
Germany needs to be combed again. They have historically always been the trouble makers in Europe. America needs to get back in there and split skulls
>Losing half your country to Romanian gypsies
You're right, youve been cucked enough lad.
>america beating the g*rmans ever
>The point is the Germans had no negative plans for us.
They had positive plans for themselves.
>We'd rule ourselves locally and be the most nationalist we'd ever have been.
Ye, sure you would.
round them all up and put them into danish driven death camps.
The problem with other Euros is that you always let the German go because you always end up feeling sorry for them. Let the Dane sort it out. We just need you to collect them and place them in our "care" then you can go have a good cry while we process the Germans.
Thats why i like danes
>We're 15% non-White and growing. Homosexuality, trannies, racemixing, drugs, etc are all rampant as can be, and Dutch identity is nowhere to be found.
If we don't do something, we won't exist much longer.
Kek, as usual naziboos are looking for reasons why their country is "dying". I'm sorry, I don't trust you faggots. Yeah France and UK are pretty bad, because of terrorist attacks and general cuckery, but you in particular don't have it that bad.
Even in that video most of the people are white, Netherlands is at the top rankings everywhere, but please tell me more how terrible your neet life in the first world country is.
>Kill millions of Eastern Europeans
We already did rule ourselves locally, the NSB just wasn't trusted fully because of Mussert being less radical than the NSDAP.
Himmler saw in Feldmeijer the future of the Netherlands, and the SS was to be the political leadership of the Netherlands.
There's documents, quotes, and actual historic facts. No reason to fantasise.
you can resettle them in in Breslau and Stettin, no prob
Big talk from a pole, you started the war you know, you had it coming mate.
>started the war
Who fired the first shots like a sneaky rat from under the guise of a ceremonial visit?
Who sabotaged Gliwice radio station trying to frame us for it?
Germans are literally worse than Jews. I mean they are Jews. Jews have lived and interbred with them for a millennium.
>Germans are literally worse than Jews. I mean they are Jews. Jews have lived and interbred with them for a millennium.
t. Pole?
Bit ironic if so.
t. Swamp merchant
Well, yes, but that doesn't change the fact both you, Germans, Russians and Anglos are heavily jewified, dare I say more than us.
Germans didn't have as many as you, tho
Anglos barely had any in comparison, but I admit Russians have a fuckton.
We had quite a bit, but only in Holland really.
Jews lived in German lands before they moved to us, m8. History isn't just Hitler, you know.
Why do you think so many Jews have German names?
Man, those poor refugees will have worse lives in Latvia than they did in Syria.
I kind of feel bad for them.
>Why do you think so many Jews have German names?
Because the German government forced them to adopt German names post-renaissance
There's plenty of Jews with Polish names too, though