wtf is this? those sandniggers are recording a bunch of 10 years old girls doing a dance exibition
Wtf is this? those sandniggers are recording a bunch of 10 years old girls doing a dance exibition
just Islam things
He's probably the same age and its a brotherly sister relationship
Nothing wrong with kids taking photos of their classmates
video to fap latter?
That picture was taken by someone to justify theselves taking a picture of you'll know when you see it.
Maybe they're brothers or fathers? Low IQ subhuman white cucks
Dude, people record exhibitions all the time. It's like how some people record street performers.
look at those weak skinny manlets
go confront them OP
you can easily knock them out
this is good
if they are just recording them that means they probably arent going to rape and kill them later
>gray hair
adopted gay parents? the bigger crime here is indians wearing jeans with flip flops
nope they were complete outsiders, also another indian guy was recording from a different angle
>religion of cp
Lmao at shitaly
those look like pakis/poos
If they don't want to be recorded they shouldn't be doing it in public. The problem isn't just the Indian perverts, it's the parents that allow their kids to do it.
Here in Sweden 60,000 kids under the age of 15 are raped yearly by these arabs. welcome to liberal hell.
Better question is why are little girls doing "dance exibitions"?
I would post a picture of literally ANY beauty pageant but then I would get v&
Let's buy $2500 USD tickets to Italy, $600 in hotel charges, just to hunt down these faggots and show them who's boss!
Cant be that high? If so thats fucking sad and u swedes need to form militias to protect the white youth