I've never seen any group of people look like this except for aboriginal Australians
What's the scientific reason for aboriginal Australians looking like this?
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They are proto australians, the white Australians you see now in Australia are result of miscegenation between these aboriginals and Neanderthals
Probably easy enough to find out by looking at their DNA. Probably descend from some divergent but rekated species of proto human.
>They don't look smart.
>know how to fix a fucking car though.
It's a hard knock life
>white Australians
You what, mate?
They look like your average brazilian
Genetic history
A comparison[26] between Aboriginal Australian, European, and Asian genomes indicated that Aboriginals are more closely related to Asians than they are to Europeans. The comparison also showed that Europeans are significantly more similar genetically to Asians than they are to Aboriginal Australians, indicating an extended period of Aboriginal genetic isolation.
Blood samples were collected from some Warlpiri members of the Northern Territory to study the genetic makeup of the Warlpiri Tribe of Aboriginal Australians, who are not representative of all Aboriginal Tribes in Australia. The study[27] concluded that the Warlpiri are descended from ancient Asians whose DNA is still somewhat present in Southeastern Asian groups, although greatly diminished. The Warlpiri DNA also lacks certain information found in modern Asian genomes, and carries information not found in other genomes, reinforcing the idea of ancient Aboriginal isolation.
Aboriginal Australians are genetically most similar to the indigenous populations of Papua New Guinea, and more distantly related to groups from East India.[27] They are quite distinct from the indigenous populations of Borneo and Malaysia, sharing relatively little genomic information as compared to the groups previously mentioned[clarification needed]. This indicates that Australia was isolated for a long time from the rest of Southeast Asia, and remained untouched by migrations and population expansions into that area.
Being outside in brain cooking heat tuns the face into leather.
IMO autistic ignorance has no genetic explanation.
They're a different species.
freak genetic accident
They are not humans
Look at dravidians and papuans, and you'll see how they all share descent.
the difference is probably a matter of
a) dravidians and papuans having a longer history of other admixture softening their australoid features
b) dravidians and papuans on the whole not having such a shitty, alcohol-based diet as abos.
Literal fucking Orcs.
there from a population that came to australia 40,000 years ago; and have been inbred there ever since
......toad people...?
What the fuck am I looking at
pic related is what their skull looks like.
Whereas Caucasians interbred with Neanderthals, Aboriginals mated with Denisovians and other early hominids. It's why they look so completely different.
fake news
You know I've always found it baffling that humans practice self mutilation everywhere, what compels people to mutilate their genitals?
I've never heard of europeans or asians doing it though
>what is circumcision
Fascinating, like a divergent lineage that developed concurrently with humans. And you say Australians live side by side with these creatures?
They come from totally different stock.
Plus their traditional way of living was probably so harsh and unforgiving that it limited their tribal in-group population to a very small number of individuals on a very large territory which resulted in lots of incest and no opportunity to choose based on attractiveness.
A jewish invention forced upon the Americans as is their tradition to circumsize slaves?
What's the scientific reason for aboriginal Caucasoids looking like this?
Nothing, you can't just take a few ugly people and generalize.
Holy fuck
that's really interesting, how their posterior fontanelle is a lot more distinct than their anterior - distinctly from our own.
i would take this to assume that the aborigine skull takes longer to fuse at the rear, allowing for further development of the occipital and parietal lobes, as opposed to in ours where the longer time to fuse the anterior fontanelle may be associated with additional development of the frontal lobe.
The majority of them were wiped out, quite deliberately by the Austalian colonizers. And they've been guilt tripped with it ever since. Most of the ones left today are mixed breeds (although unlike the Native Americans, purebreeds still do exist)
the right one seems much happier
Generations of inbreeding due to small roaming tribes. Tack on shit nutrition/health leading to long term genetic damage.
The kindest thing would be to sterilize them.
I've actually read that abos have unusually high spatial intelligence (or something like that). But in terms of IQ level, they are the lowest in the world. Average is supposed to be around 62. The Australian government literally had to do an advertising campaign to teach them not to sleep in the streets, they were getting run over so often.
It's actually kind of interesting. The Aboriginals and the Dingo dogs are the only two placental mammals that originally existed in Australia. It's likely that the dogs were once domesticated, brought over by the aboriginals when they first landed on the continent. But then over the years as the inbreeding took it's toll, they lost the ability to keep domesticated animals and the dingos ran wild. Becoming the wild dog species we know of today
he looks scottish as fuck
Im genuinely curious how they even got here in the first place. It's an isolated land-mass and these were hardly capable of building shelter, let alone sea faring boats.
>high spacial IQ
>low IQ in general
They're anti-Jews
Thank you for the info. It seems very odd to me that there was any race mixing at all given their brutal and Savage traditions in 's pic related.
Is there anywhere that you'd recommend for further reading on the subject, like a book or a website?
It might have been visual IQ or something like that. It's just something offhand I read a long time ago
Look up "Aboriginal fights" on YouTube. It's brutal as fuck but also fun to watch.
aborginals are decent people... there i said it.
the real problem is half breeds, the genetics of european whites and aboriginals simply do not work together, even less so than european+african.
if you could actually see legitimate crime statistics which were not tampered with you would find an extremely disproportionate amount of violent crimes in australia are committed by half breeds.
'black abbos' are good people.
>I've actually read that abos have unusually high spatial intelligence (or something like that). But in terms of IQ level, they are the lowest in the world.
Structurally this would support my postulation about comparative brain development.
>The Aboriginals and the Dingo dogs are the only two placental mammals that originally existed in Australia. It's likely that the dogs were once domesticated, brought over by the aboriginals when they first landed on the continent. But then over the years as the inbreeding took it's toll, they lost the ability to keep domesticated animals and the dingos ran wild. Becoming the wild dog species we know of today
I think it is unlikely that Aboriginals (or their ancestors) ever domesticated dogs. Setting aside any quibbles with the Out of Africa theory (as multiregionalism's case strengthens day by day), it has already long been a given that Aboriginals are representative of one of the purest forms of a "migration out of Africa" entirely separate from that which led to other Eurasians.
It is my belief and understanding that it was the latter group who were responsible for domesticating dogs - it's also understood that dogs were one of, if not the, first and earliest domesticated of all animals. Dingoes may well exist as an intermediary of these earliest domesticated dogs, who perhaps went feral and crossed the land bridges which existed through SE Asia and Oceania during glacial periods, of their own accord.
These dogs will have already learnt to scavenge and pick the bones of animals hunted by homonins - unlike Eurasians though, Australids never saw in this an opportunity to form a closer relation with them.
I think I read that on here a while ago too. Some Australian was posting about how rugby teams are full of Abos because they're really strong and have good vision.
Corn Syrup
>fucking literal apes
wtf, you anglos are a bunch of degenerates, even worse than us
alcohol is a helluva drug.
>like a split-open frankfurter
different species look different, lol. They're not human, but we are distantly related.
What are the chances of this fucker being something like 1/8th abo?
His facial bone structure just looks off.
To be fair, when you're a convict who gets dropped onto some God forsaken rock half a world away and the only women there are Aboriginals, you lower your standards.
I just find it hilarious how you expect these beings to go 'OOGA BOOGA UNNGGG' at you, but instead they speak impeccable English in a heavy Australian accent.
It's plausible. He's certainly got the nose.
And now imagine the abhorrent and gigantic shit she is going to take after this....unfortunately not in my mouth..
It was an attempt at soft genocide through mixing and diluting them out of existence, which is one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever heard.
If you're going to genocide, don't muddy your own gene pool - line em up along the edge of a mass grave and put a boomerang through the back of their skull.
It's not the best pic of him given his faggot fringe there, but I think the shape and proportions of his orbital rims and forehead scream admixture.
It just doesn't sit on the typical spectrum of robust/palaeolithic to gracile/neolithic Europeans.
Just a normal day in Australia.
Rape culture
They killed the last few mega fauna, they were already in harsh decline but the arrival of humans sealed their fate
>implying they had any culture
Brazil tried to do the same thing
When your mothers milk include heavy traces of gazoline, you get this look once your older
The green shirt fucker, man, his swings looked powerful as fuck but they never connected.
Yeah and it failed lol. It's not the kind of thing you want to do as an ethnicity when you're a global minority.
>german with a shit fetish
This is really a thing, isn't it?
why were they sleeping in streets?
Not really a genocide only the mixed race ones, in the 1900's we took huge amounts of the race mixed ones into missionaries and schools to try give them an education, since all government studies had the aboriginal population becoming extinct, we though they were literally a dying race and wanted to protect the half white ones.
Putting them in missionaries however destoryed their "cultual" bonds to their tribes and become the Abo's version of muh slavery. Muh stolen generation ending in the Prime minister in 2007 or something apologizing on behalf of all Australians for shit only a few thousand did
>so jewhypnotized he doesn't even realize europeans don't circumcise.
How the fuck are you able to inseminate someone after slitting your pipe all the way to the base?
It's a wonder they didn't die out from this.
Champaign and Caviar are literally tastes of the patricians
Has anyone mentioned ITT that some abo tribes didn't know where babies came from?
>that tiny ass elephant
>that some abo tribes didn't know where babies came from?
Sounds like on hell of a story, tell us user
No source. So fake. Some autist on Sup Forums made it.
abos aren't too bad, it's when they get on the piss some of them get a bit angry
Went to Darwin when I was a young lad to play footy and stayed at club accommodation, had an aboriginal fellow as a roommate.
Really nice guy, also flew to Bathurst Island off Darwin to play the football side there, they legit play games that go for days, alcohol is illegal on the island and they only have minimal interaction with modern society.
Funnily enough without the alcohol and constant white interference in abo social issues they are really good people.
I don't expect a group of 18-30 year old silver spoon gated community dwellers whos only experience with abos is the ones they see drunk in the city to have any real valid opinion on them.
The Abo is the negro's final and purest form.
100% magic melanin mane.
You what, it's right there at the top
It's an actual site, they have more source at the bottom
abos and subsaharans are two completely different kinds of black though.
>hating abos
So what if I do?
You know where you are right?
Yet they need billboards & TV commercials to tell them not to sleep in the road.
there's no such thing as white Australians
What a load of shit, you are fucken full of it mate. Sexual assault of girls under 16yrs is above 85% in aboriginal community's in NT. Aboriginal elders are coming out saying it ok to marry girls under ten because it is tradition also load of shit. Only good aboriginals are the ones who where lucky enough to get taken away from these "traditional" communities at a young age. They had to literally change the make up of petrol because so many of them where falling dead after sniffing so much of it. The sad thing is these are legitimate studies and facts, but to quote any of these you would be called a racist and to suggest to take them away from their drunk mess raping families you would almost get hung is Aus
Aboriginals are more closely related to Indians
than anyone else.
best post here, thanks
They are not Africans.
>muh pol nazi maymay
also worked as a surf coach, the most annoying cunts we ever had were poms. Do one 'lesson' (lel, pushing pasty limeys onto waves that dump deliberately) and suddenly theyre all kelly slater.
Lost count of how many times had to rescue poms.
Also go to Byron Bay, every backpacking place is filled to the brim with poms with 2 surf lessons under their belt posing extremely hard as seasoned surfers. You cunts watch home and away too much.
In saying that 2017 poms don't surf, they're too busy worshipping allah.
Just their good luck having superior genetics probably.
A Jewish practice that Europeans use to make fun of muslims and jews?
Guess how they can do that.
What the fuck are you even going on about you petrol huffing nigger?
The asphalt stays warm for hours after the sun goes down.
You've never been there, there are communities where alcohol is banned and they are completely fine, nice 'stat's bro, isn't it convenient they 'justify' Johnnny Howards giant waste of the federal budget trying to fix a problem that barely existed before white intervention through displacement of famalams and the introduction of alcohol.
Oh, and Howards program was a giant waste of money, still, the stats remain to justify it.
Go visit the place and look at the communities instead of believing the shit you are fed from the media and government.
Meh this user is kinda right.
It's more inner city abbos who have access to drugs and alcohol that cause alot of shit.
No worse than the average houso bogan tho and very placid compared to the fucked Somalians in Melbourne stealing shit
Geographic isolation. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?
poms are a bigger problem in australia than abos :)
did somebody say petrol ?
Well if they did that to only some boys, it would be in line with the "eating every other child" thing. Both sound like a weird, natural version of population control. I wonder if it's because the land is so barren and hostile that they couldn't afford the resources to raise every infant.
>And now imagine the abhorrent and gigantic shit she is going to take after this....unfortunately not in my mouth..
checks out.
reminds me of skull attachments of different quality in diablo 2, abo skull being the worst
>oldest known race
>surprised they're fucked up from inbreeding.
Yeah what's up with the weird tiny elephant thing, is that some kind of marsupial version of the elephant ?
>Haha I insulted your criminals mad white boi ? :)
Not really?
Why are you sperging out at me specifically, all I did was correct an user yeah there are sources to that image, maybe Aboanon is feeling a little upset we know about his peoples savage ways that make niggers look enlightened?
Since white people are the problem why don't you name some examples of poms destroying your civilisation, and enslaving you or even stealing your inventions?
>Implying there are no white people with small heads.