OFFICIAL Sup Forums Honorary citizens ! They are stopping the invasion.
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OFFICIAL Sup Forums Honorary citizens ! They are stopping the invasion.
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Damn it feels good to be half Hungarian.
Good on them. Hope they won't be "jewed" internally.
The presence of Austria worries me for this.
You guys better arm your shit bc when Turkey lets the big wave thru their borders we won't be able to hold crap
So far I am good with what we have.
Austria was proposed to 'join' 'V4' - I don't they are any dangerous like Gremies
Based Austro-Hungarian empire
Military senpai. Nobody's going through that shit.
the final red pill.....
You're welcome OP.
I know Czech Republic has a decent gun culture, but can any of the citizens from these 6 nations adequately arm themselves?
Damn, it's literally the Austro-Hungarian Empire. My favourite South Central gang.
Whys that? Sincerely. Burger here
Austria is well armed, The Czech republic as well. And if the government and military do the job they're supposed to they wot need it anyway.
Gott schütze den Kaiser!
Well as you may know the Austrian elected president is Van Der Bellen a socialist, a green, all around sjw type.
So that's what worries me.
Well done. Just remember, should the need arise, there are those in the west willing to join you. You have more allies than you think.
Got it, thank you sir!
Croatia you're awesome.
kek,it's happening again!
>he doesn't know
EU has already started legal action against them. They'll either slurp it up or leave the EU. So either way, we win. It either shows how insane and blackmailing how Merk... I mean, the EU is. Or it'll show the rest of the EU that you don't need to be in the Merke... I mean EU club.
>typical stupid burger thinking that guns matter and you can just shoot shit without rotting in prison for life afterwards
We have an army, a fence on the border and several right-wing civil militias.
30 Years war-WW1 Austria doing fucked shit or influencing other countries to do fucked shit.
WW1 - Austria-Hungary started the war
WW2 - Hitler was Austrian
Austria is Jewish.
I always suspected the Austro-Hungarian Empire would come back to save Europe. It's only a matter of time until they merge together again.
Nonsense, they will hold the line against a bunch of unarmed peasants
why no poland
good lads!
LIVE - Rick Wiles: What’s Driving the U.S. to Provoke the Russian Bear?
Is it madness or money that is motivating the United States to provoke Russia into a World War? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses the latest incident between the two superpowers as a NATO jet buzzes a plane carrying Moscow’s top defense chief over the Baltic Sea. Rick also shares the details behind last night’s foiled jihadist bombing in Brussels and the neck stabbing of a police officer in Flint, Michigan by a coward yelling ‘Allah Akbar.” Lastly, Rick dismantles Jeh Johnson’s testimony on alleged Russian interference in Election 2016, and dismisses the latest claims of Senator John ‘Get Off My Lawn’ McCain.
>typical stupid burger thinking that guns matter and you can just shoot shit without rotting in prison for life afterwards
Joke is on you, in my state if I were to have illegal trespassers on my property I can shoot them with 0 repercussions. I'd probably even get praise from the community afterwards.
>Austria is Jewish.
We prefer "mountain"-jewish.
fuck yes
Visegrad group becoming more likely by the day
btfo rapefugees, western europe, AND russia
Austria Hungary is back bitches!
Bullets on sea when?
fuck romania for not joining in on this.
Hungary can I join you? Szia
>Austria-Hungary reforms because Germany keeps demanding everyone suck a black dick
The times they are changing.
Kys gypsy
Bosnia anexation when?
Fuck off, we aren't giving any land away
can someone give me rundown on this pic
put your normal flag on already, america
well who cares. Nothing really changed. Niggers get shipped in by the thousands each day. Borders still open. EU wants to limit free speech with "hate speech laws". They still want to turn Europe in some kind of immigration continent. It´s ovahh
The best part about it, is that the only other witness is usually the dead person! Bonus!
poland is Europe's Africa
(it's a powerless shithole)
Nice try kyke!!
I'd rather live in Poland than in most Western European countries, sorry.
Yes, we are niggers of Europe. Don't come here.
True. It's literal desert.
also, we're full