Everything is an opinion now. There's no objective facts or reality. There is no truth.
Vaccines cause autism? Opinion.
The Earth is round? Opinion.
Things evolve? Opinion.
Climate change happens? Opinion.
A crazy dude shot and killed a bunch of school children? Opinion.
A bunch of terrorists [mostly from Saudi Arabia] flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings and killed thousands of Americans? Opinion.
Donald Trump received fewer votes than Hillary Clinton? Opinion.
One of the worst things to happen in the last several decades:
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna fuck that bitch with the force of 1000000000000000 penises
It's an easy way of escaping debate. No one wants to debate their point or yours because that would actually avoid someone using their brain, and being reliant on facts that they can draw on and show.
Lefties hate the truth, they hate the facts, they only care about what they think and feel and that is what they base as fact.
Anti-intellectualism is the new in-thing on the right, don'tcha know?
its almost like you can't rely on the power-establishment to tell you what to think / feel / and believe anymore and you're upset about it.
too bad. grow up. deal with it. everything you ever watched on TV or read about in a book was always nothing more than an opinion. it was as true in the 80s and 90s as it is today. the only difference is that the internet has created a vehicle for the dissemination of information that has made people realize that those entities they used to hold and prize so dearly as gospel (MSM, college professors, "new studies", polititians, conventional thought) are basically full of shit and provably so.
so yeah, too bad you don't get to cling to your shitty new world, modern age secular religion anymore. too bad you don't get to believe them dogmatically when they tell you something is implicitly true.
other people have woken up, plain and simple, and you're pissed at them for it. you want to stay asleep, believing what for you is a pleasant lie. screw off and die kike
This, this, this, so fucking this. Fucking fuckity fuck fuck I wish everyone would read and understand this.
>everything you ever watched on TV or read about in a book was always nothing more than an opinion
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read, anywhere, ever. So math textbooks are full of opinions now? Are the evil kikes trying to confuse the white man with facts?
The issue is two-fold:
On the left, the process of research is laborious and they're too lazy to do it most days so they don't and just resort to RACIST! REDNECK! REEEE to save time and energy. The issue is that you do that often enough and people start to think that that's acceptable or even standard protocol. All those things you listed have clear answers and proofs at times or experiments but so few people who side with Truth actually want to support Truth in a meaningful way.
On the other hand, the politicization of science on both sides (On the Left of normies who like Bill Nye and Tyson and maybe even Sagan, who like the fruits but not the labor of science; On the Right of people who either use scripture as a historical and scientific record or people who just don't believe in anything that goes against their 'common sense') has made it so that standard scientific process and skepticism (scientists will be the first to tell you the lackings of science) are a matter of political allegiance and 'feeling' rather than proof or discussion of the experimental methods themselves
It's one thing to question those in power and those who control information and media but you have to bring more to the table than "I think the Earth is flat because it makes sense to me".
Bring math, bring measurements, bring something else other than your personal feelings. Discuss or even disprove the arguments put forth by your opponent, don't just claim they're shills and that that somehow proves YOU are right.
By that logic, everyone is a shill for someone and there is no truth about the natural world or observable phenomena
>Surely sanctimonious mockery of strawmen will win us the election this time
Unfortunately, it's much easier to fool people than it is to show them that they've been fooled. You smell new
thanks lol. i prob shouldn't have told him to die, but on the other hand, would the world really miss him??
most people have some psychological need to be told what to think / feel / believe. that's what drives it. if you look through all of human history, every group of people has a set belief system that is passed down from the generations, and it's usually enforced with deadly consequences, or at the very least, total social ostricization.
so what happens is that generationally the free thinkers and the smarter people get weeded out. the "average" or often even the "weak" are elevated in societies because they do as the whole says. they do as the whole wants. they don't question, and they aren't strong enough to make waves or rock the boat. they're the ideal servants of the whole.
the human race suffers for it. and because of that characteristic of human organization, we live in a world today where people will literally believe whatever governments or higher institutions tell them. they NEED it and they CRAVE it because its in their blood and they get UPSET when people upset their balance. that's why people often react in anger if you talk about something like a "conspiracy theory". even when the "theory" isn't a theory at all, but stuff that provably happened (COINTELPRO, MLULTRA, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Gladio, tuskeegee experiment ect ect ect). it's hard for free thinkers to understand that reaction, because its so fundamentally different from what we have, and we often think "they're just confused, just misguided" but in fact, they're reacting to something deep down in the blood and their soul that will never change.
no matter what happens, no matter how "enlightened" the ideas of society are, they'll always be the same. the masses will always be dogmatic retards. they'll always react in anger and violence to the people who upset their delicate balance, because it's what the majority of the human race has become.
Sara Jean Underwood.
LIVE - Rick Wiles: What’s Driving the U.S. to Provoke the Russian Bear?
Is it madness or money that is motivating the United States to provoke Russia into a World War? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses the latest incident between the two superpowers as a NATO jet buzzes a plane carrying Moscow’s top defense chief over the Baltic Sea. Rick also shares the details behind last night’s foiled jihadist bombing in Brussels and the neck stabbing of a police officer in Flint, Michigan by a coward yelling ‘Allah Akbar.” Lastly, Rick dismantles Jeh Johnson’s testimony on alleged Russian interference in Election 2016, and dismisses the latest claims of Senator John ‘Get Off My Lawn’ McCain.
There never were much truth anyways. I'm quite optimistic that we're just entering a new better era of distributed mediation of information ultimately leading to the death of so called official truths that hold great influence and give undeserved power to people sitting in the right positions. The transition will probably be quite the shitstorm, but I'd say it will only take a couple of decades and the result is totally worth it.
I don't know about math, but in my economics class at my Uni they were. An answer to a question about women being paid less per year was literally "Because they have been oppressed".
Yes, kikes are literally filling textbooks full of OPINIONS now.
>So textbooks are full of opinions now? Are the evil kikes trying to confuse the white man
As crazy as it sounds, yes.
that's like, just your opinion man
Forearm sized cock between your legs but call you a woman? Opinion.
nah there is objective reality
defund government school and this BS clear up
look son, this is what 100% literal autism looks like!
no this is untrue. people are entitled to think or feel however they want. for all you know, they have some psychic universal connection to the cosmos and know everything implicitly.
i'm not saying they do, but im saying you as a human being discussing matters that are beyond your personal scale, whether they're far smaller, or far larger, are in an inherently solipsistic state. so all possibilities must be on some level open to you.
now you don't have to believe anything. you don't have to subscribe to whatever thing you think is dumb, but you should consider that whatever it is that you're subscribing to likely isn't the "enlightened, absolute truth" that you think it is. particularly when its an idea you only divined from dogmatically believing what total strangers in government or higher social institutions have told you to believe :(
Does anyone else feel an intense anger when they see a woman this gorgeous? Just knowing she would NEVER even acknowledge your existence? It's such a fucking tease, I don't even want to see it!
OP honest truth tho, i am sorry i called you a kike and told you to die. i do think you're sort of a piece of shit though IMO :(
Sara Underwood will be the official poster girl of the ethnostate even though she dated a non-white once
>>Surely sanctimonious mockery of strawmen will win us the election this time
Very nicely done user.
>As crazy as it sounds, yes.
it doesn't sound crazy at all when you understand what propaganda is, how it works, and how its been used by different groups throughout history. AND when you consider that there are groups and high powered think tanks out there that are every day just studying new ways to manipulate and control the human race (places like tavistock, and other thinktanks that study "organizational psychology", which is a code word for studying the psychology of how to enslave people)
this is the best thing that has happened in decades and it is reflective of reality, the lying mainstream media has no power anymore, things that most people consider true has no value anymore, as it shouldn't, because most of the time its based on mainstream media lies
having honest discussion/debate requires both parties to not be cunts
theres so many easy ways to shit on a debate and act like you won it
>virtue signalling
>saying "bigot" "racist" to things you disagree with
>claiming something is or isnt true when you know otherwise
>being a pedantic fuck and asking dumb curveball questions just so you can pull a "gotcha!" when they dont know the answer
The level of civil discourse just gets gradually worse all the time. Even at the top of politics nowadays you wont find a single productive public discussion. It's all just bullshit posturing and picking sides like red team vs blue team on every issue.
>2 posts by this id
God bless you
I want Sara Underwood to burp in my face
You need to study critical thinking, user. the truth is still out there, it's just buried under a mountain of bullshit and opinion. Think with your head, judge with your heart. BTW-
>The Earth is round? Opinion.
This should be your first research topic.
oh also a lot of the ideas in our higher education system come from these people, who were literally trying to introduce ideas that would brainwash us and destroy our nation, our values and our capitalist system from the inside out. you want areal major redpill? read up on these people and what the fuck they did to us :(
But that is the point of science.
To use reason and logic to try to deduce truths, both local and cosmic, by way of tests and deductive reasoning.
I'm as angry as anyone that science has become a religion to those too ignorant to acknowledge it as a process of learning rather than a wellspring of absolute truths.
But that's no reason to scuttle the entire process altogether. Science is, by its own design, a self-iterating process of testing hypotheses, new and old, to move closer and closer to a definable truth about phenomena.
People are allowed to think and feel however they want but that doesn't mean anyone else needs to take them seriously. The issue nowadays is that having an opinion, or calling a belief/fact an 'opinion' is a great equalizing label that puts things that have some experimentation and testing behind them on the same level as 'feelings' or less well tested hypotheses.
I agree that people had, in the past, subscribed to beliefs rather than arrived at them on using their own reason and logic or reading through past research. They still do to a degree. The change now is not that people are waking up but they're getting picky about which dream they live in. They are as locked into perceptions about the world as they ever have been, they're just different perceptions this time.
What I identify as the larger cause of all of this is two institutions: the "nurture over nature" philosophy and the "democracy" philosophy.
"Nurture over Nature" states that ANYONE can become an educated, critically thinking individual with proper training. That may be true but the amount of training each person needs is far greater than what our current standardized education system allows for.
The issue comes in with the fact that being educated and knowledgeable is still an expectation and instead of trying to actually understand the world, people have fallen into absolute beliefs about the world, falling back into idolatry of various charlatans
You could clip out the bit where both his hands are down and his legs are doing a thing, and make that a 'tl;dr' gif.
Thats why Yashua is the red pill. He is the truth the way & the life. His burden is light & his reward is with him.....One may argue all they want but when The Man comes around, he's gonna separate the herd.......
Real fascism hasn't been tried!
> upset by the prevalence of postmodernism, a leftist doctrine
> tries to force in anti-right examples in OP
> tops it off with a genetic picture of a hot chick
Remove the make-up, change the lighting, undo the photo-shopping, she's just an attractive woman. There are plenty out there this hot or nearly this hot that are obtainable. Aim high, user, you may surprise yourself.
>Theories are bad, okay?
Earth is flat FYI
C'mon m8, don't post Sara Underwood on this board. I'm on no fap!!!
The Second issue is the notion of democracy, where all people get equal say in the government. The issue was supposed to be circumvented in this country with educated representatives (the electoral college) who COULD reason and understand the minutiae of natural and political and military situations.
Nowadays, that system has been corrupted by party allegiance and extremism in the voting base where the more average a candidate seems, the closer they are to the crowd's intelligence, the more willing they are to vote for them. They don't want someone who might know more than them, they want someone who will literally just be them in Washington. There's no self-skepticism on either side of the aisle, in the politicians or their constituents.
And this problem is even greater for more pure democracies where the unintelligent, more poorly backed ideas and beliefs are put on level with the more well backed ideas. Not to say that either idea is absolutely true or false within our scope of understanding but it's better to err on the side of the more well supported belief. Hell, you do so everyday in your life.
It's always been definition of the left, actually. Every single buzzword and talking point of the left is false and rooted in hate. It's often the exact opposite of the truth, like the claim that Europeans (aka non-Jewish 'white' people) are a scourge... IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES for being honest and wanting to be left alone.
But that girl is definitely one of the better thigns to have happened.
dunno why people so crazed over that pic she looks like a bog standard blonde magazine model, no defining features- boring!
>But that is the point of science.
i can already tell you're just another acolyte in their church
>To use reason and logic to try to deduce truths, both local and cosmic, by way of tests and deductive reasoning.
but you're bad at it. your "beliefs" and "conclusions" are changing every century. every decade. every year. every day. somebody has to admit the emperor is not wearing any clothes. you're just another zealous member of a stupid religion that tells me how to think, feel and what their place is in the cosmos.
>I'm as angry as anyone that science has become a religion to those too ignorant to acknowledge it as a process of learning rather than a wellspring of absolute truths.
but you defend it
>But that's no reason to scuttle the entire process altogether. Science is, by its own design, a self-iterating process of testing hypotheses, new and old, to move closer and closer to a definable truth about phenomena.
wrong, it's never worked. it's based on flawed logic. i'm sorry you can't see the flaw in thinking that humans, with our very limited perception, would be able to deduce all of the logic of the universe from just our pitiful 5 senses :(
cont. maybe
Post modernism my nigga
>People are allowed to think and feel however they want but that doesn't mean anyone else needs to take them seriously.
nor should anyone take you seriously, but you're the ones that act like anyone who disagrees with you is inherently "beneath" you and is an unemployable apostate deserving of nothing more than dehumanizations and social ridicule.
same way witches and apostates from the church were treated in the past
>I agree that people had, in the past, subscribed to beliefs rather than arrived at them on using their own reason and logic or reading through past research. They still do to a degree. The change now is not that people are waking up but they're getting picky about which dream they live in. They are as locked into perceptions about the world as they ever have been, they're just different perceptions this time.
>What I identify as the larger cause of all of this is two institutions: the "nurture over nature" philosophy and the "democracy" philosophy.
oh great, "dis gon be gud"
>"Nurture over Nature" states that ANYONE can become an educated, critically thinking individual with proper training. That may be true but the amount of training each person needs is far greater than what our current standardized education system allows for.
>The issue comes in with the fact that being educated and knowledgeable is still an expectation and instead of trying to actually understand the world, people have fallen into absolute beliefs about the world, falling back into idolatry of various charlatans
soooooooooo you're saying the system you're here defending is inherently broken and not compatible with human nature? that it's failed?
you're putting down the very thing you're trying to defend. you're only proving that it doesn't work. you're providing one reason among many, but one reason nonetheless.
so now you can change all of your beliefs and views about "science" and stop being such a pedantic retard, right??
god you honestly seem like the worst type of elitist faggot. please just to go become a democrat and a bernie supporter, you belong with them.
i almost don't want Sup Forums type ideas to become too mainstreamed because the more they do the more retards like you hop on board. maybe try reddit :(
Somewhere, some guy is sick of her bullshit, I promise you.
>I'm mad its not a trap
Fuck, I want watermelon now.
i dont think she that hot, just short jew girl with spray tan and cheek implants
>To use reason and logic to try to deduce truths, both local and cosmic, by way of tests and deductive reasoning.
>but you're bad at it. your "beliefs" and "conclusions" are changing every century. every decade. every year. every day. somebody has to admit the emperor is not wearing any clothes. you're just another zealous member of a stupid religion that tells me how to think, feel and what their place is in the cosmos.
Are you retarded? Science can and must be revised. It is literally THE best explanation anyone has come up with for any phenomena. Unlike religion it is NOT dogmatic. It MUST change, but only for the better.
Science is not about opinions or feelings. They are facts, and they are the same for any person on any reference frame, that is why it is beautiful, because it exists to explain things that all outside of our subjective experience.
Science has always worked, and if you dare to defend otherwise you are a living insult to the technology which you use, the clothes which you wear and the food that has kept you alive.
You're just another ungrateful person who doesn't understand the scientific method at all.
Democracy was never about great intellectual decisions or the like, it was and still is the best in avoiding horrible ones. Of course it will get corrupted, that's what humans do to anything given enough time. The true magic is that, it has a built-in safe guard to try and prevent any one party going full retard and flush the whole country down the toilet. So you end up with a reasonably steady supply of average decisions by moderately corrupt politicians, which in the end means you're at least going forward in the very long run even if the pace isn't really that fast.
Please be bait. People can't be this stupid.
I'm saying that the inequalities in people's natural abilities, and our unwillingness to actually foster people's critical thinking skills vs how much we value those skills creates a situation where tons of people (Left and Right) want to be seen as knowledgeable but don't have the mindset nor the willingness to educate themselves on the currently best-backed facts about the world.
So people end up falling into absolute beliefs rather than being willing to actually learn the reasoning behind various theories, or read the current evidence for existing theories before they go supporting or opposing those same theories.
The issue is people's beliefs are completely separate from how much evidence there is for those beliefs. People's beliefs today are based on how people feel or even just what they were told first about something.
I'm not putting anything down (except democracy), I'm just pointing out a source of people's unwillingness to just say "I don't know" and then be willing to learn. People today pick up a narrative about something rather than facts, then refuse to change once they're set in that narrative.
>uses "US 4CHANNERS R BETTER THAN U" narrative
>uses emotes on Sup Forums
>postmodernist accusing others of being postmodernists
my sides
>sees lewd picture
>immediately disregards post
Pornography is the worst thing to happen in the past several decades.
All of this is true. It's also the cause for the "i fucking love science" meme which usually presents misleading conclusions.
There are still facts in the leftwing world. Only the rightwing has made every an "opinion" because the facts don't fit their view of reality. Poltards try hard to push this retarded narrative of being red-pilled... when in fact their whole reality is based on lies.
the google effect is well documented, it makes people dumber and more susceptible to outlandish ideas. that's why there are so many spherecucks and fedora fags that believe the climate isn't supposed to change.
>There are still facts in the leftwing world
>race is a construct
>niggers are as smart as whites
>there are more than two genders
>islam is a religion of peace
This target of the Muslim reconquista gets it