Prof Blasts 'Inhuman' White People

Endorses Idea EMT's Should've Let Scalise Die

>A Hartford, Conn. sociology professor labeled white people "inhuman a**holes" and endorsed the idea that first responders should have let House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and others die on a Virginia ball field because of their race

Other urls found in this thread:

Never heard of the oath of Hippocrates?

Not even suprised.


Didn't this professor make threats as well? Trinity college was shut down for the day because of it

J(ohnny) E(ric) W(illiams)

Here's the link

good catch!

Liberals are not fit to be citizens of a free republic. In a way, it's a good thing that they are starting a civil war because that will give us a way to correct that mistake.

>Calls others inhuman
>Suggests people should be left to die

In light of the timing of pic related, this is truly horrific.

>TFW Starting to unironically wonder if communists are people.


>Starting to unironically wonder if communists are people.

I'll give you a tip. They aren't.

Let's get him, give me a gestalt.


What the fug is wrong with the academic study of sociology. How does just studying the makeup of society automatically cause someone to become a frothing at the mouth far-leftist

I studied it briefly for a year and it seemed basically politically impartial to me, why does every single fucking American university have commies teaching/studying sociology

Like I get that Marx is considered one of the founding fathers, but on the other hand Weber is the other founding father and literally advocated eugenics and Nazi race theories

Northern Italian American here definitely white. Even by European standards.

>be 85%-90% of populationon 1940
>save the jews from Hitler
>help destroying the fascist forever
>fast forward 70 years
>that's how they thank you for saving them

Wow, incredible, guess Roosevelt and Churchill really did the right thing for the countries

Filthy race baiter. Nice house, though... and guess what, it's WHITE!

>tfw southern Italian

Brazil was 80-90% white in 1940 I thought it was only 2/3rds white then! My lord you guys got fucked too??? But blacks have declined massively in brazil, how much has the mixed population increase.

Vatican-Romanists must all be sent south of the border to get this country back in shape, user. That being said, the professor looks like a blue-pilled anti-white dork, so he's in trouble regardless.

>Starting to unironically wonder if communists are people.

Nope. They're more like tiny, noxious insects


Are you 1/16th cherokee and a 1/4 german as well?

No good deed ever goes unpunished. Let that be a lesson for us next time.

Watch it wh*te boi

No nobody is like that besides for spics and Arabs and they are classified as white but we gave the the multiracial/Hispanic category.

I hold no loyalty to this pope and oppose all organized religion and I'm not Hispanic if I go south I'm not leaving Texas.


Statement Regarding Social Media Posts by Faculty Member
An Update from Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney

June 21, 2017

Dear Members of the Trinity Community,

As many of you are aware, a set of social media posts by one of our faculty members has resulted in a loud and public rebuke and landed Trinity College in a national spotlight, both in the media and across various social media platforms. I understand the concerns many have expressed, and I’m especially grateful for the inquiries we’ve received from members of our community who’ve asked whether what they’re reading and hearing is accurate. To be clear, both personally and on behalf of the College that I represent, I do not condone hate speech or calls to incite violence.

Trinity is located in a complete shithole area. If you stand on the edge of campus and look one way you will see old stone buildings and a cathedral and if you turn around you will shitty housing projects and a bunch of unemployed people and drug addicts milling around.

I wish she didn't have to include hate speech.

I’ve spoken with Johnny Williams, who has been a sociology professor at Trinity since 1996. I wanted to hear directly from him about the messages he posted and what has transpired since. It is important to clarify a few details. On June 16, a writer who goes by the name “Son of Baldwin”—and who is not Johnny Williams—wrote a piece for that cited another writer’s perspective on the shooting that occurred at the Congressional baseball practice in Virginia last week. The Medium piece went on to explore broader issues concerning race and the relationship between “victims of bigotry” and “bigots.” The piece culminated with a call to show indifference to the lives of bigots. That call was reprehensible, and any such suggestion is abhorrent and wholly contrary to Trinity’s values.

While Professor Williams did not write that article, he did share it on his personal social media accounts this week, and he did so with the use of a hashtag that connected directly to the inflammatory conclusion of that article. Professor Williams, who teaches about race and racism, shared the article on his personal Twitter account using that hashtag; he also shared it on his personal Facebook page.

The Dean of the Faculty will review this matter and advise me on whether college procedures or policies were broken. I told Professor Williams that in my opinion his use of the hashtag was reprehensible and, at the very least, in poor judgment. No matter its intent, it goes against our fundamental values as an institution, and I believe its effect is to close minds rather than open them.

reminder that this wasnt just any random shooting

My grandpa once told me a story about the Eastern Front. He and his battailon captured a bunch of Russians, among them a few Jews. The SS ordered the Russians to dig a hole, the Jews were then ordered to get into it. Then they ordered the Russians to bury the Jews alive. They refused to do so. The SS pulled the Jews out of that hole and forced the Russians to get in. Then the SS told the Jews to bury the Russians alive and immediatly they started to do so. When the Russians were already buried to their necks, the Jews were told to stop. An SS guy kneeled down to a Russian and asked "Do you understand now?"

I want to underscore that what we seek is to build a diverse college community that is welcoming to all viewpoints and backgrounds and that engages in civil discourse on even the most vexing issues. That requires that we continue to uphold our fundamental belief in academic freedom and support our community members’ constitutional right to free speech. But our aspirations for the community we want to be also demand we take particular care with the words we use and the contexts in which we use them.

This incident has caused distress on our campus and beyond; threats of violence have been directed to Professor Williams and to our campus community, neither of which is an acceptable response.

I denounce hate speech in all its forms, I will explore all options to resolve this matter, and I will be back in touch with our community members with our decisions.


Joanne Berger-Sweeney
President and Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience

Hey, I just graduated from there!

Incidentally, I didn't even here about it until everyone started Reeing about it (white people claiming they suddenly give a shit about race issues, non-whites saying the comments are being taken out of context)

And here I am playing Persona 5

TrinityALERT @TrinityALERT 6h6 hours ago

TrinALERT: Due to threats received and out of an abundance of caution, all campus buildings are card ID access only. Stay tuned.

Trinity CollegeVerified account @trinitycollege 5h5 hours ago

Due to threats received to campus, the College is closed until further notice. for updates.

Trinity CollegeVerified account @trinitycollege 31m31 minutes ago

It does not appear there is an immediate threat to campus. Normal campus operations resume on Thurs. June 22. More:

Is persona 5 any good ?

>video doesnt even say what the professor tweeted


But is this real

But maybe you have family members that must be sent, user.?

Are there many Germans who are redpilled by their grandparents?

I find it hard to believe that national socialism was unable pass through generations through stories passed on from veterans to their children and so on

Communists are as human as those "homeless" people begging for money for food or gas. They expect everyone else to feed into their terrible lifestyles and have no plan to make their own lives better

You sir described me perfectly. How should I feel about myself?

Compare this reaction to

Oh yeah.

I'd even go as far as to say it's the ultimate persona experience.

It tackles ACTUAL Social Injustices, has impeccable style, the combat system is actually a bit more interesting than previous titles (I can talk a bit more about that) And the social links (which are used to power up your personas) are almost all around really interesting side characters (Yusuke and No-Good-Tora are personal favorites).

The core theme here is Rebellion (where P3 was Death/Apathy and P4 was Truth/Rumor).

I also picked up the Magatsu Izanagi DLC, so I'm roleplaying as a certain best boy (won't say here given spoilers)


Thank you for the (You)s. Now, user., figure out where Trinity College gets its funding and apply pressure to those sources until the anti-white professor loses his voice in the academic world for good.

I wouldn't know. My grandpa was actually a leftist, but we all know how they feel about Israel.

My family was always rather bluepilled and I kinda redpilled myself over the years without real bad experiences. While I could never reveal my powerlevel in public, political matters can be discussed much more openly here in the East (even today and at uni).


Stop wondering. They have crossed the threshold of evil from which one cannot return.

>Connecticut's Trinity College
>(((J)))ohnny (((E)))ric (((W)))illiams
>I'm raising money so I can go with my classmates on our 8th grade trip to Isra el. I have been going to school with them since I was 6 and will feel left out if I can't join them. Plus I've been studying about Isra el and learning He brew for a long time and want the chance to experience this for myself. Thank you for your consideration.
Send well wishes

Zero Chance this Nigger will be fired. Before this is over he will be given a big raise. This is in line with what is being Taught at Trinity College

Still at it.

He Consistently gives White students lower grades, and Administration does nothing.

You sound as if you're more of the mind to defund the Humanities in order to prevent this kind of silly anti-white behaviour in the future, user.


What are you talking about, Trinity College is probably the most conservative of the New England liberal arts colleges.

We didn't even get rid of the fraternities the moment they showed pushback

If the frats or powerful donors ask for this person out, they'll be out.

Where are the alumnae, asleep?

Your dreaming. Coalburners know this class is an easy A. Get the fuck out of the thread if you do not know anything about Trinity College.

I repeat. nothing will be done.

There are white students in Trinity's sociology department? I thought all the white kids who gave a shit about that sort of thing went into psychology?

I mean I mostly stuck to Math and Chem so I didn't pay much attention to the social (((sciences))) departments

I imagine they're calling BurgerSweeney as we speak. I mean I still don't care much enough to actually call her but I know most of the high-earning, moderately-donating guys will probably call about this if they're bored.
I literally attended Trinity for the past 4 years. The school is fairly conservative and the hardcore leftists know to keep to themselves. Most of the leftists with any brains realize after freshman year the best way to make any sort of change is get rich and influential, the rest just sort of waste away after graduation.

user, Thanks for the honest reply. The only thing the will get the attention of administration is a Title IX complaint from a female that felt pressure to do what she did to protect her GPA

user, do you think he can survive this

Gas this kike ringleader immediately!


Honestly It's up in the air.

BurgerSweeney and the Board have wanted to make the school more open to international students, and I don't know how much they care about this sort of intra-American drama.

They also want to diversify the class and racial portfolio of the student body but without sacrificing our already dropping GPA average or ranking, which is a tight rope to walk unless your Ivy-league flush with endowment cash to give rides to the top minority students.

So it'll be a business decision on her's and the board's part I think. If they think it'll hurt their brand more to keep him, they'll throw him out, and vice versa.

Though they did:
>Build tons of new housing without paying any of the contractors to try to raise the 'student life' section of their ranking
>buy a building in downtown hartford with no idea of how to use it and are now selling it back for less than we bought it for
>opening up a new neuroscience program instead of an entrepreneurship one, cause you know, Trinity: always known for neuroscience
>being completely indecisive about the school's identity.

They might fuck it up and choose the more harmful option regarding this professor (whichever one that ends up being for business) just because they convinced themselves they're crazy like foxes and not just crazy

Congratulations of getting your degree wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you. And here's to you as well, user
