Who will be the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020?
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Tulsi Gabbard
Jeb goes "rogue", appeals to the youth with his toy turtles and wins the democratic ticket. Goes up against lil' Marco Rubio and wins, slow and steady.
Scifff/Mueller 2020
Al Franken & his running mate will be Jill Stein
I like how libshits always spin Idiocracy as being a commentary against the current administration / 2016 election.
But anyone who watched the movie and can read into motifs and metaphors understand that the reality of Idiocracy would only happen if Liberals were to win every election for the next few decades, igniting social decay, degeneracy, and complacency much like shown in Idiocracy.
Plot twist.
11/10 in the UK, would bang
That would be so Trump - what a madman
Who is that in the picture above?
mfw trump wins the primary in both parties
The dick pic guy
Unironically Arnold, fuck the rules
Would you vote for him?
>Trump becomes candidate for both parties
demokrat party will be broke by then.
they will probably trot out Camel Hairs.
she was pink lipped Willie's ho when she was in her prime and willie was 60 something.
She rode the black pony for him.
see pic related
tulsi gabbard if they had any sense, but they dont, so idk warren?
Tulsi Gabbard brehs, she is rinsed off Hillary/Obama smell and is more about common sense, semi libertarian. A nu-moderate
Oprah Winfrey
You talk like a fag
Just point out that republicans are wealthier than democrats. In actuality, there's only a handful of intelligent (at least on paper) people that vote democrat. Most successful people are republicans.
I don't know who it will be but they will finish in 2nd place
>votes for the part that allows them to steal more
They're usually sheltered academic types. Put them around feral minorities and their tune will change.
And his shit's all retarded.
If the Rock runs, we are legit fucked. Mark my words.
the rock
Mark Zuckerberg
>Just point out that republicans are wealthier than democrats.
Laughably untrue.
Politics in the US is now it's own class, and it's an elite, wealth class. The easiest and most direct path to the 1% is by holding a state or Federal office.
Nah, she's damaged herself over the past year. Being pro-Assad will not endear you to the democratic party. People keep talking Harris, but I'm guessing Duckworth, probably with one of the Castro brothers as VP.
>Implying we don't control the democratic party.
At the rate they're going, they'll prolly trot out a:
Crossdressing, non-english speaking, baby raping, illegal Muslim terrorist!
>links something that is totally unrelated to my point
You must be one of those democrats.
"Fucked" orrr...
There will be no election. Screen Cap this.
2020 is going to be a nightmare.
Fuck a bird
The rock?!
Eric holder
She's a cunt, gun grabbing pogue. Besides the liberals hate her.
Good question. The party is in bad shape, and Perez isn't the leader they hoped for. There's talk of Hillary running again (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE), That fat dude from NJ, Cuomo, the usual rats. They didn't have a chance to build up anyone because everything in the party was expended on Hillary, so the people in the ranks who could be contenders are starting WAY back in the public's eye than they should be.
Plus, the usual suspects all have a cloud of investigations and scandal over them - they need all of that to clear away, so they have a safe candidate.
Their loss yesterday in Georgia shows how weak they are right now - the House is still in play, in terms of winning seats, but they keep losing. They need to get rid of people like pelosi and all the hillary/obama people at the top, if they want to start winning races again.
The repubs face the same problem, too - Trump is basically guaranteed a second term now, the Dems will almost assuredly sit the next one out, and run someone weak, and save their cash. But after Trump...who do they have? McCain? LOL. Cruz? Nope. Ryan? Hell no. Jeb? Fuck that, he's a dick and most Republicans don't like him.
Swamp has a lot of draining to go, before we get even semi-decent candidates.
You made a laughably untrue statement, and I corrected your ignorant ass.
Don't like it? Don't post stupid shit.
If republicans win bigly in 2018 this is totally possible. They can amend the Constitution unopposed and make Trump president for life. Democrats are so fucked.
They already had Obongo, do you think ppl would go for "it" again?
>richest president ever is a republican
>wealthier demographics lean republican
It's okay buddy. Just admit it.
Since they learned nothing from anchoring themselves down with identity politics, look for them to throw a woman or a nigger (or both) out there to try and get the "muh glass ceiling/watermelon" vote.
My money is on either Warren or that retard Kamala Harris.
Hollywood is democratic
80's/90's arnold? yes.
neo-Arnold? No. He's become a pussy cuckservative. Honestly, he's practically a liberal these days
He can't become President you fuckwits, Governor is as far as he could go.
They are grooming her right now
She will lose though, Dems are not short on Black or California votes, they need someone to appeal to the rustbelt & flyover states
Ivanka Trump
Lol democrats is a dying party
Jeb you sneaky fucker.
Yeah, not gonna happen. Trump would eat him alive in a live debate.
>she's damaged herself over the past year.
Didn't just Ossof lose?
The democratic party is damaging themselves, how long can they stay relevant with their focus not on winning?
>implying the US will even hold elections in 2020 after the devastation that follows Yellowstone supervolcano eruption of 2017.
>But after Trump...who do they have?
Mike Pence, obviously
>Who will be the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020?
You're kidding, right? Trump couldn't out debate Hillary Clinton, a woman with all the natural-born charisma of soggy asbestos.
Forgetting based Trey Gowdy.
If they wanted to win.
They'll probably be stupid and push zuck though.
Predictions: $5 billion down the toilet.
they said the same about Republicans, yet here we are, with Republicans controlling literally everything.
Democrats will make a comeback eventually.
If Trump wins reelection in 2020, Democrats will win 2024, unless Trump's presidency is actually super successful, in which case we may get at least 1 term of pence or whoever Repubs run after him.
the US typically does not keep one party in power for too long. This has been the rule for the past almost 30 years. Reagan to Bush has been the sole exception.
I generally screencap a lot of posts. This one included.
>Democrats will make a comeback eventually.
Not if they keep doubling down on alienating half the voting base.
pretty obvious that Trump's sons and daughters are going to run after him.
probably that booker guy
jared kushner
And becomes the first duo Presidentship because Donald J. Trump cant loose.
Democrats = SJW party
they'll change their tune eventually.
Way I see it, if they lose 2020 like they lost 2016, they will be forced to step back and do some soul searching, much like the Republican party had to do when they lost 2012, and continued to do until Trump took over the party.
they've already started telling Hillary that she needs to shut up and go away, and I imagine that if their downward spiral continues, Pelosi, who was re-elected by a hurried secret closed door fucking vote, will be the next one on the chopping block.
This is why he had to be careful to not look rude for the normie voter. Pretty obvious
five fives's! KEK truly blesses you son
Move those goalposts!
LOL, you're such a child.
Republicans were never a dead party, they always did very well in the midterms, even in the Bush years
Problem is they always elected shitheads in the General Election & gave Dems the win
How the fuck did they think Romney or McCain would beat Obama?
Nah. He made half the party mad when he sold his constituents out for pharma profits.
Did it occur to you to question why user said 'fuck the rules'?
she has no charisma, but she DOES have political experience, and knows what she's talking about, and how to talk about it. Trump never had a chance at defeating her in a forum of actual issues, other than obvious ones like national security or whatnot. All he had to do was employ the same tactics he used in the primaries. That is, to destroy her image and just look more "in control" and full of "stamina" than her. Which he did.
Remember, Nixon technically won the first televised Debate against Kennedy. But Kennedy looked better. Nixon was campaigning nonstop till the last minute, and was sore from having cracked his knee twice on a car door, while Kennedy spent the two days prior relaxing, and accepted Tv makeup, which Nixon refused.
TV debates have never been about issues. They've been image contests. which candidate looks better and has more control over the debate.
Remember Reagan's "there you go again", or Biden being all smiles and relaxation in the 2012 VP debate, making Ryan look like a nervous schoolboy.
The power isn't just the Presidency. Repubs have it all - the House, the Senate, they will own the Supreme Court, and they will own the states through Republican Governors. The Dems are losing their races all over the country. Remember, the Dems had a lock on Congress for decades, up until Reagan. The Pubs could keep the real power, the Houses of Congress, on lockdown for years and years after Trump is long gone. If they play it right. The jury is still out, there. They won't be doing that under their current leadership.
What is loose? Your asshole after refugee niggers are done with you?
DC intern here. We are nominating cory booker and getting all those white guilt votes again
>democucks think they'll get anything other than another shitty neolib
did everyone already forget that because of the superdelegate system the DNC literally just picks the candidate who can fundraise the most?
Go read the current Rolling Stone, they have an article about this, "How To Save The Democrat Party".
It doesn't look good for them, even if they do fire Pelosi (and yes, she's in trouble right now, thank god) Perez is a Obama stooge, and the leadership of the party is being warred over by the Hillary and Obama camps.
They have a lot of swamp to drain, before they can run viable candidates again. The grassroots is fed up. The door is wide open for another Bernie next time around.
>How the fuck did they think Romney or McCain would beat Obama?
to be fair, under any other circumstances, McCain would have been a great choice. considered a war hero, considered a "maverick" who is willing to go against the grain, not terribly unlikable, etc.
the problem was
1. he looked too old in contrast to Obama's youthful charisma- not being able to raise his hands above his head didn't help
2. he selected Palin as his VP in an effort to appeal to youthful conservatism, but ended up driving people away who, worrying about point 1, feared him dying in office and leaving her in charge. I knew many people who would have voted for him but were driven away by Palin. She singlehandedly sunk his campaign.
Also, after having been at war since 2005, people resented Republicans, which didn't help.
The Antichrist.
Yep. It will be Kamala until her white sex partners get paid to step up to the microphone.
I want him to make facebook a mandatory thing for all American citizens or else they will be unable to get government benefits
Hopefully Hilary Clinton so everyone can laugh at her for losing a 3rd time.