
What would you say is the number one cause of the rapid increase of effeminate males in the last ten/fifteen years?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

they think its what women want and some women settle for them so it continues

Estrogen in the water.

der Jude



Feminism finally succeeding in deconstructing traditional gender roles

Women's ridiculously high standards.

Michael looks ok, he does his best with his baldness, but holy shit whats with the two fags next to him?

can't be simplified in a main reason, has many factors, but the jews

friendly reminder that every time you fail to give verbal negative feedback to a guy with a fruity haircut/feminine body language you are contributing to the destruction of masculinity

Technology and modern living in general are probably the main reasons why men have become so soft.

My dad grew up in a farm and did a lot of manual labor growing up. You won't see guys today with arms and wrists as thick as my dad's. The most physical work kids do these days is lift up the remote and it shows in their bodies.

Lack of parenting, lack of bullying, and the "everybody's a winner" culture.

Feminism. Feminism controls our education system, all seats of the government, all female doctors and nurses, feminism controls most of main stream media.

There's a war on boys, anything viewed as being manly is attacked and considered evil. Its no wonder boys are becoming cucks and manginas.

Feminist teachers and the such

Les Juifs

Pretty much this. People really don't do anything physical anymore, unless they're "working out". Work your land, boy!

>What would you say is the number one cause of the rapid increase of effeminate males in the last ten/fifteen years?


Hey man. Don't talk shirt about my boy Michael


GMOS, soy milk, pesticides, vaccines, and Tavistock.



Don't just think it's the normies

feminism, and environmental chemical exposure work together in a vicious cycle, having a far greater effect than just one or the other would alone.

The only correct answer

Not enough physical activity, vegan diet. I was a numale cuck up until 25 when I started lifting. I started eating red meat tons of protein, tuna, chicken breast, steak. Became huge, my test levels are way higher, no longer act like a faggot cuck.

It's so easy to explain.

Nu-males are men that were raised by a close attachment to their MOTHER.

Their mother told them to treat women with respect, love, etc.

These males grew up believing the bullshit these women spewed, when in reality, women love alphas.

Thus they lost their will to be men, and associated as betas.

Little do they know their mothers used to despise Alphas as young women, only choosing alphas.

>bad or feminin

This dude is great. He doesn't get involved in politics and seems to know what he's talking about. No idea who the other two are though.

You were vegan? What was it like first eating meat?

I hate the ones that grow beards to try to look manly but end up looking like even bigger faggots.

same thing that turns the frogs gay.
tap water

Social media / smartphones is the most obvious answer coupled with third wave femminism and cultural marxism taught over western values at University


An internet porn-enabled masturbation epidemic slashing testosterone rates.

Single mothers

Easy life -> weak men -> hard life -> strong men -> easy...

All girls I know don't have numale bf/husbands, they all go for the similar archetype of a moderately fit guy with no tattoos or body mods taller than them who has a stubble at best

Is numaleism actually a strategy pushed by the female jew to weed out easily manipulated undesireables?

It's smartphones/internet and the resulting oversocialization.

It's also that many of them grew up extremely comfortably and stretched that out as long as they could before getting buttfucked by the real world and realizing hey, that feels kind of good.

No they are just 3 kikes in which Michael (((Stevens))) used nepotism to put those two other hook nosed kikes in their positions.

tfw look like the guy on the left

50 years of eurasian and globalist subversion

I think because feminine values are better. Being all strong and burly isn't very pleasant. And these male ideals don't fit a comfortable peace time society. I do realise that being a weak and dainty male makes me completely unattractive to women but I don't really want for their affection enough to care.

Damn I'd give the one on the right a hard dicking

Protip: numales are Jews (and mischlinge) who are simply becoming more visible than they were in years previously.

Perhaps it was due to their expected permanent power under Obama, or some other reason - whatever the case, Jews CANNOT remain visibly assimilated indefinitely. Consciously or unconsciously, they will begin to assert their own identity after a while, which is exactly what we're seeing with numales.

Be he really a fish hooked one matie?

i dont get it whats the recombination

>minimal resistance training
>birthcontrol traces in water
>the great wars killing off a lot of the best genetic specimens
>cosmetics and food (from pesticides) loaded with hormones or endocrine disrupting chemicals.

feminism has truly dominated western eucation systems, people are taught lies so early it takes them years to even challenge them, they're percieved as absolute fundamental truths, equality for ex.
""affordable"" food is also entirely unhealthy, the only good way to eat testosterone building foods for cheap is to hunt your own, which is suspiciously illegal in a lot of the west.
if you don't believe me, look at the poor in western countries, the poor used to be considered ruff and conservative but today they are totally subjugated by middle class ideology, true believers,
this is because being poor is always linked to a lower iq

It's that plus more.
Amoung other things: Women need men for emotional stability. A grown emotionally stable man can deal with the large amount of emotional violence that woman is capable of dealing. A weak man or a young boy cannot. in a very real sense the male protects his sons from the emotional violence of a female. It's more than just the lies and a warped view of the world, it's often actual manipulative damage committed by the mother.

My family has no jewish lineage but my brother became a nu-male when his femmist lady friend got him to become a buddhist

Libtards, fags and women thinking its cute to emasculate men and cater to homos.

somewhat relevant

Yep the ideological reasons ("Feminism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") are very much secondary to the softness caused by escalating modern technology. It isn't even close.

This is it exactly
>divorced parents
>dad lives a ways away so raised by mom and mostly women in family
>always treat all women with respect mijo and be a nice guy
>act like a cuck, get rejected
>dad says do football and get /fit/
>gets better a bit but im only Brad, girls share the Chads
>friendzoned by one girl for a year, tell fad im always there for her, always listen to her probpems with her bf
>"act like an asshole for a week buddy. Trust me. Say 'lol that sucks' if she complains about your day and continue talking about what you were talking about"
>fuck it why not
>"wow user youre so mean you used to be my best friend!"
>get sad, dad takes me camping for a week, says to trust him
>come back, friend is flirty and wants to bang
>fikki fikki with her
>damn pops! I mean I was always told to be nice by mom, how did this work???
>"women want a fucking asshole son. Theyre retarded like that."
First dose of the redpill before I learned about (((them))) and all (((their))) schemes

>the great wars killing off a lot of the best genetic specimens

This quite possibly fucked the entire world. Think about it really; who is sent to war? Only the best. And sometimes they don't come back in the millions. Who is left when it's all said and done? The broken and those that were unfit for fighting anyway. We all lost the so called 'great' wars user.

Bullying doesn't make for courage, intestinal fortitude or resilience, just learning how to deal with petty douche bags and try-hards.

Nobody is modeling any other way in the universities. There are no brave intellectuals who would stake their lives on their beliefs. There are only weasely, slippery, double-tongued, faggot professors who have made their career by virtue-signaling for attention.

Most nu-males are college grads. And this is where they pick it up.

Don't be mean to Vsauce Michael.
Vsauce Michael... had a hard life

If you actually feel threatened by the existence of effeminate men then it says more about your insecurity than theirs.

There's no such thing as nu-males. These are just men who can act confidently without having to be constantly boasting about their masculinity in order to reaffirm their identity. It just so happens that they are also ugly, were they handsome you would call them Chad. That's why Chads are trend setters.

It has more to do with low testosterone/high estrogen, as a result of chemicals in food/water and lack of physical exertion.

>I don't want women's affection
Low sex drive, an indicator of low test.

It's the pill.

It fucks up the water
it fucks you up if you eat pussy
and above all that it fucks you up if you're a woman

Industrialization = declining testosterone

Masculinity is described to them as toxic from day 1.

Talking to a woman is sexual harassment. Typical, rowdy boyish behavior is diagnosed by early childhood educators (mostly women) as autism, ADHD, or some other mental disorder. Results in children over medicated for problems that don't exist to keep them docile. Constant blurring and outright destroying of Gender lines. Illegitimacy rates rising throughout all races (though highest in blacks). Current white illegitimacy rate is 36%. That means that roughly 36% of white children born are raised by single parents, typically mothers, who cannot fill the role of father. Strong male role models are shunned as 'sexist' or 'racist'.

There's plenty of reasons why men like this exist, though my most logical explanation is that they want pussy. I guarantee you if every woman tomorrow was conservative, these men would cease to exist save a rare few that actually have at least a modicum of ethics that genuinely believe this shit.


numales have tons of testosterone, it's why most of them are bald

I'd say 100% of nu males get cheated on.

This guys know whats up.
female fucking hormones in the water

>Talking shit about Vsauce

OP is clearly a retarded brainlet

Only people left are the sick, effeminate, and the criminals


Prove me wrong

the guy on the left is alright

ptg posters are the numales

Vsauce is my nigga

hormones in our environment. according to alex jones et al, there are already gay, tranny frogs. why wouldn't this affect us as well?

spoiler alert: it does

High test doesn't make you go bald. It's a type of naturally produced growth hormone that rises to combat rising estrogen levels. That's why older men go bald, their testosterone declines and estrogen levels rise, so this growth hormone levels rises to combat the estrogen and causes the hair loss.

>What would you say is the number one cause of the rapid increase of effeminate males
Fat feminist single mother's that live on welfare pissing dole birth control into the fluoridated water supply while giving their kids vaccines.

nope, estrogen in all forms actually helps combat hair loss

it's why trannies stop going bald the moment they get on HRT

cali here. the most effeminate scrawny hipster trash date instagram model tier women. you'd think women are shallow or would want a "man" but it doesn't seem so. they probably have similar trendy interests or things in common like emotions.

i would say a good 75% of women here are boisterous whores though. whores that try to act like men. loud with tattoos and drinking problems etc.

Reliance on electronics, especially smart phones (iPhone is 10 years old btw) and video games.

Hormones in the meat and xenoestrogens in the water.

A good dose of Catuaba would quickly change that.


Lack of struggle

Michael is based, fuck off.

It's a result of Social Engineering designed to weaken Males.This causes Women to subvert/destroy them & the Tribe, while also setting things in motion to cause Foreign Males to invade and take over the Tribe. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>not knowing michael forms his opinions based off of cold, hard truth and statistics
>implying he doesn't know of the scientific truth of why niggers chimp out
>implying he hasn't observed the stats of the so called concentration camps

That's the symptom. The causes of this symptom are compound and include, but aren't limited to: feminism, an increasing lack of true male role models (including fathers who refuse to grow up) and the portrayal of how a man "is supposed" to act towards women in mass media (movies, TV, etc.).

Boy/girl situations in TV are always portrayed as "dumb fuck male meets woman who is wise, intellectual and open-minded and male is lucky to have met her." You will NEVER see ANY situation where male power is portrayed in a positive light. The message is basically "if you're a man, feel guilty about being one and don't even think about trying to conform to the traditional concept of manhood or else you're a caveman that girls will never want." What this translates into are guys who have to refer to online dating coaches to grasp the concept that women respond positively to a guy who is confident, sure of himself and takes charge. In ages past. This was common sense. Now it's considered a "secret" to getting women, fucking kek.

Came here to post this. Isn't it obvious? They all look like kikes, tbqfh.

my thoughts exactly. WHO cares. You have to be really insecure and undesirable to be threatened by numales.

>who is sent to war?
>only the best.

what is with this meme..?? best at what?

muh boy, tru dat

Men unconsciously imitating women because western women are the most privileged demographic on the planet while maintaining the illusion of being oppressed victims for maximum benefits.

Because it's unnatural. Humans are really good at detecting tryhards and insecurity. It's like putting a shitty print out pit bull face on a French poodle.

You are retarded, it's all genetics. Once you age your body stops producing as much test. Once that starts to drop you start to lose your hair, it's why when you roid you can cause early baldness due to the fact when your cycle ends your natural test levels drop because your body stops producing because your bringing your levels up so high.

Why do I keep seeing this nonsense? You know we won the war right? And then had a BABY BOOM. Which then birthed the worst generation ever, so the Boomers came from the nutsack of alpha men who won WWII. Fucking Christ you guys act like 80% of men were killed in the wars. Draftees are 18-24 or some shit, and it's not every single one of them.

I think it's just low test levels due shitty nutrition, no exercise, estrogen traces in the water.

As a woman I'd do anything to find a down to earth, big and masculine Aussie lad to live in some smaller city and have kids with. Living da dream. Fuck urban city life and money and power really.

not to mention these summerfaggots think that governments hand selected "top genetic specimens" for war...

there was nothing special about them. they were every day people getting drafted into kikery. probably hordes of farmers and laborers across the country that would flatten most people who even went and fought.

most people i know who volunteer are manlets/nu-males nowadays. probably was no different back then either.


>tfw raised by single mom so I missed all of this

Only after graduating HS and moving out did I really start to understand