Are the democrats not catering to minorities and women enough?
Is she right Sup Forums?
They need to keep doubling down on all their feckless drivel. It's been work so well.
Oh yeah,fuck white people.
The idea that they are "catering" to certain ethnic groups is the problem.
>They need to keep doubling down on all their feckless drivel. It's been work so well.
But that lost them the election in 2016
I wish Dems were still the party of the white working man. Really sucks how far they've fallen
Jebi se, Jill
She's right. This needs to be an explicit race war.
Kill dem muthafuckas.
>we lost because we played ethnic politics
>so let's play more ethnic politics
So 60% of votes against 13%, seems fair
Rape doze hoes.
The Demotards shot themselfs in the foot by kowtowing to the dregs of society. Actual Humans who work and pay taxes are tired of subsidizing worthless retards. Our empathy has been replaced by rage hatred. And it's a good thing.
No. It's the solution. Good job Democrats!
They catered too much to them, hence why they lost.
It's hilarious seeing SJWs like her malfunction when in the face of reality.
They could possibly be MORE into identity politics?
Fuck white people. We KANGZ now.
Yes. This is the path to victory for the Dems. They should replace Nancy Pelosi with Maxine Waters as minority leader. That will galvanize the POC base.
I agree, they attempted to cater to a minority which by its nature cannot be pacified, and of course the majority saw this as insanity.
maybe, maybe not
What's most important is that we SHOULD NEVER BE DIVIDED!
thank god liberals are retarded.
They'll be pushing for affirmative action votes soon. Gotta give the KANGS any wimins bonus points.
Why do you have to cater to a base?
If your base is true, they are an affirmed supporter.
Are Democrats not trustworthy?
Encouraging more hatred and division is fine as long as it's empowering to malicious black women who believe they're the descendents of Egyptian royalty.
isn't that exactly what they tried to do with the last election?
Maxine Waters for president!
Like they did during the civil war
>>so let's play more ethnic politics
and drive the people who have money out of our areas if we overwhelm them at the polls.
It has been insane for years. But smart ppl have empathy,so we tolerated it up until we couldn't anymore. When literally Satan was running for President,and all her retarded minions where sure she would win,the smart rural and suburban intellectuals said "Fuck that shit"
We almost empathied America into a 3rd world shithole. But then we didn't.
God Bless you not crazy motherfuckers.
They don't realize that in the game of Identity Politics, Whites will win every time.
If Trump gets Voter protections to prevent 5.7 million illegals from voting, if he deports as many as he can and he prevents them from coming here/being hired illegally/programs being abused, he will literally reverse the entire last 20 years of Democratic strategy. They banked everything on demographic replacement and getting all browns to vote for endless welfare.
>Balkan Slav last name
Never should have let those fuckers into this country either.
I think she's showing early signs of redpill
>literally the reason they lost the election is they ignored whites and pandered to shit skins and muh first woman prez
>they learned nothing
Oh I am laffin
Donkey eats Snake!
By all means, do. Double your efforts to alienate white people and focus on groups that don't even vote in the first place.
>Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Michigan J Frog
>the smart rural and suburban intellectuals
Thats not how the media reported it.
I'm literally an atheist registered Democrat who used to post on r/atheism and thought Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were great. I even supported the occupy movement and voted Obama in '12.
Now I'm a white nationalist.
This is what the Democratic party has done.
They never thought about the Internet and "truth"
((They)) don't control the "truth" anymore.
And they don't know what to do. Lol.
Don't be a fool, vote for the mule.
filthy fucking goy why aren't you still voting democrat!?
Oy vey. We thought we had it in the bag. See you in Israel goys!
Slavic traitor
In the reconquista, I'll be fighting in the unit that hunts down traitors. Nothing more I hate than white, traitorous, self hating idiots. Women should've never been given political power because they're not biologically predisposed to shield society from invaders. These traitors need to hang. Day of the rope when?
The truth hurts. We taxpayers are going to stop electing shills and will make America great again. The Libtards tears are delicious. I want them to cry moar.
pls do i want them to keep losing
>Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Everyone knows it was Saul Goebbels who said that.
If I was black I would be so insulted by this tweet I'd redpill myself and any other black people who would listen to me.
Of course that's exactly what's happening, albeit slowly.
The Dems are finally losing their voting plantations due to their own racism and egomania.
Sup Forumsacks need to develop a strat to destroy or flip the feminists. Let them keep the dykes.
More or less what happened to me, except for the Bernie/Warren part. I'm still a registered Democrat because I want to fuck their primaries/local elections.
why cant we get the democratic party to denounce white people or are they all a bunch of card carrying KKK nazis?
White people only seek to destroy because their the worst race on the planet, and its high time the minorities rise up and put them in their place taking what is rightfully theirs.
Work on not using that word. It makes you sound like a woman or a faggot.
She's right, you know. White people are like dinosaurs just before the asteroid. Their time has come and gone and the world belongs to beautiful black and brown children and we're all going to be better off for it. White people, just go away already. It's over. You lost. Nobody wants you around anymore.
You have to go back
wrong, my entire family is right wing as fuck hates kikes spics muslims niggers communism etc. We make good money too, never break laws, and speak English at home
And we're Serbs
Womyns r ppl of colour naow?! Genious!!
I wish they'd come out and say that
then we could see who are the race traitors and who are on our side.
>pleading with your enemy to quit
She's correct.
The Dems should DEFINITELY move even further to the left. That's clearly the main problem with their turnout.
(pretty please keep doubling down)
>stop pandering to hateful whites
>pander to POCs and women instead
White women are increasingly being forced to choose between whiteness and "sisterhood". I don't think that "sisterhood" is winning.
Let me add that identity politics is a Pandora's box - once you open it, it can't be closed again.
White Americans are increasingly identifying explicitly as WHITE and voting as a class. Once that begins, it's almost impossible to stop, and it can only be an improvement for us.
Honestly she's kind of right. The only people who consistently vote democratic are black people: They are the core of the party. However it's a catch 22 because whenever they try to appeal more to blacks (IE: gun control, being more strict on cops) they hemorrhage white moderates.
And spics
>whites should convince blacks to vote
>listening to whitey
>Are the democrats not catering to minorities and women enough?
Why does she have a check mark
>implying women form a base for Democrats
They're implying anyone who isn't a Democrat has to be a white man. This is why everyone on the left is hating white men.
True. Although in the context it was appropriate. It's one of those words like toxic that cucks like to throw around.
This is coming from a white nationalist and the thing I most want in all the world is for dems to become the defacto nonwhite party and republicans to become the defacto white party. Its only a matter of time before this solidifies in peoples minds and it becomes openly white nationalist. Based Jil Filipovic, keep doing what you're doing
KYS. Say what you want about reddit but coontown brought me here and Sup Forums brought me to the_Donald even before the primaries.
>I wish Dems were still the party of the white working man. Really sucks how far they've fallen
They were never the party of the white working man. At least not since the civil war
As a Serb, this, fuck traitors, she might be Serbian (or Croatian) on paper but she's obviously a kike in action. Hang her first
they need more rope
let's give it to them so we can watch the bird flail with one damaged wing; like Icarus who flew too close to the Sun
Well said friend. It's a retarded tactic that used to through the word racist around if you disagree.
"What you don't think the government should support minorty group x!?"
>"No I think the government should focus of instituting policy that affects everyone the same way, thus creating a sense of solidarity in society."
This is what I think of when people say "accelerationism"
Accelerate toward the race war and we can put this thing away for good.
Welcome brother.
>They need to keep doubling down
Yeah, those darn white people and Drumpf, let us *AHEM* I mean THEM have it even more! This tweet will be the final push which defeats whites forever!
Thank you for this post. Also, how are you today?
Basically, what everyone else has said. Their "inclusive" table doesn't have a seat for the average white male. Identity politics has begun the cost them. They have pushed aside the largest voting block in the country.
Sounds like a Russian Jew name
Fire up the oven
>cater to them
as opposed to what they are currently doing?
You go Girl.
No, dems should stop playing identity politics and focus on issues and ideology.
NOW is Our Time!
You need to have a significant portion of the white, male, working class vote in order for the minority vote to matter in elections.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
This, the dems tried to kick their voter replacement program into full swing too early and they might have fucked themselves for decades.
Greater Tan Fear.
This is good
Don't you dare compare the Immortal James Brown to this sheboon
Protip: they never were.
Michael J Scofield retard jesus christ I literally can't even with you