Why Are Americans so obsessed with Europe and Europeans? They are the smartest when it comes to UK, Sweden, Germany, France and their troubles with immigrants.They know everything about EU. They know everything about our past history. They want to be like us. They look for every little pinch of europeaness in their blood so they can proclaim that they are "based" 1/200 Irish or 1/540 Nordic and feel happy. They worship our old religions. They play Pagans. They learn about Rome, they learn about Greece. They even started to take football seriously. Are they EUsexual?
Amerifats explain to me why are you so obsessed with us?
American obsession with Europe
>picture of Einstein for Europe
He was literally an American Citizen
In all my years of living in America I have never met a single person obsessed with Europe.
lol EU ? its not a country its a union that is destroying itself :D
>Why is a country founded by Europians where shared the same culture so interested in that culture
I don't know man. It's weird we even speak the same language.
this, lel
It's the other way around
LOL K. He just went to work there.
Fuck yourself Hanz. The only European country I have any respect for is the UK, and they just told you to fuck yourselves.
Have fun living in the Caliphate though, I guess.
btw this is now an EU hate thread
But that's the thing. NOBODY and I mean really NOBODY wants to be an American(except few bad apples, but hey we shouldn't judge people who have brain damage) otoh YOU WORSHIP EVERYTHING EUROPEAN. From religion to our old civilizations. WHY?
i think it's the other way around
"Einstein was granted permanent residency in the United States in 1935 and became an American citizen in 1940, although he chose to retain his Swiss citizenship"
>Permanent Residency
>Died in New Jersey
>Just went there to work
my fucking sides
>The only European country I have any respect for is the UK, and they just told you to fuck yourselves.
Why? All we did was leave the EU. Mass immigration from Pakistan is still ongoing and the government has said it won't bother lowering it. We're also one of the only countries in Europe whose population aren't in favour of banning all Muslim immigration. British culture has already been reduced to "being nice, polite, and multicultural also tea and lads and the queen and shit". This place is a fucking hellhole.
So you think the people who are butthurt at Americans larping as Europeans are simultaneously pro-immigration?
Dunno tho. Lot of hate and angry Americans posting itt. Works the other way around aperantly
I think a lot of it is Nostalgia, really. You're like our old man, even if you fuck up, you're still our pop, it's hard to hate you.
Why is it that I always see Americans post these pictures, but never the actual Europeans saying this?
i dont really see any angry americans itt desu except that guy posting all the pictures
it's funny cause it's true
So your are saying he was American because he got a paper so he could work there. And stayed there because you know Europe was in shambles. He didn't even lived there for majority of his life. Sad. Not only you worship everything European you also try to steal from us. ccc
Hey a picture of Einstein representing Europe! Although he did have to flee Europe for some reason to do all that groundbreaking work...
Oh shit the one on top is what I do.
>implying the eussr has anything to do with ancient rome or greece
>implying there is any country in western europe i care about besides the UK
You mean escape
Do you want to get deported you low energy cuck?
clicked the wrong fucking post oh well.
>posts bread asking why Americans are so infatuated with Europe.
>ironically made a thread about America.
and he was a kike
snowturk detected
Too bad he made it out.
Why are leftists so obsessed with Refugees and muslims? They are the smartest when it comes to LGBT, Indians, Arabs, Muslims and their trouble with beheadings...
Are you refugeesexual?
you're so obvious
I would never move to Europe now. You guys are so fucked.
We tell you how to do things because you're all asleep at the wheel and heading for a cliff. Stop importing refugees you fucking morons. You're all commiting suicide.
Ofc we have. We have everything to do with Greece and Rome. From our way of thinking to our laws. Everything is based on those two cultures.
Why don't you show us your true flag?
Yes. It's funny because all of the reasons most Europeans hate white Americans (patriotic, proud of their heritage, and stupid) apply to African/ Middle Eastern migrants two-hundredfold yet they seem to love migrants.
Oh, and don't forget how they accuse us of being a country ran by Jews promoting the degeneracy they fall into. You know, the same exact Jews that came from Europe who also convinced retarded Europeans into multiple Communist revolutions before the first interracial couple in the United States could walk outside with out having the shit beat out of them.
I can't even imagine what it would feel like to not live in countries as great as the USA and China.
Fucking this
Lol we threw Juden out of our country, a minute after we kicked your fucking ass.
"The small Jewish community of Slovenia (Slovene: Judovska skupnost Slovenije) is estimated at 400 to 600 members, with the Jewish community of Slovenia suggesting 500 to 1000 members[citation needed]. Around 130 are officially registered,[1] most of whom live in the capital, Ljubljana. The Jewish community was devastated by the Shoah, and has never fully recovered."
Yeah, he was American. We do business like the Romans did.
I am.
I still remember the trip I took to America before it started going to shit. When patriotism wasnt considered racism or being a warmonger, everyone was so friendly there, everything there was so big. Probably a bit blinded by the nostalgia, but I really liked it there. My family there had a 3 stories house by the lake, with a little private beach, and it wasnt even considered a luxury.
Still tho, I enjoy the cold weather, and the free mountains here, but I will never know the true feeling of owning a
Obsessed? I think your ego is a little too inflated euros. I never want to step foot nor even be within sight distance of the European continent.
They did the Romans a favor, they went degenerate as fuck - null score then
Lol so you openly addmit the only thing you know how to do is still other countries cultures and people. FUCKING KNEW IT you were a plastic wanna be country all along.
our Ameribruvs keep & bear arms for all whites
learn to respect that
This is spot on what euro cucks are like.
i think all those 500-1000 are in Germany now
Don't think you're perfect, far from it. But you guys sort of saved the world, and produced some great men, and laid the groundwork for my country. Can't hate ya.
Parts of Colorado are still like that, mostly the western slope. Come on back anytime.
I don't see Poland doing anything wrong in it.
The EU is asking for more than they ever and will ever provide for them.
Population replacement is never an option. The EU only have themselves to blame for accepting Poland first
Lol. A bunch of rednecks own guns. I must respect that. How does it feel fucking licking asses of Americans. Of all the people in the world you lick the ass of the most slizzy ones? the fuck is wrong with you?
>Knows history of other culture
>Automatically means they are obsessed with said culture
Does this mean if someone knows one thing about Asian culture, that makes them obsessed with Asia?
Under Communism in Yugoslavia, the Jewish community in Socialist Slovenia numbered fewer than 100 members. In 1953, the synagogue of Murska Sobota, the only remaining after the Shoah, was demolished by the local Communist authorities. Many Jews were expelled from Yugoslavia as "ethnic Germans", and most of Jewish property was confiscated.
You are mostly correct
This should be printed and posted on campuses
im proud of my heritage of as a destructive parasite!
Heard a lot of good stuff about Colorado. Kinda tempted to drive across America, visiting the neat little towns, and the cool places.
So fucking right!!!!
That is another thing. You fucks are all obssesed with animes and Asian culture. You worship them. I have no idea why tho. Do you even like anything that's American? OFC NOT; BECAUSE NOTHING IS AMERICAN. fucking plastics
> illegally invading
> ILLEGALLY invading.
> Illegal invade.
LOL WHAT? When is it "legal" to BTFO someone's hut and rape their mothers and sell their shit? What kind of limpdick cuck shit is this?
i fucking know
i had to listen to hebrew twice today, at first they pretended to talk english
>Europeans talk about USA non stop
>USA barely talks about Europe
>omg why is USA so obsessed!
Nobody is obsessed, you're just delusional. Europe is irrelevant now and fading fast.
We talk about Russia, but Russia was never welcome in Europe anyway. They were always separate, known as Eurasia.
Other than that, we just laugh at how weak Europeans have become and you guys can't refute it. You live in the most feminist, nanny states on the planet.
Even Canada is more masculine than Europe.
As for your image, the two primary space agencies in the world are the USA and Russia. Its a common theme, you'll notice.
>posts about us non-stop
>claims we're the ones who are obsessed
Man we should cut all the funding we give them and let these European pigdogs descend into war as every socialist thing they take for granted falls apart without American taxpayer money.
Because they live in a fantasy land and think that everything is about them.
You didn't answer the question. Does knowing one thing about Asian Culture, say Shintoism, does that make them obsessed with Asian Culture?
Its funny, because if you visit Europe and turn on their Tv, even their news talks about us about 50% of the time.
Our news barely mentions them unless there is a terrorist attack or Trump is insulting their feminist "leaders" in a hilarious manner.
>posts pure delusion non stop
>says others are the delusional ones.
You are pretty ignorant, and thats coming from us.
Tbh Britain really appeals to me and if I had a time machine, I'd like to live in the countryside in the early 1900s. Britain is god's blessed country second only to America pre-1960s.
Russia was never welcome in Europe. RUSSIA IS EUROPE YOU STUPID IDIOT. Wtf is whit Americans and their education.
Im always amazed at the stupidity of why are the dinosars not mentioned in the bible.....why would they humas weren't around during the jurassic period. Also i dont like that Sup Forums allows false flags now
>Why Are Americans so obsessed with Europe and Europeans?
we arnt. One of the main criticisms of our country is that we dont give a fucking about anyone else but ourselves.
I was going to say that you have a small and very shitty sample size by only taking Sup Forums into consideration but there are far more american threads (both negative and positive) on all of the nationally based boards than any other even when taking into account population differences.
TLDR: pic
Partially yes.
The US is going to shit and some americans like to have something of value to hold on to: a heritage that goes way back. Europe should also recognise we're going down the drain unless we learn from our history.