Note to white nationalists: We will find you, and we will make you pay.
Note to white nationalists: We will find you, and we will make you pay
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I dont know if its autism or my hatred for women above all else, but does it not seem like another level of attention seeking for a whore to take a pic of something and obviously keep her painted nails in the pic?
Idk why but that shit infuriates me to no end.
Get raped.
>color blindness is white nationalism
gee I wish they would let us know that when they were pushing it so hard while I was in school
>color blindness
That's insulting to people who are colorblind!
Look at the size of her thumb. She's a hamplanet for sure.
Oh Lawdy you gots muh knees a knocking! Dey is onto us an shieet!
>Can't correctly discern between blue and green
>Some skinny manlet knocks on my door and hits me with a bikelock
>color blindness basically = to hold everyone to the same exact social level and standard is wayciss
I hope you find me, you limp-wristed faggot
Everyone in antifa is some string bean beta male or a hambeast feminist. And their Jewish professors of course
The sooner you get a helicopter ride, the better
>this man stops you and says "I know you are a racist"
what do you do?
>Supporting Militarization of Police
Does ANYONE here actually support this? Because I certainly don't.
people like you make me happy
that you people on the wrong side of history.
I will enjoy the war that you feminists will start.'
Boy if you think we are bad. I cant imagine how much fear you will feel. When you realize that try to take away peoples culture will back fire on you horribly .
Ps when the war comes ill kill a feminist in your honor op
How about a black white nationalist? Will you punch me too? I love them white people
Daily reminder that basement dwelling neckbeard virgins are no match for muscular left-wing Chads.
Its actually the black "edgy" nailpolish color that rustles my jimmies
and if he tries to Bike-Lock of Peace me i'll shoot him
O shit, I'm patriotic and have always been. You know what that means?
Oh so you respect muscle now? Thats good, we punched that lesson into you.
I think that´s just that you don´t get laid and resent womens because of it, if it was a men holding it you probably wouldn´t have a problem.
Be a black nationalist. Help your people
Bite through his jugular
In a multicultural diverse society, yes, I do.
Peaceful friendly cops can only exist in homogenous White (and Asian) societies.
I am not a white nationalist. I'm just a bored angry shit poster. I am starting to realize that this is a very unhealthy habit I've developed. Idk what's wrong with me. I need to leave this place.
Call him a pedofile
>He believes the "dude your not around women to get laid is why you hate them" maymay
Yea again, I said the nail polish shit, if a dude was holding it with nail polish Id hate it even desu senpai but still it seems like low level attention seeking to me from whores.
Bring ur niggers back to africa and we will thank you. My solution isn't shipping them back, it is making them fertilizer for my cotton plantation.
"we will make you pay"
White supremacy may be disguised as treating all races the same.
Civil war when?
what do I have to pay? Do you finally want your reach around?
For your fucking welfare check you're living on?
you have no power here mortal
Also the left has come up with concepts like "white privilege" and "internalized racism" which they're plotting to introduce in our schools, messing up White kids potentially for life.
OH NO you're going to nag them to death!
Nazis watch out!
A short chubby thumb. Probably a short ugly landwhale.
Guys haven't visited the autism lair in a while, whats up with the no step on snek etc flags?
We'll have to pay for her fucking welfare check zer is living on
Jesus Christ what is this faggotry you're falling for, I'm out of here, this just reminded me why I left, Jesus fuck this is why we can't have nice things, at least not for long
They added old flags back, you can select them below the captcha.
Well i am color blind. Fuck me i guess.
Also it's smudged.
kek, forgot about this one, havnt seen it in forever thanks user.
>we will make you pay
>The black nail polish
Kek, no doubt hair brighter than a baboons ass too.
Did anyone have enough balls to pass out fliers instructing how to identify retards and describe them?
I used to support demilitarizing police because there was not threat of an uprising. Now with antifa roaming the streets threatening to take down the government I say keep the pipeline of MRAPs flowing to the police.
Those faggots will only use it on people like us, all the cuck governors, mayors, police chiefs will always say stand down to the grunt cops and only get the "ebil whyt waycisssts".
anitfa is admitting their racists by talking trash about white people?
different day same cucks they always will be.
Why cant Jews get over all their women were bred by black bulls prior to exodus when they were slaves proven in their DNA by all the afrocentric traits.
They cant keep getting away with it.
Fucking lol, is it just using the bar?
>make you pay
Do I have to pay Jizya tax?
I wanna post this one too.
>it's the "hurr, you must not get laid" argument again
What is up with hedonists, especially females, seeming to think the only important goal in life is to get laid, and that the value of someone's life can be measured entirely by how much they get laid. Aside from it obviously being a consequence of atheism, my theory is that females actually see themselves as sex objects, and thus the only say they really have in anything is whether or not we get to fuck them, and instead of admitting their weakness and existential worthlessness to themselves, they subconsciously feel the need to pretend sex is all there is and all that really matters.
So let's get this straight.
You're going to find me (and presumably all my white nationalist friends)
and make me pay
It's not like you can physically hurt me and no one takes you seriously?
Note to Antifa: Hahahaha
The white privilege bullshit is probably pushing more people from the left than anything.
> nothing about anime or vidya
Ya dun goofed AntiFa. Hope you like being hip deep in Nazis.
Good one user spot on, always found the cucky shit like the Moor said comes from the lack of pussy but trying to make it sound like your scoring.
Being around any modern female at least in my state (where Ive lived forever) has been depressing and vapid AF, wouldnt wish it on anyone. After a while jerking off is almost as meaningful than the glorified masterbation of fucking a warm starfish.
Go fuck yourself amerifat
>find me
>nag screech and throw piss
try me.
For what reason.
She used the only acceptable part of her body
Dont you got some limes to suck on and hairy rum stank asshole to fuck their Niggerbeard the butt pirate?
I collect videos and then look for reasons to repost them.
quit fuckign larping brah
As a black guy, I swear, by God Almighty, if I EVER see ANYONE wearing an Antifag tshirt, patch, button, sticker, whatever - I will stomp the unholy fuck out of the communist piece of shit until I'm too tired to care anymore. This I swear on God Almighty.
I used to hate Tim Wise but now I see him as an effective recruiter to our cause.
>what's up with whores behaving like whores
It's how they measure their self worth when they know they are otherwise worthless as people
No, thanks for that. For what reason does one lift until they projectile vomit.
>only white people are rasict
better use a dental dam or you'll catch something
Based black man, our greatest ally.
So which is it, are we Nazis or White Supremacists?
Come and get it
>militarization of the police
So obama is a racist?
Tim Wise is a fucking kike and I hope he gets gassed.
Fitizens go hard.
Pay for what? Your shitty overpriced coffee? gtfo
All your Latino members are moles for the feds and far right militias.
This is your only warning.
>only a man can handle these muscles fag
God sometimes the only way they will learn is if we just start letting them get raped by packs of mudslimes. I almost want to mudslime problem to get worse so these fucking morons can see they are fighting for nothing and defending a culture of pure degeneracy.
Unfortunately, I think the same, more Leftists' families must be hurted so their entourage will turn them at least muslim haters
Really? Just...What the fuck is this place? I was just linked here from neogaf to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking sexism, racism, and islmophobia. all of you are fucking garbage. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all internet forums should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards irregardlessly of it's age rating or intention. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.
Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.
How will I pay? Find me 1 on 1 faggot
Woups, wrong word dauk?! I meant did hurt
sjws unite
More subtle, I knew it was pasta within 4 words.
It's a tranny. It has a Twitter. Creepy fucker
how anout this one
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? Irregardlessly its the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Blumbpft Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site alrea
No he is quarter repping in the smith machine, its somehow even worse
i love deadlifting, there isn't a more alpha feeling than a heavy deadlift
ONE post by this ID, and people STILL fall for it
I'm waiting good luck doing anything to me. You certainly wont make me accept Muslims or niggers no matter what you do.
No no, the one's that focus on "This website" are way too obvious.
The good ones get you down about halfway before they start the eye roll crap, that gets the reader more invested and they usually get to the end or just respond with anger like you want.
Don't put emphasis on being an outsider, it doesn't really do much good when trying to troll.
> yarrg I think you are jew