WTF. Even we are not that cucked. Yes if you display swasticas on facebook you will have to pay some money but 1 year in yail. Holy shit. What is wrong with you.
Other urls found in this thread:
>young Muslim girl sees hate speech on her safe space fuckbook
>tells daddy
>daddy just happens to be a very powerful Muslim in the Caliphate that is the UK
>gets shit done
Not hard to come up with scenarios here.
>that based americunt in the comments
godspeed, carry our torch.
Time to go IRA against your police mate.
This can't go on.
Hopefully they threw this bigot in the back of the pride car
That has to be the most embarrassing thing to get arrested in
Can't. The state has been breeding passivity into the population for the last half century. Even if they did somehow managed to get some sort of weapon cobbled together from their plastic spork rations, they'd be caught on camera before they made it 10 yards from their front door.
Anyone with a brain needs to get out of Europe. It's lost. The left has won. America and select other spots can still be saved. If burgerville doesn't appeal, head to the Falklands. Or Japan. You'll live like kings with a British accent and a halfway decent work ethic.
Get out. Get out now. They're coming.
Europe is doomed
No goddamnit, leaving would make them no better than a rapefugee. Men should stay and change their communities and countries for the better.
I think someone should firebomb Mark Evans' house cause he is a worthless faggot.
Their communities are now under Shariah law, or the British equivalent.
The few decent ones that are left are being whittled away year after year, much like the Middle East. We could have saved the decent Christians in mudslime land, but since theyre not on the Victim Index, we left them to die. Now we face an unending horde of rapefugees, and we are weaker for it.
We can still save our anglo brothers. We will need their strength in the days ahead.
police are fucking useless. they 'can't' help me when a nigger pulls a knife on me and steals my bike, but they pull of dumb bullshit waste of resources like this
off* fugg
pls help
Makes them traitors, make them fear properly.
What are they going to do when traitor cops start getting their names and addresses leaked to the public?
thank you based burger who replied this to the polices twitter
Keep going, they are hammering them, ha.
No joke, I'm worried about you, brother.
If this is the beginning of thoughtcrime and censorship, then which so ever party control the government can very soon control what you are allowed to think and to express.
Does anyone have the original tweet that got him in trouble?
Damn. I'm fairly sure you can get away with things like this in Germany and Sweden.
Guess its time for a revolution bongs
This isn't anything new. Few years ago some kid was jailed for 40 days and kicked out of uni for ranting about niggers on twitter while drunk.
This guy seems to have said something along the lines of "bomb mosques".
I heard a Belgian comedian once say the UK is so PC you can't even make fun of minorities there
Is this true?
It would be far worse for the officers having to attend a suicide or a murder in that.
These cucks deserve some serious british proxied trolling.
>display swastikas
Sounds like a high school joke. Would they actually punish someone for this?
THAT is something for the history books, holy shit. Look at that normie explosion in replies
This. I've been doing it. Nothing like relieving some steam by calling Sussex police nigger cunts and fucking pigs who need to be strung up for supporting child raping muslim niggers.
I love Trump and America.
Replies on twitter aren't representative of normies.
I hope youre referring to the backlash theyre receiving. Who wants to start a general where free americans troll these pigs with pictures of mehmet 24 7? Nothing makes a pig more upset than people outside his jurisdiction
No my son, wait till the morrow, they gone fucking stirred all kinds of shit.
You're delusional.
They arrest people for saying bad things about Muslims all the time.
Most people probably agree with it.
We abandoned logus now we face its wrath
The Brits are subhuman for allowing this.
Dead souls, we're all dead souls waiting for an end
The police have turned against you. This is where you should start to from militias and import arms.
now they're gettins spammed with pictures of pigs roasting allah
top kek fuck these retards
Americans seem to be having a field day in the replies.
Not so great anymore, Great Britain, ha?
Our right to shitpost shall not be infringed.
Wew lads what a time to be alive
1 cops head is worth 50 invaders' heads
death to tyrants
>mfw it's actually a verified police account
All this is is an example of police cowardice. They're terrified of the fall-out from tackling Islamic crime ("reprisals"), so they ignore it which doesn't affect their records, but then they stop "crimes" like this in order to improve their numbers.
It's the same as when they class a bicycle wheel as a weapon to cover up the massive rise in knife (and gun) crime.
This isn't police-state totalitarianism, but rather bureaucratic totalitarianism.
Kinda worse if you think about it, at least totalitarianism would be efficient, this will just be a stupid, benny hill-esque shitshow of inefficient nonsense.
I pity Britain too much to even throw some bantz at them. It's just sad at this point.
Our police are a travesty. And the only reason they act on "crimes" like this is because they don't need to prepare any evidence or do any detective work.
It's not even funny anymore. I just want to cry.
Imagine if some autists found British muslims on Facebook & Twitter making statements that Britain might consider "hate speech" & then post screen grabs to the Sussex PD Twitter account to see if they follow up.
I'm honestly curious, why aren't angry Englishmen ambushing the cops in the streets already? I genuinely don't understand the lack of response to Rotherham and shit like this.
They wouldn't, because the Islamic "community" will cause shit. Tommy Robinson has actually spoken about this, where they have to treat Imams really gently and then eventually let them go without charge, because if they don't, the Muslims threaten, there will be riots all across the country, and the police can't deal with that. So they relent.
I honestly can't imagine seeing this message coming out of any police department in the US. Europe, the UK included, are on another fucking level with this madness.
Our national identity is dead, no political parties to vote for. Nobody has hope.
Hopelessness. When the entire system is against you, what can you possibly do?
We all know that were the entire attacked population of these places to band together then the police wouldn't stand a chance of stopping them. But the real genius of the modern system is that it has made every single person feel lonely, it's weaponised individualism. "What can I do?" thousands of people say people say. "I'm just one man."
How awful. It's as if the cops refuse to intervene as a man regularly beats his wife because it might make him beat her harder next time.
As I said, it's coming from cowardice.
The ironic thing is that it's their fault. "The Muslims will riot if we jail this Imam" isn't a huge threat when every other person in the country is packing. We used to be even more liberal than you with guns.
It's the ultimate end-point of states wanting to monopolise everything: it can't cope with the requirements should anything go off script.
"I wonder if this will just make people angry. nahhh"
But if you have no hope, then you have nothing to lose.
No point doing anything, nothing will come of it anyway.
Do what we did,/are doing Pick the extreme and fight it until you make them wish for a middle ground.