If you support this coal burning Jewish whore then you are a massive cuck
Lauren Southern is a dirty kike slut
If you support this coal burning Jewish whore then you are a massive cuck
you seem mad
when was the last time you got laid - or is that a trick question?
Nah she is great, let the girl be.
>Lauren Southern is a dirty kike slut
Do you have any further evidence? This is important.
They never do
Why doesn't anyone have the fucking balls to call out jews?
Because alot of us don't live in burgerland where it is legal.
I meant specifically the sluttery, not the kikery.
Oh wow it's this thread again.
Well your Antifa buddy did say you would return in greater numbers. pic related
also a no, other than a few pics of her in a bathing suit.
money well spent.
they're all jews and this is television, but you retards keep watching thinking someone is going to be your right wing superhero.
Are you homosexual? Even real Nazis separated the beautiful Jewish women, before killing them.
your writing is improving, chaim, soon you will be a great author and produce many hollywood films!
They must get paid pretty well, because they never ever stop making threads about her, to try to get us to hate her.
>be 5/10 face with olay body
>kissless nerds think your 10/10 but you're really a butterface
>found a community of kissless nerds (/pol) and pretend to believe/like what they do
>make youtube videos about it
>shill your shit nonstop everyday to said nerds
> profitt
I dream of a Sup Forums where e-celeb threads are deleted on sight.
>she's a canadian
holy shit that's right. she doesn't matter. At. All.
they should be banned out right
because it's just flat out fucking shilling
I can guarantee it's her doing it or her management team
She is losing all her money because youtube is screwing over people like her
>Why doesn't anyone have the fucking balls to call out jews?
because that would be the instant end of their career.
honestly, calling out the machinations of the jew, which is what a lot of the alt-lite do, is still useful in the struggle. our people are better off with people like lauren southern than without them.
i can understand the disdain for the alt-lite when they're subversive as fuck (milo and gavin mckinnes) but for LS, PJW, mike cernovich, alex jones, etc., they do way more good than bad.
The only thing they achieve by making these threads is give her more exposure. What a bunch of retards.
no shit
why do you think they are making these threads in the first place.
once one gets deleted another one pop right up in minutes of it being deleted
She is not particularly original, but it's absurd to suggest she's Jewish. And I expect her views about sexual promiscuity have changed a lot, as she has become a traditionalist.
She does good work, particularly in recruiting women. There are more conservative women on the internet than I'm used to seeing
These threads are made by Antifa trying to get Sup Forums to hate her, not Lauren fans. see
fuck you are naive
lauren who?
Hmm, what is more likely
>Lauren pays marketers to market her content on Sup Forums by spreading lies about her
>Leftist thinktanks that have 100000x the money Lauren has through Soros-bucks is trying to make Sup Forums hate a figure that leftists hate more than anyone in the internet space
Really activates my almonds.
Seriously though, stop watching these shills
Seriously though, stop listening to a retard who has no problem with Europe being overrun with shitskins because of his childish hatred for Christianity.
I sometimes show her videos to my wife, albeit I haven't watched many.
She agrees with them.
Before I had a chance to reply to this Finnish beta male professional Lauren cuck, he said that he likes to get cucked by the shit skin derived religion that is Christianity
No wonder he is so beta, typical Christian scum
Don't you realize people will realize you're shilling when you post the same debunked pictures in every single thread? Pathetic!
>being a cuck for a religion created by shit skins
>not hating shit skin derived religion in Europe
I excuse Lauren for his ignorance because she's a woman, but you're a fucking cuck
Are you going to make this thread every day now?
omg yes please post most pictures of her while you call her a dirty little jewish slut
Literally doesn't even matter if I hate Christianity. Hating Christianity is not enough reason to just let shitskins run wild and destroy Europe and its history which is what the idiot Varg wants.
Pls post more sexy Lauren
Any pics of her ass?
why do you betas keep giving her attention thinking she'll fuck you?
Stop spreading lies about Varg you damn hypocrite. He only wants Europeans in Europe and no subhumans whatsoever
she is fucking hurting because of the youtube changes
most people outside /pol dont even care or know who she is
what better place to shill your name everyday
good or bad.
>coal burning
Present your evidence faggot.
I support this coal burning Jewish whore. So I am a massive cuck. Now what?
I'm beginning to think these threads are the work of one individual: some dude who either tried to hit on her and failed, or someone stuck in her friendzone because she constantly rides the cock carousel...
Either way, these threads are cancer. Please stop
Would stack those two up
Fuck em bareback
Cum in them both, leave them ALLAHED
More brown babies
Coal burners are worse than murderers.
maybe making memes like this we can reach the older generations since they share them so much
then casually drop facts mixed in. next thing you
know you have a bunch of 60 yr olds buying
supermale vitality and shitposting at extreme levels.
Did she kick your dog, my guy?
Unlike shoeonhead, I have seen no evidence of her coal burning. Prove it, niggerfaggot.
Using her beauty to spread 10 percent lies. Boycott the (((mainstream)))
He pretty much says he wants Europe to be destroyed in this video so something "new" can be built. It's clear he doesn't care about Europe's history for the past 2000 years because it's Christian history:
No, he wants the subhuman false empire of Christianity to be destroyed because it's a disgusting cult made by shit skins
And your forefathers fought for your land against the Christians, Finland has some of the least ''Christian history'' ever
She's a Jew, and that's all that matters.
Catholicism is a big reason why Poland was able to close its borders to the shitskins. Christianity is a useful bulwark against shitskins whether you like it or not.
spot on
they are just looking to cash in on the unwashed nerd massives of /pol
the alt-right are just a gullible as the left
there are plenty of alt-right losers looking to feel accepted an acknowledged
you could make some pretty good shekels milking naive /pol nerds
daily leaf posting with a different flag huh
wow creating threads about this fucking bimbo all night long, kys
I am sorry that my ancestors did not genocide the finns...
I truly am.
She's just an alt-lite talking head aka "I care about European culture but don't want to actually DO anything about it, btw here's my patreon"
If she genuinely cared about European culture and its preservation she would be married with at least 2 kids by now. I mean she's like what? 28?
All these women who are supposedly fighting the good fight, but none of them have any kids and only half of them are even married.
Radical idea no 1: while *group* differences between races exist, if someone decides to have sexual relations with an *individual* outside their race ("coal burning"), that is not necessarily a problem.
Radical idea no 2: she is not Jewish, but it wouldn't matter if she were.
If you fags want to have serious conversations about race, sweeping, retarded generalizations like OP's are a bad way to start. Although I suspect OP's real problem is with women, not "kikes" or "coal burners."
She just turned 22 moron. How many kids did you have at 22?
Did she hurt your peepee?
Wasn't she out shooting at migrant boats or something?
Whats the source of that racial breakdown?
a Jew hiding the fact she's a Jew so she can pretend to be white
Inb4 norwegian and finn endless discussion
this vid
>don't want to actually do anything about it
She literally went to the European border to expose incoming refugee boats, and got arrested for it. What have you done lately?
Better luck next time shill. Maybe next time no one will be there to debunk your lies. Or maybe there shouldn't be a next time, maybe you should go ahead and kill yourself.
Fuck too late.
I sincerely hope OP gets laid soon, then perhaps he will stop shitting up Sup Forums with these threads.
OP is a shill.
Remember guys, shariablue and co are here to literally divide us. That's their fucking goal. Even if you personally don't like Lauren you shouldn't abide by this obvious shillary. They know Milo is gone now thanks to their pedo works so their new target is Lauren. They figure they can divide us on her and that's great for them.
So you know what spice I like when this happens? Take a random guess of my favorite spice for this.
We need fucking leaders who can get normies on board. She does this. Her having three kids isn't gonna do a god damn thing. Fuck I hope you're not this retarded and are just shilling.
She was a liar.
When it came to all of that shit about her family having to run away from Nazis, it was a weak attempt to play progressives at their own games.
People who lived in Germany and Nazi occupied countries during that time, after the war, were so brainwashed that they would do anything to put distance between themselves and Nazis.
Stories start to appear in families about how they weren't like those Nazis. In Denmark and the Netherlands, stories of being in peril for partisanship, for example.
In Germany, myths about helping Jews. This happened in my family too. There's a story that my great grandmother hid Jewish kids in their home and managed to dissuade a gestapo officer from checking by pretending she had a gun. Truth is she would've been arrested and likely thrown in a camp for that. Which she wasn't.
The family was already known to the authorities. Her husband was arrested as part of Aktion Hess because he was a christengemeinschaft pastor and an anthroposophist, whose beliefs were seen to have influenced Hess' flight. What happened then? He was arrested, had all his books confiscated, was forced to man the search beacons over Munich looking for bombers.
And my family still wants to believe that his wife somehow had the tenacity to harbour Jewish kids and get away with it?
Bloody unlikely. It's a feel good story and I can tell you 100% that the same bullshit runs in Lauren's family. I can tell you 100% that if she had ANY kike in her, it would've shown up in that test.
So she's not a kike. But she ideologically debased herself, like every "alt-right" woman does. Caving in on their principles to try and play the same gotcha game with progressives as progressives play with us.
lol Milo isn't even gone, he got $12 million in funding to start his own media venture, and his book went to #1 on Amazon (again).
My mistake, I assumed she was older. Still no excuse not to actually be doing something. I mean she's that pretty and not even married.
She lit up flares next to an NGO boat to try to raise awareness about them illegally bringing in migrants. It was a show. For a good cause, but still just a show.
And guess what? Those migrants are still being brought in, and still reproducing at a rate several times that of whites. It doesn't do anyone any good to have quality women of breeding age out doing this shit instead of getting married and teaching those around them important values.
Stop looking for a damn leader in some talking head. Become one. Go to the gym, take up training yourself to be better everyday and be the archetype of the values you treasure. Show, don't tell. That's how we win.
Why would it matter if she is Jewish or not ?
we have plenty of Jews with her views.
She is not Jewish.
How was it debasement if her grandparents really did become poor because of the war? Her point was simply that being oppressed decades ago is no excuse for failing at life forever like the aboriginals in Canada are failing.
>she ideologically debased herself, like every "alt-right" woman does.
Honestly, Lozza does this far less than other alt-liters. Which is actually kinda worrying: to redpill more normies she needs to reach a wider audience, and every fashy thing she does (like firing at that refugee boat) puts her one step away from reaching that audience. She's already banned from Sky News over one stupid comment -- that's 100,000s of normie viewers denied to her.
So no, she doesn't conceal her power level as much as you think. But honestly, it would be strategically wiser if she did, both for herself and the movement.
Good post.
That's the thing, the Right always cowers and ends up "eating at the enemies table" by obeying and supporting the Left's narrative and arguments. The Right really needs to flip that fucking table over.
If you're racist, say you're racist, not, "Islam isn't a race", or "I never said that, just quoting some interesting stats" so you escape on some technicality.
Are you referring to her joke? Which was a joke?
Do you think she'd get off on me calling her a dirty kike slut while hard fucking her? Asking for a friend.
Pretty nice tits on lauren southern, didn't expect that
>I assumed she was older
I thought the same thing
If she is really 22 she is ageing really badly
she looks mid 30s
I bet she will never have kids. no man in their right mind wants to wife someone like that. I bet she never shuts the fuck up and is a nagging bitch.
Most women and men like her never end up marrying or having kids.
>She's already banned from Sky News over one stupid comment
Which comment?
She burns coal? Gross
Jessu has the better body.
22 huh? Goddamn.. thought she was much older. Good for her
>If she is really 22 she is ageing really badly
You must be about 12 if you think she looks over 30
It's shill lies. They think if they repeat "coalburner kike" enough people will start believing it. Not going to happen.
Are you saying her tweets about how her family were kikes hiding from the Nazis was a joke?
Cause it wasn't a very funny joke if it was.
The one here?
It was intended to BTFO abbos. You make Shlomo?