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Russia is working for (((them))) cause Poland isn't bringing in refugees aint it?
which camps are currently affected by this outage?
uh hyh.....................
> Poland does not receive gas from Jamal
You fell for the Russian isn't controlled by Jews meme. They love Jews and Muslims just as much as the next good goy country.
Sounds like Poland needs some tasty tar sands.
Somebody had to do something about all the hot air coming out of Poland
Fuck Russia.
came here to post this
Top kek get fucked polaks KURWA!!
Don't be an ass and pass that gas!
>poland refuses to take in refugees
>coincidentally the gas supply has been cut off
Really brews my tea bag.
LIVE - Rick Wiles: What’s Driving the U.S. to Provoke the Russian Bear?
Is it madness or money that is motivating the United States to provoke Russia into a World War? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses the latest incident between the two superpowers as a NATO jet buzzes a plane carrying Moscow’s top defense chief over the Baltic Sea. Rick also shares the details behind last night’s foiled jihadist bombing in Brussels and the neck stabbing of a police officer in Flint, Michigan by a coward yelling ‘Allah Akbar.” Lastly, Rick dismantles Jeh Johnson’s testimony on alleged Russian interference in Election 2016, and dismisses the latest claims of Senator John ‘Get Off My Lawn’ McCain.
Fair enough
RIP Sup Forumsand
So what are you going to freeze to death? Fuck off kurwa.
Polish deserves it. They spit on Russians all the time, their politicians say htey want to be independant from russian gazprom.
Now you are independant Polishes, enjoy overpriced gaz coming from USA by Cargo
Sup Forums BTFOOO
Lets hope this fake news.
Its like Russia and Germany take turns on fucking Poland up the ass
Sup Forums getting dad dicked by putin KEK
We warned you, Poland. We told you there are consequences for your Islamophobia. We gave you years to see the error of your ways and you've mocked us for our patience.
No longer.
In accordance with the Dublin Regulations and Geneva Conventions, we the members of the European Commission have chosen to recognize Russian dominion over the Crimea in exchange for this energy embargo. Further action will follow until such a time as Poland has fulfilled her obligations to the European and Muslim peoples of Europe.
go ahead bro i would not want to step on the toes of an aussie when it comes to matters such as these
it has way more to do with the crash. restricting supply through something that looks like sanctions is one way to offset your own self-imposed suffering while not risking your seat of power
"oh they sold us toys made of lead and some weird kid died"
it's the political level of economies and it's a trade war move and i hope to god poland stands its ground
Fake news. The polish side stopped the flow of gas because the quality was too low.
Poland doesn't need gas, they have coal.
All good. Poland imports our Nat gas
but that was vice versa. poland suspended the flow. wtf
Only until we steamroll Russia and split it into a few more states. Then Poland will get see discounted prices while we strangle the fuck out of you surrenderniggers, the krautniggers, and all the rest of the EU. You can burn your precious terrorists for fuel.
History repeats itself
What? I thought they don't accept niggers? now I'm confused
Nigel, please
its deeper than that.
Its Orwellian manipulation.
The Cold War is fake, the tension between East and West is fake. We all have the same masters manipulating us. However by keeping us focused on the "threat' and the "war effort" we can be good guys that allow ourselves to be divided and subjugated.
Oceania is at war with Eurasia, but one day they will doublethink us as allies and East Asia will be the enemy.
Its crazy how accurate that prediction ended up being. Orwell predicted the Cold War and beyond.
How will they deal with the JQ now??!
All jokes aside, we're all pretty much fucked until WW3 is over and the current (((establishment))) bashed it's heads in.
After that, the Kushner will try to establish his Satanist utopia, but we gas him before that happens, profit
Pretty much, I don't understand why anyone here thought Russia was a savior. No government can be trusted.
This, Polish operator (PGNiG) issued a statement that they, along with German operator, stopped receiving gas because quality is not good enough to be used. They're running on reserves and suspect it's a (((malfunction))). Gazprom didn't warn them though.
It not Russia, it's Poland who close the pipe.
Poles and Balts for ages trying to push out russian oil and gas companies.
That's why Russia and Germany building Nord Stream, underwater gas pipe around Poland through the bottom of the Baltic sea.
so it's nothing, again
Even OP's article says so in the fucking bold part right after article starts. Apparently gas transport included too much water which made it unusable and able to damage installation - so they decided to cut it and wait for a fix on cyka blyat side. Gazprom confirmed it's a temporary malfunction too.
It due to a malfunction in the pipes, not a payment or political issue
Russian Ambassador for Yamal found dead. Related?
is it because they were flying that f16 near the defense minister plane?
/biz/ repooting in, I own Russian Gasprom stock. How fucked am I?
it's fucking nothing
first hand proof that russia works for (((them)))
you better give up the petro, comrade.
They've done this before
It's summer. Cabbage farts can keep it going.
whoa this really has my mind racing.
So this means Poland will now have to pay for the gas instead of using EU gibs?
About fucking time.
Best post I've seen all day.
I doubt it, post a real source or something
What about the rest of Europe? Can you do it to them too Russia?
It is a real source. OP was too busy stuffing his mouth with cocks to write anything but a clickbait title and left the article untranslated - it's fucking nothing.
Beat me to this.
Poland should start taking in refugees, then have polish people murder them, making it unsafe for refugees.
YOU saying shit.
It's Poland that stopped gas because quality was shit. Too much water in it.
But it was the Poles themselves who stopped accepting the gas due to some technical problem? Also its only the transit line that means gas is actually going to western Europe. Well I guess its not going anywhere now heh
Yea call me when the nukes launch then I'll care
To the user who was lecturing me about Poland being better suited for UNSC than India, BAWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH
>Pajeet being pajeet
Kill yourself pajeet you just ridiculing yourself
Super power by 2020 bitch nigger
Those poor souls. No heat and a chilly 22-25c forecast for tomorrow. That's a recipe for Polish popsicles, that's what that is.
I bet now they are glad we've got Nord Stream.
B ecause Orwell was inside of the world govermnent, also i dont think he predicted either, its all planned since the school of frankfurt and the tavistock institute and maybe even before that.
They have plans for the next 100 years for sure
Son of a bitch. This explains why we never invaded the soviet union after it fell.
LOL poland is being thrown under the bus. AGAIN?
LMAO, can Russia even afford to do this? Either way American LNG is coming to save the day my Polish friends.
well the same day Ireland won a trade deal against half the planet on beef trade in USA markets also by chance had the head of the GAA in America get jailed for being illegal
welcome to business 101 in the deep state.