>in 2017
wow who tf cares
Why do women and anything related to them triggers Sup Forums so much are all of you are autistic virgins like op?
that's a partial red flag
Yes, put fucking dye on a sensitive area like that
Women are idiots.
Why should I give a single fuck about this in my 99.8% whote, backwarded shithole?
I kinda like it. I like that lavender hair too.
So natural.
Now my life is complete. TY OP
Let me know when rainbow butthole hair is the trend so the broads all show off their brown stripe.
Nice! Sup Forumsflag inspired arm pit hair?
Honestly it looks cool, but since it's a trend among bull-dykes and crayon-heads, I cannot support it.
Don't care would bang.
>buy many products in order to create rainbow
stupid cunts don't deserve their money
Disgusting. Back to Sup Forums user.
I mean, if they are bald it's a red flag I guess?
Great, something else roasties can do to let men know they're not wife material.
Frankly, I want to fuck the shit out of her. I would not, however, wish her to have any illusion of romantic attachment on my part.
Thank God. I've missed it.
I wonder if she only eats organic.
God that just makes me sick and so sad.
At last ! Powerful
You guys are no better than liberals throwing a bitchfit over twoscoops what with your kvetching over monetized sensational articles featuring a vanishingly small set of degenerates and their degenerate behavior
I hope they all get intoxicated by chemicals in the ink
Why aren't we reminding these fags of the new black supremacist rainbow flag with brown and black stripes? Are they racist or something?
Yeah I've been waiting for this too. Fuck egalitarianism and trying to revolutionise western civilization
lets all thank these women for giving us yet more red flags to spot them by
yeah i went to high school with this girl. she started this "trend"
she used to be pretty cute too. i wonder if me turning her down had anything to do with it.
oh look. women spending money on shit that doesn't matter.
It looks better than brown pubes. Would bang/10
Do not want.
Fuck I hate this stupid tye dye hair trend. These hoes all look like goddam troll dolls. Boner killing stuff.
It's a shame that the best imaginable female bodies are in this time and they get completely wasted by all this degenerate shit.
This shit is why I am gay.
I can't stand stupid bitches, and I especially hate dumb "LGBT!IAP+ Ally!" women. If you want to support me being gay, just don't say anything. Shut up and leave the community alone, if we need you, we will call on you.
But I am not your soap box so you can shout how tolerant you are.
>the mainstream media crying over two scoops is comparable to a vietnamese pottery board mocking rainbow armpits
> Gender is constructed therefor can be deconstructed
Where have I heard this shit before.
show your weewee :3
Absolutely disgusting doesn't even taste like the rainbow taste like sweaty dick
typical nu-Sup Forums
Dude, you fuck another man's asshole or get fucked in the ass by another guy. How is that acceptable? Why not just abstain from sluts and focus life on finding a good woman eventually?
inb4 >good woman
they dont give a fuck about you either, theyre just virtue signalling. youre a trendy little pet to them
They are still in churches
their twitter is just filled with nonsense no oen should really care about
it would look better with natural color, but that is the perfect amount of armpit hair.
> Feminists holding their hands on the back of their head in a position of submission.
That's just where I like to pin down their wrists while I fuck them.
Dating for me is dead, I cant find a single woman in my shit libtard state of MA. All of them are like this, and its not an exaggeration. I put so much time and even money to find a woman for a traditional conservative relationship. They just wanted sex, do 420, and want to fuck more than just me. I cant stand it anymore, I want a relationship but I have a feeling ill never be able to have one.
>inb4 xddd you must be ugly
Im not, but thank god im not. I have been with so many women, and I find myself with so much attention from women that its overwhelming.
What the hell do I do? Where do I go? Dont say church, only ugly old fags go there and Christianity is cringey
Not bad advice. Please try to get your issues sorted out and live life as it should be lived.
I don't have any issues.
Didn't they try this shit back in 2013 and it failed miserably?
Not women but degeneracy in general which are often perpetrated by women
MGTOW is fucking retarded but this makes me consider just buying a woman sex toy and moving on to die alone
Good thing Islam is taking over the world pretty quickly.
Don't even try to make this a white nationalist issue.
You would be shocked how many nazi boys I have fucked.
looks like a half dead kike that sucked on a rusted pipe flowing lead paint...
yeah women & jews
Creating another layer of disgusting. Ingenious.
WE WUZ KANGS AND SHIIIEEEEET. Also fuck off you dumb nigger, I bet you fuck men
>white women
Like you're even paying attention to armpits when you're barebacking a twink cumslut.
Move to Pennsylvania, We still get sexy European immigrants.
Go to a Unitarian church or become Mormon for lulz and pussy
No and no. Im in my early 20s man. Have you fucking seen the ugly that is in the church? Sorry to say but religious people are just plain fat n ugly
I'd fuck it
I feel you burgerbro
>inb4 taconigger
Fuck off, i'm on vacation
I'm thinking about going to rural germany and finding a wife there in the next few years.
Any krauts here have feedback or tips for me?
Pennsylvania has to many niggers. Was down there for a week and I got mugged multiple times.
Pittsburgh is our only good city since whites are still the majority. It's mostly Eastern PA that has that problem. But since the Raise act might pass the whole US will get tons of European immigrants soon.
They are all libtards that are mind controlled to love thy muslim neighbour and accept terrorism. I would stick my dick into some MK Ultra experiment. So that crosses off Sweden, Germ, and the UK sadly
Went down there with my father who is 87, he wanted to see his neighborhood where he grew up in Pittsburg. He got punched in the head by a nigger while walking down a sidewalk to see where he grew up. I called the cops but they never came and I drove him to the hospital, he was okay though. Got mugged two times while getting lunch by a few syrians
Yeah we have some areas around the city that are literally Detroit-tier at best. Inner City Pittsburgh has surprisingly less crime.
This entire thread triggers /cgl/
Interesting, I live in the most conservative town of MA or the most I have found. Still infested. But, I just dont wanna live near niggers, muslims, mexicans, and liberals
I never would have imagined anyone was even waiting for this sort of trend.
Some of the blacks are also Bantu Refugees from Somalia which have made our crime rates slightly higher. They come from a third world shithole that's literally an Ancap paradise. No surprise they would chimpout.
I wish for the day to smash muslim and somolian faces with my $200 long axe. Crusade better come soon, or a race war. Need some heads to put in my living room as trophies
Thats a chad?
This is the axe I own (not my pic)
well to be fair it looks pretty but it might be because of the girl, i doubt it's gonna look good on a fat feminist fuck
>look at my armpit hair I'm breaking down boundies
>it's like 6 hairs
>still all cute and feminine
>it looks pretty
Wash your eyes out and stop drinking the jew water
So brave.
that really makes my pee pee hard
God was right when he did that whole flood extravaganza you know.
Girls with hairy pits are my fetish, but I prefer natural red shag.
The dyed stuff just doesn't compare.
so progressive and independent
wasn't that the same guy tho
Medic Here. The skin at armpits is very thin and vulnerable. Dont poison your skin unneccesarily. Just a friendly advice.
That woman is ugly as all hell
But I feel compelled to breed with her
I've been feeling really black pilled lately. Is it true that most women cheat? I'd love to date, get married, and have children one day, but I could never handle the horror of being cheated on.
>These people considered people
>You not meeting other kinds of women
I was expecting it to look a lot worse, it's not *that bad*
Just get a chick from Central or Eastern Europe, Nonwhites only want white men so their kids won't be ugly as fuck.