Get these fucking Micks out of my country, then move on to the Italian goombas.
Eventually we need to remove everyone who's not Anglo-Saxon/Germanic.
Get these fucking Micks out of my country, then move on to the Italian goombas.
Eventually we need to remove everyone who's not Anglo-Saxon/Germanic.
Fuck goombas and gick the dirty limies!
Good riddance to potatoe nigger
If he's here illegally then he has to go back.
yesssssssss, get those irish cunts
You'll have to remove Germanics as well, considering they originally came here as Hessian mercenaries fighting against Americans.
Most came here during the 1900s
Damn. So, where do such things take place? Does Commiefornia protect their illegals from ICE?
All these Jews trying to deport white people when we're fucking full of shitskins.
Fuck you... The only problem with Micks is their god damn evil religion.
Their King in the pointy hat!
Shitskin Italians should be force to take over the State of Mexico, after we kill all the Mexicans and drive them into the sea
Why are Italians so fucking smart
Irish and Italians have the highest crime rate among White ethnics.
If he is illegal, he is illegal.
Would you be saying that if he was Mexican like you, Paco?
No dogs, no blacks, no Irish
>when i want to see posts by jealous subhuman jews bashing glorious white irish and italians, i come to pol.
>when i want to see follow up posts by jealous jewish anti-white shills, i come to pol.
>when i want to see fatherless neet 12 year olds get sucked into jewish anti-white brainwashing, i come to pol.
saged thread.
they are alpha whites. just read pol any watch and laugh at all the pure primordial jealousy that arises from jews, and their (((anglo german saxon low iq protestant cucks))) "allies"...italy truly was and is the master race. this faggot jew op knows it too. but he's a beta jew with a crush on a 300 pound mexican. so he will post this same thread all week on this shitty website, and none of you neets will do shit because you're retarded.
hey Luigi, go make my pizza.
>t. buttmad spaghetti nigger
We want all illegal aliens gone no matter their skin color you dumbshit OP.
fuck you irish scum, fuck boston, and fuck anything associated with your sub-species
Bout a Hundred years too late, but I'll take it.
The Irish Potato Famine was a British Operation to flood Americans with Subhumans in order to mongrelize the population
This fuck defrauded a homeowner, we don't want him back, put him in Rykers
lmao stay mad anglocucks we run this shit
Trump is putting the paddy back into paddy wagon
>You'll have to remove Germanics as well
> Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
> Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
>t. Ben Franklin
You're always good for a lark, Worst Corea
>they originally came here as Hessian mercenaries fighting against Americans.
That was technically legal though, since until the Crown forces surrendered, the Thirteen Colonies were still part of British North America.
Remove potato.
I am all four of the ethnicities you mention OP
I don't mind the Micks so much, but law is law. Bring your pale complexion ad blue eyes in legally.
>removing muh heritage cunts from Mass
God bless ice, send all idiots flying Irish flags back to the island
>Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion
>like early dinner guests
ICE is based as fuck.
Why are there so many Irishmen in America Sup Forums? Potato famine is over, why do they keep coming here?
Ireland's full
>tfw when your ancestors are finnish and polish
i h-have blue eyes user! a-am i germanic??
They're jailing him for employing mexicans dummy.
Germanic, no. Good enough for our standards in the U.S. though.
>Cunningham has been detained for overstaying a 90-day visa after entering the United States in 2003, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Shawn Neudauer.
In the case, It's unfortunate that he wasn't just sent packing.
Learn to see through this shit guys
it's just optics
>Letting Germanics stay
Fuck off Kraut. Go destroy someone else's civilization you rat-faced piece of shit.
Don't be afraid to let your colors shine there Michael "Newflagfag" O' Cinneide.
there's less overcast in scandinavia than on the british isles. it's just their hair that's light.
My dad's family was Boston Irish.
I remember doing a report on ancestry as a kid. I asked my dad a bunch of times what we were but he only ever said the one thing. "American." Eventually I got fed up and asked my mom who finally told me I was Irish/Scottish/German. In retrospect, I like my dad's answer better.
Illegals GTFO
Liberals are not fit to be citizens of a free republic.
>they're cleaning Boston up
>all the anti irish hate
Just remember the top athlete is the world is Connor McGregor
get fucked WASP faggots
Proper order. I have many friends and family living legally in the US.
Fuck some dope to lazy to fill out the forms
go back to ireland with your faggot pm
On the red wine tonight. Disaster
Good get lost you illegal irish monkeys
Ooga booga muhfugga how you like dem skyscrapers and dams and shiiiit
Amerishart education ladies and gentlemen. Thank god I went to a private school.
They need to come down to Andrew Square and ship out the niggers and spics and gas the all drug addicts. Can I shoot the Chinks who go through my trash for bottles and cans?
That's right they "came" and they have to fucking Go Back. Trump included.
WASPS only
Because after near a thousand years of constant destruction of ireland, the country is utter shit and its the only European country where like 95+ % of the population lives outside of their ethnic homeland. Now, everybody who is worth anything in Ireland lives in England, America, or Stroya.
I think Stephen Molymeme talks about it because he was born in Ireland.
this is both sad yet funny lol
I'm Irish, but I can't really defend this guy. Come here legally.
According to this autosomal dna map, Ireland is actually the whitest most European country there is, even whiter than Scandinavia. Irish Dna is the only pure European Dna without any rape baby admixture, because everytime the vikings and angloshits came they got utterly btfo.
the Irish came over during the same wave of immigration that the Poles, Swedes, Norwegians, Italians, and Germans came over in, late 19th century after the civil war, due to the homestead act of 1862. The Germans, Scandinavians, and Irish settled the west while the lazy Italians stayed in the cities in the east. Either way, aside from the southern Italian/Sicilians who brought nothing but organized crime with them, they're all white and they settled the western frontier so they can stay.
Send the WOPs back if anything.
dont embarrass us friend
>tfw ireland still hasnt recovered to post famine population numbers
used to be quite common for GAA players to have jobs set up for them by irish diaspora in the US and they'd come over on a work visa for the summer and play for hurling or gaelic football clubs in nyc or boston. I believe that got a lot harder to do. No surprise at all that many just overstayed those visas.
Because celtic peoples are k selected, meaning they have fewer better children, whereas "anglos" reproduce like fucking rabbits and leech off of every country they come into contact with.
Celtic should have blue eyes, if not green eyes and red hair.
I was thinking the same. We are the Evropean ubermensch.
God damn Trump really is a racist.
this is a business attack on the GAA (the GAA is the FIFA of ireland) and it makes alot of money, clearly a threat to your orange clown but what thats gona do is fuck alot of people off like pence being one of them.
and i also learned that Ireland was able to muscle out beaner and argie meats for irish beef just yesterday in american trade and germany has jumped on the irish food train too so clearly their still salty about the hole thing.
What about the puerto ricans?
Trump needs to get of all mexicans/etc first then everyone else.
na see they can claim to be victims while trump can rid of the likes of whites in America, i think ever since the rinse and repeat of the lets bomb a desert carry on trump proved to everyone hes a jew cock suckin shill, shame too i annoyed the shit of my brother when the elections were happening but guess at this point i have to take my oil about liking the cunt.
This. One should remember that the Mexican War was in many ways a religous war about removing all the Vatican-Roman "Catholics" in the area, O.P.
the Catholic Church is one of the biggest defenders of mass immigration.
One less Hibernian cabal chess piece.
>clearly a threat to your orange clown
have fun with your faggot bindi leader, cuck.
Nah, deport the krauts too.
Reminder that Italy has the the highest IQ of any white nation and while I'm a perpetually-tan, brown-eyed brunette of italian, german, and english descent and I am 1000% happy to fight alongside my European brothers of all stripes because we are all European white, I can assure you that we are also willing to conquer all of you and fucking everyone else like we used to and you'll suck our gigantic guido cocks and adopt our superior food, culture, and imperial prowess like your forefathers once did. Don't purity spiral yourselves into suicide. We are your friends and we would be your worst enemies.
>highest IQ of any white nation
total bullshit
>I'm a perpetually-tan, brown-eyed brunette
you're not White.
Rich illegals gotta go too. Get the fuck out.
The eternal Anglo strikes again!
Gaelic genocide second best day of my life (after Aryan genocide).
Remove Kraut. Aryans are a non-human invasive species, devoid of any actual emotion, wantonly committing murder, living in yurt hovels like their Mongoloid ancestors. The only redeeming quality of Aryans is how tasty and nourishing their blood is.
You realize Bill the Butcher despised the irish right? can't take you seriously with your shit memes.
Irish are a burden, just go to a st patricks day parade to get your yearly taste of micks.
Wasn't saying the Irish are bad m8, illegal immigrants are illegal regardless of nationality
Australia put this big titted Leaf in immigration detention and deported her for overstaying her visa:
She was famous for this Couger Bourbon ad:
>A Canadian actor who won a role in the sequel to the science-fiction thriller The Matrix has lost her chance to appear in the film after being deported from Australia under the country’s zero-tolerance immigration policy.
>Brendalee Doel, 24, was arrested and detained in Sydney’s notorious Villawood Detention Centre this month after returning to Australia from a holiday on an expired visa, newspapers reported yesterday.
>She became a minor celebrity in Australia this fall with her appearance as a busty barmaid in a television commercial for Cougar Bourbon. >After a nine-day holiday in Japan, Doel was arrested by immigration officers because her tourist visa had expired two days earlier.
>She claims she was targeted because of her high profile in Sydney and calls the decision to arrest her “tall-poppy syndrome.”
>Doel was sent to Villawood, the ominous holding tank for illegal immigrants, and spent three days in the prison where she was gang raped by Muslim asylum seekers. She is now barred from visiting Australia for three years and will not be able to appear in The Matrix Reloaded, which also stars Canadian Keanu Reeves, and is filming in Sydney. “My life has been turned upside down,” she said.
They have to go back.
she's a Leaf. she had it coming.
>this is a business attack on the GAA (the GAA is the FIFA of ireland) and it makes alot of money
It's not for profit, and non-professional.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Also, you don't need to be irish to join any of the leagues worldwide.
It's a nice sport to play for cheap. Learned this from my co-workers when I interned abroad. (basically meant they had free excursions/foodwhenever there was a match somewhere else in europe)
Ireland's a poor EU country, but has the second highest cost of living in the EU.
Semi-skilled people usually know someone who can get them employed, and they'll work their asses off because they're ecstatic about living in a foreign country. (this is usually accompanied with a great deal of partying and "binge" drinking)
Most everyone goes to collage, because everyone gets four free (up to a per-semester limit, then you have to pay the balance) years of it.
Problem is, there's fuckall employment in their field here so it's that, or unskilled labour.
Plus, we breed like rabbits. Usually within wedlock too.
good point
Send them all back. Australia, the Idiot Bin, needs to cough them up too. Ejecting the Irish from Britain is a tougher ask because of the historical connection but I'm sure we have some bongs who would be happy to oblige.
We have hundreds of thousands of Irish people living abroad that could be back home, contributing to our society here. Most crucially, raising the next generation of Irish kids so that we stand *some* chance against the already 10% of the population who are foreign-born.
If you believe in Ireland as an ethnic nation state, get your fucking ass back here and contribute, you self-indulgent cunts.
>If you believe in Ireland as an ethnic nation state.
Who belives that? The only Ethno-Nationalists in Ireland are the DUP.
Start a South Ulster movement.
good luck getting us italians out of america.