Was this man a kike?
50% at most.
how can pol accept this?
jew but not a kike.
> 9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
he even named the kikes
Nope. Judahite.
And watch your dirty mouth
that pic is great. I wish he'd do that irl. Come down and maim all these greed mongering cunts.
>watch your dirty mouth
the fuck board do you think you're on?
Similar to Kubrick, a good Jew - yes, they exist, even Hitler had his list of noble Jews.
you heard me, cuck
Yes. Jesus was 100% Mediterranean Jew. He was a rabbi who read from the torah in synagogue and worshiped Yahweh.
>but khazar!!!
No, He was a Hebrew. He called kikes a snake tribe.
Hell awaits, (((swine))) excrement
Yes. The Biggest. Ever.
What part do you diasgree with?
>While [Hebrew] was not an ethnonym, it is mostly taken as synonymous with the Semitic-speaking Israelites, especially in the pre-monarchic period when they were still nomadic, but in some instances it may also be used in a wider sense, referring to the Phoenicians, or to other ancient groups, such as the group known as Shasu of Yhw on the eve of the Bronze Age collapse.
>By the Roman Empire, Greek Hebraios could refer to the Jews in general, as Strong's Hebrew Dictionary puts it "any of the Jewish Nation" and at other times more specifically to the Jews living in Judea.
you already smell like shit
>You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Self-aware jews are horrible anti-semites. Pic related
as does your entire nigger (((country)))
now you think you can bring your niggers to europe and the rest of the world, it will be your death sentence
kubrick was the real deal, I am not much of a conspiracy guy but man it's easy to think (((they))) had him killed for Eyes Wide Shut.
You're satanic cancer and you will end as a pile of shit
>strong Christian
My sides
I still need to watch this movie. I must see Kubrick's message.
Stormniggers out
.t Rabbi Angloburg
God is very much real, and we Aryans were created in his image.
Race-mixing, degeneracy, homosexuality, and racial equality, are all semitic perversions of inferior jews and arabs trying to pervert our great and Holy race.
Atheism is the belief in a world created out of nothing, by nothing, utter semitic nonsense invented by the semitic jewish pseudo-philosophers.
We are Aryan men, our very skin shines in the white shining light of God himself
Our traits are not kindness and tolerance which are simply weakness in disguise, our traits are uprightness in the face of degeneracy, the belief in God, strength, intelligence, bravery, valor, masculinity, purity and dominance over the inferior races, lacking the light and blessing of God.
The meek shall inherit NOTHING, God HATES the weak and the cowardly, the brave and fearless Aryan beings shall inherit the earth through conquest, the universe through space colonization and the kingdom of God by FIGHTING for the dominance of our great and Holy Aryan race.
RENOUNCE the nihilist and fatalist worldview of atheism created by semites to weaken our resolve and make us accept our fate like pathetic miserable animals which we are NOT.
RENOUNCE the false racial equality and glorification of weakness and passivity promoted by the perverted jew-made false religion that is christianity.
UPLIFT yourself by believing in our God, whose image we are made in, creator of the universe, made for the Aryan race to dominate and expand into, reach HEAVEN, the kingdom of God by fighting with the bravery of a thousand lions for OUR race, have as many pure Aryan children as you can with your wives, put your race, family and God above all else.
As of June 22, 2017 we declare secular nationalism and christianity both to be DEAD, proven to be FALSE.
Accept the final Truth, we Aryans made in the image of God's shining white light will set out from now on to conquer and dominate the world, carving it in the image of our great and noble race.
You god damn right we are!
tl;dr but I agree
>how can pol accept this?
we don't
Christian threads are paid shill threads. It's done by a small group and they always talk the same and have the same lame memes. Christchan is the worst. It's an attempt at fusing Loli-porn with christianity
>Nope. Judahite.
lol Kikehite
I firmly believe this is the start of a new era brothers.
I will, by myself if I must, destroy the degenerate lies we have suffered through for entire eras.
The glorious era of the Aryan race begins on this very day.
Of course. He is the son of god after all.
this man is depiction of saturn , look it up on sumerian tablets and mayan , all had bearded long haired god they made sacrifice to :)) go do ur research now user !
i dont like the christian generals either, but Sup Forums isnt one person. there are all kinds of people from all kinds of cultures and ethnicities and religious backgrounds.
its always the anti christians that get aggressive, just as the shills in pizzagate threads so i feel like those are more likely the shills.
This is the gas lighting shit that drives conscious people crazy. It feels like you're locked up in a mental hospital when nobody else around you sees it and nobody can talk about it. Dissociation shit.
Jesus Christ was the first Christian, so he's the exact opposite of a Kike.
As for genetically, he was the Son of God. The mother that bore him, and his apostles were 'Judeans', but never Jews in today's sense. Many Judeans, probably half of them, converted to Christianity.
The Jews of today descended from Pharisees, satanic apostates who hated Christ and Christians. They wrote down their blasphemous drivel in the Talmund in the 5th century BC, which is the holy book of the Jews, and permits them to lie, thieve and murder. These vile, disgusting Satan worshippers are everything that is wrong with the world today, and that is who we call Kikes.
>this man is depiction of saturn
That's Zeitgeist-level retarded. Jesus is a mixture of a historical rabbi named Yeshu who preached an original concept called "The Kingdom of God" with allusions to Old Testament prophets and OT verses interpreted as prophecy and written into his life.
>and permits them to lie, thieve and murder
This sounds really familiar... Hmmm...........
yes but they show u different guy on pictures , jesus dont look like that , dont be fooled :)
Make it happn Capn
lol , im talkin about how he is depicted in pictures, not who he was , i smell a joo here
>Many Judeans, probably half of them, converted to Christianity.
Not even. They were smashed by Rome and scattered, but only a small number converted to Christianity.
Jesus and the disciples were all Jews. He taught from the Torah to Jews in a synagogue. His parents sacrificed doves in the temple of Yahweh when he was born. Christianity was just a sect of Judaism in the very beginning, worshiping in the temple.
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.
White American of Western European descent, raised Southern Baptist. But I'm not sure what that has to do with the relationship between Mayans and Jesus.
>.t (((Nazi))) fag who gets triggered by le "anti-semetic hate frog-god" being mainstreamed by normie goy. Oy vey it's annudah 2nd temple!
are you retarded?
here have some rope
>>I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.
That's an out of context quote you fucking Kike. Two verses later he heals the woman's child because she believes in Jesus.
Wow, Herr Shekelburg, epic meme!!
Will you teach me how to dance like a real goyim?
>in his image
Checked. Praise Jesus
Why would a non-jew rabbi and his band of non-jews say "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel" at all?
Yeah it gave me chills, definitely watch it. After I saw it I had to got to a friends house so we could talk about it.
Because he didn't want to help a woman who was an unbeliever?
maybe because israel isnt so much a place but a kind of people that were rightous but lost their way and need a shepard to get them back on track.
some time before the time of Jesus, the Samaritans were part of jewdom. But there was a Jewish civil war and the Samaritans lost, and were excommunicated from the Jewish pyramid scheme...
No. He is the Son of God. He exposed the kikes for what they truly are.
fedoras fuck off
Christians (the real kind, not the new age universalist faggot and racemixing lovers) are our political allies. They are far more in favor of policies that benefit whites and the stability of white families than any leftists. Although I can't personally believe it, I support the Christians on Sup Forums. No enemies on the right.
Christianity is also a more or less anti-Jewish religion based on some biblical verses about the Jews and historical context. I'm not fully convinced of that yet but I've been lurking some of the interesting threads here about Christianity.
Sort of. He reinforced the Torah but rebuked the Talmudic traditions.