What's your most degenerate trait and what are you doing to fix it?
What's your most degenerate trait and what are you doing to fix it?
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Masturbation and i'm having really hard time fixing it but i reduced it to twice per week
Furry ERP
Kind of trying to cut back but damn it's hot. Always finding new kinks too. Recently got into shota-dom.
That's between me and God.
I had a porn addiction, I just put the child safety settings on and block all the porn sites
Fucking incognito mode goes past my settings
I'm on the iPad I don't know how it works on a PC, I haven't used a PC in about 8 years
I want to see Christ-chan penetrated and creampied by a mighty BBC, impregnation included. She would be forced to give birth, because God said not to abort. Fuck I'm diamonds right now.
A nigger can be killed because the nigger is a beast of the field, if you can't kill a nigger you can't kill a goat
Porn addiction and profanity. I can't fix the latter, but I've been working on the prior. Turns out all you really need to do to set yourself up for nofap is to go to /gif/ and see enough boner-killing degeneracy that it makes your own fucked fetishes seem normal by comparison.
I just cant stop getting angry at god.
Just another way i don't measure up in his eyes i suppose.
A desire to help beta-girls like pic related feel better about themselves in an entirely non-sexual way
>mfw a beta-ass nigger tries to pull that whole "BBC african warriorz" shit and whips out a thumb sized dick with the complexion of literal shit and gets laughed at by Christ-Chan who won't even give him a pity-fuck
masturbating I guess
I try not to
That's great ,really great user have a christ chan in return
>tfw no qt shy christian activist gf
You disgust me.
>you will never court a Christian fundamentalist who's insecure because she's never even held someone's hands and wants her first kiss to be on her wedding day, but no guy wants her because of that and she feels lonely, but then that's what you want too and you marry each other and she wears dresses like pic related everyday and you have 6 kids and she will refuse to have sex even under the moon light because it's indecent so the room has to be pitch black always
Why even live
Dont worry user you will find one for sure just remember not to be horrible to her
>That's between me and God
>Immediately tells us
Weed for sure.
Nothing I am happy with life right now, studying the Bible lifting and reading comics.
Unfortunately I am not religious, probably incapable of being so, but still there is a lot to learn about Christianity and I think that in order to understand western civilization and the historical roots of the rights of man you have to start with the bible.
jerkin it and cursing, I try to cut back on my swearing cause its honestly one of the most degenerate things you can do
fucking disgusting
>I want to see Christ-chan penetrated and creampied by a mighty BBC, impregnation included. She would be forced to give birth, because God said not to abort.
Its not a sin to have fetish with pregnancy, assuming its real and not movie props pregnancy
a fucking leaf
>Being fat
>Not enough
Feels bad man, but I can only be hungry for so long before I crack.
read the whole30 book and you'll get why you're hungry.
The internet. I've come to terms with how addictive it can be; I fill my head up with all this info and get a sort of false-positive of productivity; meanwhile I'm not actually doing anything to further my art or make money.
I have regular fantasies to have a bi-sexual threesome with two nazi commandants
I join local church groups just for pussy, convince them i'm a lovely guy then once i've taken their V card I leave for a new church
i've been doing this for 2 years now
You have to start lifting and doing cardio, man. It will make it easier because when you put the work in you don't want to ruin it by eating garbage.
Do you do your own shopping? If so only stock your house with proper lean food. No snacks, something that takes a little effort to make so you cannot just eat it all day.
You can do this breh.
Too much porn and also sometimes wanting to be feminine. Although, most of the time I do work out to get gains but this shithole of a website has brainwashed me with traps.
Being liberal.
Browsing pol
>I'm fat
I'm popular, funny, people love me, I get hot pussy.. But I'm fat. Used to be 300 lbs now I'm down to 220. 40 more to go. I just want it to be easier to get pussy cause when you're fat and shallow it takes some work.
I'm against technology I think it's a waste of time, I've got my iPad because I like to do research on the bible, learn about history, and do research on products made in the British Commonwealth and the USA, my goal is to replace everything I have in my home with something made in the Anglosphere, I recently got a pair of Allen Edmonds, great shoes
Empathetic to a fault. I wish I was a psychopath honestly, or at least a little autistic. Being so easily swayed by emotions is faggy as fuck and useless.
It's a sin when it's interracial impregnation, especially out of wedlock, as implied.
Masturbating to REALLY weird transformation art. At this point I don't even just look at females transforming, anything that tickles that fancy will work.
That and weed.
I am making no attempt to fix either because they are not actually destructive to my life in the slightest.
I smoke. I hope it just deprives me from my diaper wearing whhrlchair bound nursing home years.
You probably have a porn issue rather than a masturbation issue. Quit porn and you will notice your desire to masturbate will taper off. In short keep spanking it with your imagination and you will eventually stop masturbating a lot. However don't bottle up your sexual desire that's not good either. Eventually you'll get wet dreams if you did everything right, hope this helps user.
Right now I'm firing on all cylinders considering my vices.
3 times a week I eat upwards of 100mg of speed and 500mg of MDMA then jack off for 12 to 20 hours straight smoking weed occasionally to vasodilate. It's becoming exhausting after 2 months. My last session neared 24 hours and I've had DOMs in my calves and pelvis for two days because of all the clenching. My prostate is also the size of a golf ball because I'm tantric about my release, normally reaching orgasm only once per session.
Browsing Sup Forums, this board is the most degenerate one on the internet. I've known a few unironic poltards IRL, they were bitter socially awkward losers as a whole.
Gluttony and alcoholism. Doing nothing to fix either one.
Wanting to get fucked by dick. I like literally nothing else in men but I'm a huge faggot for cock.
I'm doing my best to cut myself out of porn and find myself a gf.
Gula is a sin , but what i did was eat a shit ton of low calory waffles they will keep you stuffed , and if you drink soda replace it with carbonated water if you want that nice feel of carbon in your throat
Hey we all have our crosses to bear. I've been trying to cut it for months now but. It's something you get off gradually like smoking. I'm slowly making progress.
I've been RPing out this one mind break story for awhile now and I just got to finish it. About to get to the point where the wolf has a 3way with mom+daughter. I mean can't argue with a boner like that!
What are you
Since I started lifting about a year ago my sex drive has gone through the roof. I would go crazy without a fap.
2 step process to not being fat:
1: Be hungry.
2: don't eat.
Pretty soon you won't be fat. Thermodynamics.
It wont. Im having trouble quiting tobacco, raised with it. All my family members who smoke, none of em got cancer.
They got the other diseases. Copd, emphysema, heart disease, rotting gums and teeth, that disease where circulation in your legs isnt good and you get blood clots, etc.
You rot from the inside, cigarettes will put you in assist living quicker than shit.
I've got a fetish that I frequently masturbate to. However, I find that the less I masturbate to it, the less I want it and the less I think of it, so that should give me a good motivation to quit.
Im straight but want dick in my ass all the time, men don't turn me on at all just smooth cock on my g spot. im hard bye
Just but a realistic dildo
A degenerate. But this is nothing new. Cold turkey is the only way to stop and the necessity is starting to rear its terrifying head.
I chew tobacco. I used to smoke but it was fucking up my running.
I'm not a degernate chr*stian so that's a start in the right direction.
This gets my dick so fucking hard. Stopped jerking off for a few weeks now.
Laziness which is ironic because my tech schoolrequires basically every ounce of energy I have and somehow I'm about to graduate thanks to my inherent skill to learn foreign languages
I'm pretty sure that'll only further my problems- I've already fucked myself with cucumbers and other vegetables and I hate myself for it because I even manage to cum without touching my dick.
I think I've fallen in love with a man
It's a common problem among males and females a like.
We need to ban pornography, user.
And according to 1 Timothy 2:1-7, I don't need a priest for confession.
"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles."
Go ahead and fap user just don't use porn or anything like it to get off. Men get hooked on the novelty of porn because you have constant and different stimuli hitting you. Like I said fap if you need to just no porn or anything, if everything goes right you eventually taper off and you might get wet dreams not everyone does unfortunately. Also congrats user on lifting !
My degenerate trait is that I make Christian Loli-porn to attract sick people on chans... OH WAIT, that's you.
same senpai cranking one out before i go to bed is a nasty habit
The fact that you think it's porn says a lot about you.
Marrying and becoming pregnant with someone my own age.
Until your far enough into nodal that you're so fucking horny and wanting to jerk it so you go look up some fucked up gifs to try and get rid of the urge but it's too strong so you fap to fucked up gifs and cum super hard giving birth to a new fetish....
angelina white?
>implying you would need fucked up shit to jack off to when the nofap becomes too much to bear rather than needing fucked up shit to jack off to because you've consumed so much porn in a short span of time that the usual stuff doesn't do the trick
I'm 6'4" with a 9 inch cock. It gets me way too many blowjobs from random chicks, which is degenerate. I keep telling myself I'll stop but I always crave when 10/10 chicks drop to their knees and beg to suck me off and swallow, commitment-free.
>that pic
I want one.
Thanks man, I have been lifting for some time now and it is ever since I switched to 5 days a week that I literally want to fuck everything. Every man should lift it makes you virile and dominant.
I pick my nose and drink a lot of beer. That's just who I am
Profanity and lust are my biggest issues. I've been trying to be a better Christian but lately it seems that I'm falling down quite a bit. I have to keep trying.
My vices are poker, alcohol, and masturbation (rarely with porn).
Poker is not technically gambling since when played correctly against it has a positive expected value (unlike say blackjack where the expected value is always negative). But im not sure God would see it that way.
Alcohol depending on the occasion is a means of overcoming my autism at social functions but sometimes I just enjoy a scotch from a good batch.
Masturbate 7 times a week and haven't figured out how to beat it.
This is exactly what i want, its the kind of woman my mother was.
I'm too broken tho. I'm sorry Mom.
I was eating WAY too much crappy food. I am not fat at all but recently found my bloodpressure is though the roof. So I have been forced to eat healthy, I don't mind it at all. After a week I now fel a million times better overall. My energy levels are up and I am sleeping better at night.
Porn addicts need sicker and sicker fetishes in order to get off.
If you look at Sodom and Gomorrah - a group gathers outsides Lots house.
>likely homosexuals among other freaks
The group seeks to rape the two angels who took refuge in Lot's home.
If they can destroy something pure for their own sick lusts - they will.