just give European Union to us
Just give European Union to us
Just stop polack bro. This makes you sound like a little pussy who has a small dick. The EU is German controlled because they are smarter, better, and more influential than you. I just left a giant mudstain on my toilet bowl go and clean it now chop chop
>The EU is German controlled because they are smarter, better, and more influential than you.
Nah. It's because they blow goats for $$$.
>was democratic
no, it was aristocratic. Even today we don't have democracy because we have shit ton of undemocratic institutions like courts, media, companies, schools, universities
>tolerated every kind of faith
not so much, people back then took religion very seriously
>was polish dominated
and then polacks destroyed it
cringe, you want an agricultural, aristocratic state to be a template for anything now?
>that low-energy shit posting
the EU is taking poland to legal court for not taking in refugees
safest country because all your criminals leave for other countries.
also, you're still going to court. You WILL start accepting refugees
>Nah. It's because they blow goats for $$$.
Sounds like the dream.
>the leaders were elected
Vivente rege, calling it "election" is just dumb
>was democratic
Like said, it was aristocratic. There was little democracy involved, since the only people with voting power were the szlachta manchildren, which makes it oligarchic at best.
>tolerated every kind of belief
Maybe, but that's not the kind of argument to convince Sup Forums with?
>was Polish dominated
Pic unrelated I suppose? Because the 1st Republic was undoubtedly under the foreign powers rule, such as Russia. The only sector that truly was Polish dominated was the agricultural one, middle class were irrelevant back then.
>had Sobieski as king
>>muh kebap remoover we wuz kangz rembemer 1683
>was glorious and loved
>had husaria
>>muh kebap remoov etc etc
tl;dr OP overdosed on Sabaton
>(((tolerated every kind of faith and belief)))
Friendly reminder that Poland was the first country to give equal rights to the Jews. Poles are subhuman filth, and God punished them rightly for the dirty Catholics they are.
>safest country because all your criminals leave for other countries
sucks to be you then
>also, you're still going to court. You WILL start accepting refugees
good joke m8
Why do you Poles keep aspiring to a future that will never come? Your shitty country peaked a few centuries ago get over it.
your president is already scared and mentioned they'll start thinking about taking in refugees that are verified.
have fun. i bet polish women love brown cock like the diaspora does.
> Was Polish dominated
Burn it with fire.
Where can I buy our commonwealth flag? Pls help.
>"rzeczpospolita obojga narodów flaga"
Szukałem i chuja znalazłem
If Poland is forced to take rapefugees,Hungary will supply the pigs to bury them with.
O to chodziło jak rozumiem?
nauczyles sie uzywac google.
congrats you dumb polak
>This makes you sound like a little pussy who has a small dick.
Vocabulary of a ten year old. This is low tier, even for a shitpost. Shame on you.
That was quite rude and uncalled for 2bh
First, post worst post
>tl;dr OP overdosed on Sabaton
He was talking the same shit in 2015... It sounds good, not much else.
I, for one, welcome our new polan overlords
Sounds good. We'll stay out.
Nah, just destroy the EU.
EU only means do what the cucks of france and germany requires or they are going to be mad with you.
That cucked politacally correct western countries are the cancer of Europe.