Light Eyes

If you are not from one of the blue countries, you are nigger.

guess im a nigger then.

>people living in the arctic circle are niggers


What if you live in a light blue country but have dark eyes?

>t.Scot with brown eyes


>Northern France is blue at 48
>Slovenia is brown 50
Your map was made by a nigger kek.

>Varg fans unironically believe this

FAir enough

>Europe is superior! Look at all its achievements (+/- 70% from mediterranean countries)

What do nordcucks mean by this?

im from one of the 10-25% places

What did he mean by this?


Good idea, but you should only BLACKEN the capitals and major cities at this point.

>all my ancestors are from blue countries
>have brown eyes

Life is suffering.

>even my ID is blue


So it's settled that Northern Italians aren't white. But if Italy has the highest IQ in Europe even with the south dragging them down then Northern Italian IQ must be astronomical. How can non-Whites have by far the highest IQ in Europe?

Unless they're like, really dark brown, you're still white.

I'm in one of the brownies, have blue eyes, bite me.

That doesn't even make sense.

That's Crimea, majority russian population.

Most of my southern italian ancestors had blue/grey/green eyes

They aren't dark (pupil and iris are distinctly different colors). Plus, my mom has blue eyes, so I at least have a chance of producing blue-eyed offspring.

my country is on there but it's both colors

Light to normal brown is a legitimate eye color among whites, don't let the Varg followers trick you.


If you are not from one of the completely light blue countries, you are nigger.

me on the top row, second from the left

For now

I used to have light eyes and blonde hair when I was a kid, now I have brown hair and hazel eyes, people tell me some days my eyes are yellow
wtf am i
did jews put something in my water?

>measuring race by eye color

The weather determines your eyecolor, people who live in the north usually have blue eyes and pale skin since their countries have fewer sunny days thus their skin tones and eye tones need less adaptation
people who live in the south have darker skin and darker eyes since they adapted to more sunny days during the year

im from the light blue are but my eyes are brown >:'((((((

Same, which is weird because my mother is a pure blooded German.

these are formerly pontic / greek territories which weren't subjected to the same muslim rapegangs as the rest of greece

>0% ashkenazi


Cool hair, my man.

Are Jesus's eyes in the passion of the Christ even possible?
They are not Jim Caviezel's natural eyes and Mel changed them to make him appear more middle easterner apparently, but still.

I have light brown eyes and they shine quite nicely in the sun, but it's nowhere near pic related.

why have i seen stuff that says ireland and spain are extremely closely related through basque genes or something

it's actually true. something about catholicism and the fact that spain had an irish PM or something


The colors only got reversed recently, hence the confusion. Germany is so dark now it causes an event horizon from which not even light can escape.

Blue eyes = cradle of degeneracy
Brown eyes = cradle of civilization
This map really proves the snow nigger meme to be correct.

did a DNA test

I'm 55% British, then Italian and Turkish and some genetic noise from west asia

55% is a passing grade yeah?

photo shopping is easy.