How come SJWs are quick to condemn Christians and Christianity but defend Islam no matter what?
How come SJWs are quick to condemn Christians and Christianity but defend Islam no matter what?
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"The grass is always greener on the other side"
Because they're fucking retarded.
It's weird. Even if Muslims are against homosexuality and THATS the topic (talking about a reddit thread here) they fucking pull Christianity out of nowhere and compare the two
>its a "when you're clean shaved you look like a total freak" episode
why do you think nature gave us beards ? so that even with ugly facial features you still stand a chance
Christians aren't the type to blow you up if you criticize them so it's just easier
Because Social Jew Warriors have an aversion to all that is good and a fetish for all that is evil.
>that guy on the top left
>chest is smaller than midsection and/or waist
>even after getting ripped
That must suck
t. chinlet. No wonder all French girls fuck foreigners lmao
Because they are the human equivalent of aids. They lower the immune system of a society making it easier for foreign bodies to destroy society from within.
Because they know what they have chosen to be is completely antithetical to Christ and his true teachings, so they must align themselves with the enemy, the adversary, the Antichrist.
Same as you guys, they are dumb, aimless, contrarian rebels.
How does that disprove my point ? that's exactly what I said
If you're unfortunate enough to have a weak chin then you must help yourself by growing a beard
All those people would instantly gain 2 points by growing decent beards
Shower pic guy is the saddest, he's shredded as fuck but still looks like a huge dork; and seriously took a weird pic of himself flexing in the shower like a social incompetent.
Simply because Islam is NOT Christianity. Anything opposed to traditional Western values/culture is demonized. (((Postmodern))) education systems tell kids everything wrong with the west is due to Christianity, etc. The left ignores the far worse sins and shortcomings of Islam because they're a useful ally in tearing down what remains of the Christian tradition - and thus the Western tradition.
The dude in your picture is on steriods, and you can tell by his premature hairloss.
Poor fucker, he'll be entirely bald by 36
>How come SJWs are quick to condemn Christians and Christianity but defend Islam no matter what?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
To them, Christianity is synonymous with the White patriarchy.
Islam gets a pass because most of it's followers are nonWhite, and thus, "oppressed."
They also realize that White men with traditional values generally dislike (or outright hate) Muslims. So it's also "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" point of view with leftists.
>bald by 36
What? I thought it was only a problem when you are like 19-25. Who gives a fuck if you are hairless by 36. By then you hopefully already got a waifu user, I'm sorry
>implying anyone can just grow a good beard
A lot of really ugly faces come from a lack of testosterone during development. Look again at the guys in OP and tell me you really think most of them have the genes and hormones for a good beard
They hate white men
>t. hairlet
Don't fool yourself, you know exactly why. Christians are mostly white.
because Christianity is part of the "power structure" of the west while Muslims being a minority in the west are considered part of the "oppressed" category
(you have to keep in mind that SJWs are very narrow minded and only classify the people of the world based on their position in the power structure of the west because that's what they see therefore that's what shapes their perspectives, the Muslims in the rest of the world are irrelevant in their classification system)
the mentality of SJWs is ironically built on the Christian values of helping those who are in need and vilifying those who perform well
>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
essentially, to be a "saint" in the modern world, is to give away all of your possessions to those who have less than you. If you perform well and keep it for yourself,you're the devil and you won't enter heaven.
This is the foundation of the morality of the westerners in general, and this is what SJWs try to reflect, they try to feel self righteous and morally superior by attacking those who have (Christians being part of that group from their short sighted perspectives) and defending those who don't have (the poor Muslims who flee oppression just to be oppressed here)
You need to ask yourself who created them. You think all the conspiracy talk is just memes and crazies? Well bud then you got some research and critical thinking to do.
Who founded the Frankfurt School? Who are the Sabbatean-Frankists? What is Critical Theory? What are Saul Alinsky´s rules for radicals? What belief system would be so horrendously anti-christian? Did the (((Catholic))) knights templar cooperate with islamic Assassin-secret society? Why is Mystery Babylon so intent on a New World Order?
Ask some questions with some depth, your OP question is shit. They are anti-christianity because they are servants of something VERY alike to satanists but at least Communists & Atheists. Aka Bolsheviks. Aka ....
>your OP question is shit
Fuck you you piece of shit
Because SJW's want to be Killed by Islam & its the only way to "defeat the White Patriarchy".
You already know the answer to that question.
wew lad gonna save that image for later
Good job not reading the actual answer to your question. They are controlled and influenced by what you could call satanic influences. But more "worldly" speaking Communistic, atheistic and bolshevik influences.
How do you not know this unless this is your first day on Sup Forums? It must be because being sensitive and ignoring answers = waste of fucking time.
I'm 60% Indio I can't grow a beard
Because their mind has been completely corrupted.
They have been demoralized, a complete inversion of values, hate for the west, rush to the victim pyramid. No amount of fact will change their mind.
Because destroying and killing christians and christianity IS THEIR END GAME
They promote every religion but Christianity. This is the beginning of crusades against Christians. Don't like it? Kill George Soros
islam isn't white
anything not white = good
even if it does condone the slaughter of everyone with the mental disorders they love so much
Evan Sayett has some really good videos on this. He´s a jew so he´s not entirely truthful about WHY exactly they are brainwashed, but he is very clear and wise as to HOW the brainwashing operates and the sad sick effects it has on their attitudes and mindsets.
Made me feel a little bit bad for them, this never happens.
SJWs are pretty much political hipsters, meaning they will support something that a lot of people don't care or want. So when something becomes the norm like gay whites, they are cast to the side for something else (in this case, transgenders)
because they are oikophobes; they have an irrational hate or even fear of anything familiar or non-exotic.
research it.
Because the vast majority of Muslims aren't white. They love POC because white male = new jew.
How easy is it for a male butterface to get laid?
Moral superiority.
Because it's cool to do that now, it inflates their ego when they make their views on it public and they like the attention it gives them.
They don't really care, it's all an ego/attention thing.
Honestly, I do envy the bodies, but those faces man. What the hell? I mean I'm no George Clooney, but they definitely hit a few limbs of the ugly tree on the way down
A key component to leftism is that failure is good and success is evil. If you view everything the left does and talks about with this in mind it all starts to make sense
Jordan Peterson knows: because SJWs want to destroy the patriarchy, which consists of white male Christians. That's why.
still beats a flabby gut, i guess.
unless you're into flab
They're edgy contrarians. It's hip and cool to go against the flow, but fuck using reasoning for your descisions.
You could probably get away with #3 or #8 if you get the look right
Because it's not about right or wrong. It's not about objective standards. It's not about condemning a particular set of actions. It's about destroying Western civilization.
They would rather live under brutality and slavery than see white men prosper. This is how deep their hatred and indoctrination run.
Not hard if you have a smoking body. I think it's somewhat easier to be nu-male built with a cute face though. Face is most important.
Pic related. Scrawny, democrat, circumcised jew...all things that turn me off but he has a handsome face. I shamefully fapped to him already.
Most people can grow at least something, and all of them would benefit greatly from at least a goatee.
Jesus christ I hope you aren't a fag and just a woman, but that's probably pointless.
They hate the west. They are resentful losers who hate everything that is good in the world.
I wasn't talking about faggots, I was talking about normal people.
>Heh, sjws and Sup Forums are the same thing!
Fuck off
Cause christianity is europes romanu religion and they hate europeans.
Are you a white hispanic?
Brainwashing in the education system.