Tell me you wouldn't fuck this jew

Tell me you wouldn't fuck this jew.

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You misspelled cook


She's hideous, they both are.

Funny kikes though.

i refuse to have sex with yootoobers of any description.

She looks dead. Look at the black eye rings. Disgusting.

I would not fuck any Jew.

i wouldnt fuck that jew

whats with the fancy background? did they get a studio or something?

she looks like an arab guy I know

Is she really a cook?

I would not even touch that rat with your dick.

I've fucked a lot of "diverse" women, but the point is to not procreate. It's our primal instinct to spread our seed far and wide, far be it for me to try and deny it. But I can trick it by wrapping up.

A skellington

Have you ever heard her speak? I'm certain that's a man.

>implying you wouldn't

I just like that she seems shy (could be a jew cover)

maybe theres a shy jew out there for all of us

I wouldn't fuck that jew

shes just jewish

isnt that girl a trap?

I wouldnt fuck this jew


Kill yourself retard

Id fuck her ashes

>Tell me you wouldn't fuck this jew.

I wouldn't fuck this jew.

What did I win?

I would

They aren't Jewish nationalist by a long shot. Most of their videos have to do with making fun of retarded mainstream culture. I support H3H3 and what they do.

She looks retarded.

I wouldn't

stop perpetuating the holohoax myth

I probably would. Then discard her to her fatass stoner boyfriend.

I would give her herpes.

how low would your self-esteem need to be to fuck a chick this ugly?

this "nofap" anti-biological terrorist meme for fat teenagers must stop. she's fucking disgusting. i'd imagine my dick might get hard for this pic after three days of built-up poison, but that's an unprecedented situation because i clean the pipes daily, i am attractive, and i understand how sicken women are
what is this shit, seriously?