Faceless brothers

Help me I'm an atheist, I just recently came across this image called the Laminin cell. Why I'm concern is out of 36,000,000,000,000 cells in the human body there's Cross shape cell. No bull shit no larping it's a shape of a cross. Here's another spooky fact is Jesus said whoever decides to follow me must deny himself and pick up his cross. I'm freaking out man.


No, it's a cell that will forever be in you and me.
What I'm concerned about is Jesus could actually be God. It's like gravity if I drop my keys they will fall . This cell has and always willbe in humanity

You're a retard

I'm assuming your saying that about yourself since you didn't tag anyone.

What's wrong with that?

What a fucking fag you christcucks are, the fact that you have to LARP as an atheist is pathetic

OMG! Like, I was walking through the forest and these two tree limbs fell and... formed the shape of a cross!


I am no longer an Atheist.

We all have the same model?

Glad you found the light, brother

What is the title referring to?

Uhh... It's a protein, burger education meme is truly true I guess. What about this one then?

Take this shit to /x/


Your statement has no logic to it. Gravity is here for eternity, my analogy was to explain the similarities.

No larping genuine concern

user are you autistic? It's a laminin protein cell.

>Cross shape cell
And my penis is perfectly shaped for your hand to grab it, it must be God's will!

Looks like a seahorse trying to give me a hug. If a squiggly misshapen lowercase t pattern is enough to make you believe in jesus, I think it's pretty dubious that you're an atheist as it's likely something else vaguely cross shaped would have turned you into a believer before this random image did.

In other words, you aren't fooling anyone you dumb christfag.

Then user tell me why does it exist? I know that question is very difficult. But if you have a valid answer please inform me.

Here's a diagram of the cell.

>Laminin cell

I see Arby's Curly fries, doc

>ease of entry

checks out

Oh wow getting upset over grammatical errors. user you need a life check.

Oh wow holy shit!! Something cross shaped! JESUS IS FUCKING REAL!!

Wow now that I think about it, the human body itself is cross shaped!! I can hold my arms RIGHT OUT! WHAT THE FUCK! JESUS WAS REAL ALL ALONG!!

>What's wrong with that????
Have you not read the Bible there is place dedicated to atheist like me. If it's true.

Can you explain to me with out patronizing with stupid autistic childish jokes why and how was this created. If your capable please enlighten me.

>grammatical errors
>Being (or at least larping as) a christcuck
>Some user needs a life check by pointing out protein != cell

What did christcucks mean by this?

Hitler moved to Argentine because there is a molecule that looks like Natszee enzignia :DDD

The diagram doesn't look any where near a nazi symbol.

Laminin does'nt look anywhere near as a christcuck ensignia :^)

I can't take you seriously, so no. I'm just going to keep mocking you for claiming that you're an atheist that was convinced by religious doctrine because something in the human body is vaguely cross shaped.

You are a christcuck larper. Every single person in this thread could smell it out a mile away. Just fuck off.

Only a fedora could write a post autistic.

Really this is vague?

They should have called the "cell" for Larpinin instead, for the bantz.

Underrated since of humor. Laminin protein is what holds us together.

it also collapses into a mushy mess if you try to shove it up your ass


You aren't making any sense. You having a stroke?

Thanks for carrying user. I'm fine it was Stockholm syndrome.

>Surely, there could be no other explanation

You should probably leave Sup Forums bro, this place isn't safe for a mind as weak as yours

Thanks user, but I thought I was here forever

Thank you user, I was just about to take bunch of drugs, listen some black and anally masturbate with a chainsaw, but now I see the light! Get your head out off your ass, you stupid fucking cunt.


Im glad you found Christ.

>talks about Jesus and yet still believes in gravity

Diocletian was right. Christians should be tortured for luls.

thats density not the made up unmeasureable theory of gravity

and I would be more worried about pic related as proof of a creator than some stupid microscopic bullshit

its what changed me from being an atheist of 30+years

This user gets it.