Before you say, "hurr durr ops a nigger", no, im not. This cop shot a man with a concealed carry licence and the cop walked on all charges. When are we going to execute these faggots.
Btw im a full blooded trump supporter, go fuck yourself normies.
When are we going to round up american cops and execute them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why american cops act all twitchy and nervious all the fucking time ? shouldn't they be first ones to maintain calmness and try to defuse the situation ?
I don't care. Fuck niggers. He did us a service.
>Why american cops act all twitchy and nervious all the fucking time ?
Try living next to nigger every day of your life like they are and then speak desu.
>being relaxed around blacks
That isn't a very good idea user.
Kids, this is why you do what a police officer says when he tells you to do something, instead of doing something fucking stupid like reaching into your pocket or ignoring the officer.
Cop was in the right
Because they are little girls who carry a gun. We have this thing in america called political correctness. Rednecks come into the police hiring event and they say " im a little girl and i like to play with my vagina", and because america cant be seen as being sexist, we give these little girls a gun and a badge. None of these murderer-cops are men.
A real man knows that taking a persons life should always be the very last resort. In the video (where ops picture is from) the cop just spazzed out and shot the guy for no reason. Its fucked up.
All you cop lovers are faggots whos homosexuality literally has no bounds.
If i made a clay recreation of your fathers asshole you would cum in your pants before you even had a chance to whip your dick out to stick it in. Faggot doesnt even describe you... there needs to be a word that transcends language to accurately describe your level of faggotry.
He didnt, you fucking homosexual.
Their training involves them watching and studying a ton of videos where people acting perfectly normal just blast the cop when he drops his guard.
I think the officer should have been charged desu. They just charged him with the wrong shit. He fucked up and deserves jail time.
>Tell police you are armed and licensed to carry
>Gets shot
We need to make cops more accountable for their actions. Only then will the black community be completely unfucking broken. Who gives a fuck if the cop was in the right or wrong. No one's interested in that deadboon.
he doesnt actually have a concealed carry licence. the cop told him to not reach for anything and he stupidly thought he could go after his gun or wallet with the cop pointing a gun at him. you should be smart enough to not do fucking shit when a cop has a gun pointed at you.
Does the video show that these cops deserved it? Does the video show that these cops deserve it, BECAUSE FOR EVERY FAGGOT COP THAT A CIVILIAN KILLS, COPS KILL 100 (ONE HUNDRED) MOTHERFUCKING CIVILIANS?
So if I end moving to USA and get a gun I might get shot just because I told the cop I had a gun and didnt follow the right procedure.
I'm not defending basketball americans, it's just that american cops these days are extremely scared of any confrontation so their first response is withdrawing and shooting the entire magazine.
>Cop says "Don't reach for gun" two times
>Idiot reaches for gun
What did you expect to happen? a hug?
The cop didn't really point the gun until he started shooting. He also handed him back his ID and insurance right before he freaked out and shot the guy. The dude probably instinctively went to put it away. Also the calm nature of him telling the cop he had a firearm should have told the officer that it wasn't necessarily a dangerous situation, but to still proceed with caution. The situation was a mess, but the officer was just as dumb as the victim. Maybe. Can't even see what the victim did. You just hear him cry out that he wasn't reaching for anything
>there needs to be a word that transcends language to accurately describe your level of faggotry.
There is. It's Liberal.
>Their training involves them watching and studying a ton of videos where people acting perfectly normal just blast the cop when he drops his guard.
You constantly train cops to be trigger happy fucks who think everyone's trying to kill them but AT THE SAME TIME want to stress it's really rather rare that these things happen and that the public blows it out of proportion?
Take a step back and ponder which side of this you fucked up on. If the altercations are rare and most cops will never see a firefight stop training them to be extras in a western movie.
i dont know are you a nigger
who gives a fuck about niggers either, by your logic?
Have you seen the video where a fat fuck police officer shoots a WHITE guy leaving his car just because he thought the wallet was a fucking gun ?
It doesnt matter if you are black or white, they will shoot your ass because they scared of confrontation.
I like how you post that shit but no link to the actual video
whites can be niggers too you racist
get back to the_donald
>dumb Somalisotan nigger puts gun and wallet in lap
>shuffles around with gun and wallet in full view
>high on a fat blunt and ignores officer's instructions to quit fidgeting around on his lap
>idiot rookie minority cop shoots him
dare I say poetic?
Nancy pelosi loves cops you shit eating liberal
Nope. Almost tho!
"Don't pull it out" - Cop
"I gotta pull it out" -Dumb nigger
"Don't pull it out!!!!" - Cop being forceful
*continues to disobey lawful orders and gets shot for being a dumb nigger*
The world is a better place.
>Cop: Let me see your ID
>Castile: I want to let you know I have a gun.
>*Reaches for ID while saying this*
While it's fucked up that he got shot, he shouldn't have told the cop he had a gun as he was reaching into his pocket, if I was a cop and I the person I had just pulled over said that they had a gun as they were reaching into their pocket I would have probably shot them.
>thinks I'm a Liberal
Calm down, user.
He had already handed the cop his Id. The cop handed it back and shot him
i couldnt see from the DASHCAM if he was reaching or not. was you there?
hey niggers, i know its hard listening to whitey when he tells you something, because your insecure retarded children who constantly try to act tough, but if a cop tells you to stop moving, do it or you are going to die and no one is going to fucking care,
Really you are just going to attack instead of retreating and have the guy step out of the vehicle. This cop should be strung up in the streets if this story is true.
looks like you had a good beating from a cop you marijuana smoking faggot
Without this incident I would of never known that indigenous nigs own the Mississippi river.
good example of why cops should have bodycams.
does the sound come through their radio when they're recording from a dashcam?
because you dont have many niggers where you're at fag boy. I live in a town full of niggers, multiple times I think of conceal carrying. Experience living and being around them first, then speak. Easy for you to say that shit until you are actually in that situation.
you dont know how cops being shot works. thats exactly how you get shot. you drop your guard. then you casually get shot by a calm collected murderer. I'm not going to defend them because they kill many innocent people but without better evidence you cant do shit here.
>Full blown trump supporter
>Doesn't realize Don is pro police state
Come the fuck on bro, think.
you keep saying you like citizens are responsible for the way cops are trained.
If you notice its never a white or Asian that gets blasted like this.
> be criminal
> go out of your way to tell cop you have a gun
> proceed to try to shoot
Do you think he would have told the cop about the gun if he really wanted to kill him ?
Let's take democrat's advice
>Be cop
>Hear "officer I have a gun in the car".
>"Don't reach for it."
>Guy still reaches for something, can't see what .
>It's a gun pointed at you.
>You never got to say goodbye to your family.
That's what you're supposed to do.
To put it bluntly it's like you're driving through a green light and a cop randomly t bones you.
Cop was in the wrong.
But what they're doing works really well. There are few actually unjustified times that cops kill people here. Most are perfectly justified but you don't follow close enough to know the facts to figure out that all the outrage was just from the people who think the cops are always wrong. We don't have an epidemic of police officers just randomly and unjustly shooting people, we just have people who hate cops who make a lot of noise.
check this fucking video
>Btw im a full blooded trump supporter, go fuck yourself normies.
>When are we going to round up american cops and execute them?
This post is ass cancer
Your supposed inform the cop if your carrying any weapons and ask how you would like to proceed.
cop lovers are inferior.
If you all were good at math, you wouldnt love cops, but then again, you wouldnt be inferior, which means you wouldnt be you...
But you are you,
You do love cops,
And you are inferior.
He didn't have a concealed carry license, he was carrying illegally.
Also he kept reaching for the firearm after the cop told him to stop.
Justifiably dusted.
hey leddit who will protect you from the chimps they hate white people you think siding with them makes a difference.
Show me a video where a person calmly explains they have a firearm to a cop and then shoots them. I understand always having your guard up, but the cop went nuts. He unloaded multiple shots into someone who didn't have a weapon in their hand. The officer could have shot him once and kept him alive potentially. Instead he got trigger happy.
Has license to carry but is too stupid to realize you shouldn't reach for anything after saying you have a gun without telling the officer explicitly where and what you need to reach for and wait for his response so he doesn't
freak out and shoot you.
id rather have killer american cops thab cuck brit peace officers with billy clubs
>shot a man with a concealed carry licence
who wouldn't stop trying to draw his gun even when told repeatedly not to
sage this shit bait
because niggers kill cops
You mean terrified.
Little girls are terrified, not scared...
This. OP is a shill at best
I don't care about dead niggers
Especially criminal ones
I'm just mad that the Nra does and says nothing like usual.
Gotta love the Spanish flag formed in that picture.
Cop did nothing wrong. One less criminal degenerate nigger in the world. It's just too bad he didn't smoke everyone else in the car. OP is a nigger :^)
Theyre allowing the cops to go free to stir up the masses and make some riots happen so they can use all their nice riot equipment n fill up more prisons.
The nigger lied on his permit to carry application
The nigger was high on pot at the time of carrying a firearm
I'm glad the NRA is staying away from this porch monkey
>you are inferior
>your math is inferior
>you are inferior
this level of insecurity and projection
wew lad
ok so what point are you trying to prove? Do you want every cop now to be completely calm and go "oh yeah sure go ahead suspicious stranger reach into your pocket, lift up your shirt and I'll wait" no, cops are always targeted and it's a dangerous as fuck job. fuck off pussy.
Pigs like you, your meat tastes like shit, but its worth it when you get a thank you card from your parents saying "thanks for the delicious pork chops, they were delicious". Little do they know how porky those porkchops really are!
well not a good example because you wanted a very specific thing but you get the idea.
enough of these shitposts, mods do your fucking job. Cop is innocent because a judge said so, kys op niggershit. I fap to this movie.
Careful with that edge summerfag.
>I'm not a nigger
Nigger please, you think you'll get away with every crime?
Is there a way to shut off these "suggested video" things that pop up towards the end of each video now? it's really annoying.
>American cops
Kill the cops in Sussex UK more like. American cops are based on niggers and don't take shit from mudslimes or censor free speech.
And when did this guy explain he had that firearm? I must have missed it. Along with the complying and addressing the cop calmly that philando did
Sylville dindu nuffin, he a gud boi!!!!
you have to watch the video
So much edge itt. Time to use my Obamacare to get an ER doc to stitch up all these cuts.
see like I said I'm not going to defend them because they are fucking killing everyone.
>im a full blooded trump supporter
>go fuck yourself normies
Supporting Trump makes you a non-normie apparently
I bet you also praise kek right?
HE SAID "I'm NOT pulling it out"
Are all of you fucks deaf or are you lying on purpose? I even went so far as to enhance the audio and audacity; its pretty fucking obvious
Kek how many butthurt cops browse Sup Forums.
I did. I saw a man get out of his car and start firing before exchanging any words with the cop.
Full trump supporters are libertarian, just like donald wishes he could be. Donald knew he had to sell himself to that faggots who listen to that country song about worshipping the law.
Trump is too smart to truly believe in a faggot police state.
And your too dumb to realize that.
You probly thing gw bush was stupid, and you are too dumb to fealize that gw sold himself to the inferior masses as an average iq everyman to get elected.
Go eat some more feces, inferiorboy :)
If you get pulled over, keep your hands on your wheel, it's really not that hard to do.
>person tries to pull a gun on a cop
>gets shot as a result
Where is the problem?
Im a bigger trump supporter than you.
To be an mvp supporter you have to be mvp tier,
And you my friend are about as mvp as kathy griffins decapitated vagina.
We need to make blacks accountable for their actions. Only then will the black community be completely unfucking broken.
>niggers kill cops
You say this as if its not the greatest thing ever...
can confirm. I live in a neighborhood that is about 50% black even those are middle class blacks for the most part. I see chimping out at least twice a week. Makes for great viewing, but I worry about all the white retirees who are stuck here now.
>cops kill niggers
you say this as if its not the greatest thing ever...