Nevermind the Besties are developing ICBMs and nukes, and that the US has been protecting their kimchee asses for nearly 70 years. Nope, let's give Best Korea legitimacy and throw peace doves to the sky. Is it time to just withdraw from the Korean peninsula?
Jesus Christ, Worst Korea can't resist fucking it all up
It's time to just get the war started and let Seoul die.
This is basically SK's 5d chess
1.Form Korean union
2.Seoul asks Peongyang to nuke Japan
They can do it without us. Fuck North Korea. And fuck South Korea's moon child President.
Fucking Southerners trying to force them to share the Olympics
who the fuck would go to N.Korea for the Olympics?
I was SHOCKED that hue monkeys were picked to host the Olympics and now this.
Its an inside joke to host the Olympics in the country you are about to invade.
>north korea kicks out the transgender athletes
why is this bad
give me one good reason you fucks
This is obviously a way to funnel money to the NK regime, it is desperate for funds in order so not to fall. And the globalists don't want a communist regime to fall.
The new southern government supports engagement with the north because they're not US lapdogs like Park's party. Too bad they have to be center-left to not be total globalist cucks.
Korea is one nation. The northern leadership only wants a few things things: a guarantee of a complete and total pardon in a peace and reconciliation agreement, a Korea-first social and economic policy, and all US military personnel off of the Korean peninsula. The North is amoral and cruel beyond comprehension, but they're also ethnonationalist, and redpilled on Judeo-American globalism.
Hopefully, Korea can combine the best elements of norther and southern political thought.
its not. its hilarious to me. I want to see how kimi and his brainwashed people react to viewing the real world.
>south korea makes a gesture north korea is extremely likely to reject
>south korea gains international respect for extending the olive branch so if north korea starts shit more people are likely to support them
>this is bad
All the outside exposure to the NK population would stir them up to revolt, not to mention the possibility of foreign agents entering the country in hte confusion to start something.Tf is Kim thinking
That would be an interesting side-effect. He'd have to move norks out of the area and only have the most loyal soldiers/government employees working it. Even then, that's exposing a lot.
They have lots of smuggled movies and such, actually. Everyone watches them. They get smuggled in from China
Kim spent his schooling years in Switzerland. He's been westernized
Still, gives enough time for Otto Warmbier's body to decompose for the Skeleton.
Otto Warmbeir
Why did western schools take him why? Why isn't this fucking school burned to the ground yet?
Fuck the Swiss, traitors throughout history through and through
From what I've heard the NK leadership lives like pashas. I think they'd rather continue being chinese lapdogs than do anything for the "Korean people."
Same reason European countries have embassies in NK, etc. No principles, everything is "pragmatic" to them EXCEPT when they advocate their personal brand of [whatever their political beliefs are].
that sounds dope, I'll watch it.
japs just can't catch a break
they gave him a fake name... said he was the son of some diplomat.
Not to say the mountain jews didnt know. I suppose they might have.
This is actually amazing foreign policy, what the fuck are you talking about?
They do, but I suggest doing some more reading on NK. They haven't been Chinese lapdogs since the '90s at the latest, and prior to that they were always playing China and the USSR against each other. It's easier to think they're stupid satraps rather than brilliant dictators, but if you diagnose the situation in correctly, all of your proposals will be wrong.
They want nothing more than to maintain power, and to make sure they're never toppled and put in front of an Anglo-Jewish tribunal.
The Korean conflict ends with the slow federalization, and economic integration of the Korea people on both side of the border. If it can be dragged out for a generation or two, by the time things normalize, and reunification is de facto if no de jure, maybe they can get away without prosecuting anyone, and just letting the conflict fade away.